TWS+, TWS ESA, ruined all top tier radars functionality

Since the ‘‘Hornet’s Sting’’ update, and the overhaul of basically every top tier radar, and the supposed ‘‘fix’’ to said radars, all this has done is make EVERY radar unusable in TWS mode and even TWS HDN. I have tried the f-15C, j11B, j11A/Su-27S, j10A, Mirage 2000 5f/ei, EF2000, f-15E, and gripen. All of their radars detect absolutely nothing except missiles, ghosts, or enemies who are moving at between 9km/s and 10.5km/s and wildly track until they are at the map border within 10 seconds, and when you do end up finding a real target after battling the radar, the radar memory, and the fact that all it wants to lock is missiles, you will most likely lock the enemy, or what was the enemy 2-3 seconds before as i have noticed it tracks a km or so behind the enemy, this hinders your missiles because it is being sent to the wrong area so when it goes pitbull all it sees is a ghost of the enemy. The memory of the radar doesn’t even erase when you turn your radar off and move it to a completely different area, and it loves to move back to a random missile or a random enemy whos moving at mach 10. I gathered photos for examples, and both show the target moving at insane speed, and i had about half a second to screenshot these before they went off the screen. Not to mention the Mirage 2000 5EI, the chinese version, whos tws cannot even spot enemies under 25km, even when they are visible in PD, but not visible in TWS or TWS HDN. Please for god sake fix the radars and never touch them again, half the time you’re down to hard locking in PD search, or your HMD, its hella frustrating, especially seeing the new radars of the Su-30 not having these issue most of the time.
su27 mach 9
su27 mach 10


What I find really interesting is the ghost contacts have NCTR.


yup, its like the radar knows it shouldn’t be seeing the aircraft like that but it does, maybe a shadow nerf by gaijin??


Nah… Just bad Spaghetti code.


Yeah I have been having this issue as well. It’s extremely annoying…

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welcome to our community!!!

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I’ve been experiencing it too, it’s driving me up the walls

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most top tier radars work fine
Typhoon’s radar is broken
make new “improved” TWS+ mode to fix EFT radar
force TWS+ on all top tiers
break all top tier mech radars
now none of the radars at top tier work

Wouldn’t be a War Thunder update if radars worked fine


No point in using TWS? Sticking to SRC PD for now

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i guess it is russian bias,
because the su27 didnt get TWS+ and dosent have that problem

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funny, hasnt been true for air besides mig15/17 for a while

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Top tier radars when new update:


warthunder schizophrenia update


War thunder is usually called bug thunder for the entire first month after a major update

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cant be…
you’re imagining things

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The Type 1493 is always looking for pennies on the ground too. If you lock and than unlock something it shifts down and only scans below the horizon.

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I’m honestly amazed. They find a way to nerf the F-14 every update but will ignore and deny its artificial issues all day long.


Not sure if it’s just top tier TWS+ that’s having issues. My previously trustworthy JA37C radar also seems to have taken a liking for the Phantom of the Opera MiG-15…


i dont think it does, but all radars are ghosting rn

yep this aswell. type 1943 feels the worst to use