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I mean you can just ignore them and greet the people with positive replies
Someone said “I like smiggly wiggly” in chat and it tilted you this much XD just turn chat off and save yourself!
This is by far the dumbest thing to even suggest, which is unfortunate as it’s a common suggestion in a team based game…
@GermanAncestry Just report them ingame if they’ve been abusive.
In game I just dont replay to anyone, if you troll I will not help you, simple as that.
On forum you just block them as I did to many people and then they get bored talking to themselves.
Really an easy solution
Chat gpt?
Feels a lot like it.
Thats what I do, I disable chat and wait for a loss, because those teams usually get smashed in two minutes.
Maybe your standards have lowered.
Perhaps your down with it, as your reply suggests… “This is by far the dumbest thing to even suggest”, as your communication skills are todays norm…no social couth.
Wow, to be honest, …Warthunder is a reflection of our society now. Enuff said, BTW, I see your name in posts a lot…LOL, maybe you feel guilty
Kind of has a certain ironic ring to it, id say.
I usually starts my conversation with: “I hadn’t seen no sunlight since 2015 bro”
It always leads to funny response, maybe y’all should try it.
Trolls are like flies around a piece of dog crap in the yard…watch them all flock to this topic.
Me? I provided you an alternative to getting angry at the toxic game chat…
Hmmm…and the topic is trolls, how ironic is that? Because we are discussing Trolls in Warthunder
Trolls do not really like this topic…because they love sarcasm and chaos.
No, I am just pointing out the direction this will go mate, Trolls are easy to predict
Isnt it unfortunate you have to turn off the disable the chat?..thats the point of this topic
By creating this you’re essentially giving them what they want, a topic to speak freely on and to bait comments and they’ll get satisfaction from it.
Trolls spamming radio in-game? Disable radio, Spamming chat? Ignore/blacklist them & report.
There’s plenty you can do to distance yourself from people who just play to annoy players.