Tornado IDS WTD61

So, i bought the Tornado IDS, and i personally hate it that it somehow even is at 11.3. It’s playstyle is very strict, zoom to the nearest base in hope that there are no no other planes bombing and maybe natch a kill on the way, and after destroying a base (if you can), then either shoot at ground targets until someone comes and kills you, or zoom back to your airfield. At 11.3 this flying brick is absolute garbage!!! Does anyone else agree with me? No? Yes? Tell me what you guys think, or if you have good tactics i could use to boost my matches with this thing. But for now, this plane is not worth 70 EUROS!!!

It isn’t.
You can target ground units with 8 or 12 bombs + gun which grants more RP than one base.

Good luck staying alive long enough to collect enough ground targets to make ut worth it. One of the lroblems with air RB is that you’re forced go after a base quick and then either try to RTB or become a fighter aircraft. You can’t afford to loiter in the middle of the map and fo for ground targets.


You see here, your first mistake was buying it…


On paper, yes. Tornado IDS’s playstyle isn’t strict at the paper level.
If you can’t go for bases, then you also can aim for ground targets.

In reality, no. When you ever try to strafing ground targets in the middle of the warzone.
Then Tons of greedy MiG-23ML and F-4S will just spam tons of SARHs to your Tornado. right after finishing their base off with their napalm.

In the current ARB meta, Tornado IDS are unplayable jets.
MiG-21bis or MiG-23ML will beat you badly on both A2A and Base bombing.

They will reach the base faster than tornados with lightweight napalm.
They will perform better in dogfights because they are fighters. not attackers.

Yeah, just buy a 21bis Lazur or Su-22 WTD61 unless you are captivated by Panavia Tornado.
Both can access ZB-500 napalm which is lighter than 1000lb bombs with the capability of mounting 6x R-60M at maximum.

AIM-9L is way better than R-60M but 6 is usually better than 2 I think.
Also, Both have lower BR than Tornado IDS WTD

I pre-ordered Tornado WTD61 of mine, I like it
But not because of spec or playstyle.
I like it because the Pre-order camo was cool. and bought it as a ‘virtual figure kind of thing’.


The strategy here was not to buy it


You are absolutely right, BUT, i bought it here ( Gaijin.Net Store - Tornado IDS WTD 61 Pack ), there it had a decent rating in my opinion, and i watched this video Tornado IDS is Actually Good - War Thunder , BUT i didn’t realize, that it is a 7 month old video from times, when it was at 10.3, and i got mislead and didn’t realize, that it is somehow now at 11.3!! i think the Tornado IDS WTD61 should get a downtier, or a buff, because, right now this thing is not fun to play at all, and is a literal punishment to play.

it was, and it is 11.3 no matter 7 months ago and now, in ARB.
10.3BR is for GRB use only.

Well, Tornado IDS is still actually good. IN ATTACKER LEVEL

#1 rule of War Thunder [Fighter-Realistic] mode: don’t play attacker/bomber
Especially which can’t use napalm.
Gaijin just hates them.

You will get ass kicked badly by those ‘Multiroles’ (Smirk)

Yeah u should’ve bought the mig 21 lazur for Germany

Nothing in this game is worth 70 euros, but it’s “F2P”

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It always irks me when people come to the forum to complain about a purchase, because I firmly believe if they have done a purchase that turns out to not be fitting for their preference, they have not invested enough thought before…

So the questions I always ask myself before purchasing a vehicle is:

  1. Is that vehicle a must have for me because of emotional reasons?

  2. What do I know about that vehicle in Real Life? Do I know it, understand its role, its advantages and shortcomings (noting that they will have strong implications for gameplay…)?

  3. What will that vehicles role be in my preferred game mode? And will it be able to perform that role in “my” game mode?

  4. What enemy vehicles is it expected to face, and what does this mean for me (especially considering point 3)?

  5. What allied vehicles is it expected to operate side by side with, and what does this mean for me (especially considering point 3)?

  6. Have I tested out the vehicle extensively in test flight / test drive, taking special care to get a feeling for:

  • Am I comfortable with its handling?
  • Can I engage the targets apropriate for this vehicles role satisfactorily?
  • Am I comfortable with the features of the aircraft and how they are implemented (Radar, RWR, special equipment like TGP, swing wings, VTOL, …)
  1. Can and will I be using the vehicle frequently, e.g. specifically to grind a certain tree, to complete tasks and events, etc. and will it - considering the previous points - be suitable for this?

In my observation players complaining about vehicles they purchased I assume often were not careful enough to consider especially points 2, 3 and 6…


For me,

  1. Yes. Pre-order camo was sexy

  2. Interdicting strike aircraft. Hyperbolically cold-war Lancaster, shouldn’t detected by the enemy interceptor is mutal for survival.

  3. low alt interdicting and base-bombing sounds cool,
    But Tornado IDS can’t perform that in ARB

  4. MiG-23ML, MiG-21bis, F-4S, F-4EJ ADTW

  5. Napalm-armed MiG-23ML and F-4S which will not care about Tornado at all

  6. Pre-order can’t test drive things but I flew with Tornado IDS Marinefleiger and Tornado GR.1

  7. No. I just bought her for pre-order camo. and she is a perfect virtual model plane.

IMHO, in the current meta, Buying Tornado IDS WTD61 is not recommended

if you are

  • planning to grind the German TT branch with bombing
  • ARB main, and don’t play ASB at all
  • Not captivated by Panavia Tornado
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Yes, it’s one of those aircraft that struggle in AB and RB, but does its job very well in Sim.

Well, I am ARB main, so I usually do not recommend IDS WTD61 to everyone else XD

I think you are absolutely right, i wasn’t careful enough and overlooked the fact THAT IT COSTS 70€!!! BUT, why was it moved up to 11.3 in the first place, when it was actually even decent at 10.3 and could catch up with other aircraft, and now, at 11.3 more than half of the planes you meet are faster than you. Not to mention the fact that it can only carry 2 aim9 - L, yeah, aim9-L’s are good missiles but 2 isn’t that many…

Was it ever at 10.3?

The Event Tornado was always at 11.3 iirc, and the WTD61 is basically the same, just without Kormorans…

I would also say that he was never on 10.3. Which, by the way, doesn’t change the fact that it belongs there :-).
Just look at your statistics. The Tornado performs incredibly poorly.

The problem with the Tornado is that it cannot fulfill its role in ARB because like all other jets it takes off from the airfield and then reach the ground targets faster.

A small change would at least make the Tornado worth considering.

Give him the air spawn by default.

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How do you come to that conclusion?

The Tornado was never 10.3 iirc

It can be a very frustrating vehicle to play, but the rewards are pretty consistent.

Bring max fuel, 10x1K and just fly around the edge of the map or see what bases players commit to.
Can beat most phantoms to bases at that BR so speed is not really and issue.
Set periodic CMS to chaff / 2sec for basically no chance of normal src locking you.

The opinions may be retrospective.