Tornado needs a lower BR

Yep, for the WTD61 and the WTD61 alone, a possible solution could be to change the 9Ls to 9Gs and lower the BR, but to fix all 5 you need my original option 2. Finish the tornado.

nah leave it 11.0, give it Aim 9L(I) that at least would be historical

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I think the br changes to everything else may of fixed this issue

Mitigated a bit. Though in the WTD61s case, its also GRB related issues and a lack of guided bombs

still fights against F-16s, Mig 29s gets outrun by F4s to the base, its still crap

and that

for uk one true but germ tornado? it no way you will die before you drop the bomb

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BR 10.7 and no guiding bombs will be perfect. 11/11.3 is ridicules.