It is what it is
My bad, forgot to mention that they were useless against non-lobotomized people. Most of my kills with SARH at that time was against wallet warriors and others with laughably bad positioning, but those were doomed anyways.
I agree, but don’t forget that Gaijin has removed German vehicles before due to historical accuracy problems (*cough cough* Maus and Panther II), so it can always get moved off to the side bar on the tech tree
Maus was not removed for anything to do with historical.
Yeah yeah, because “it could not be balanced”, you get the point tho
“Asking for Soviet top tier jet improvements: Currently regarding statistics US aircraft are in the lead with Soviet aircraft slightly behind, though not significantly enough to where they require better weaponry. From looking at the preliminary data, the addition of advanced weaponry as suggested by players would tip the scales drastically in the other direction, here we’re talking about the RVV-MD close-range missile. Also brought up were R-77-1 medium-range missiles, though regarding energy these don’t differ much from the R-77 already in the game.”
This was Gaijin’s response to not just my post but everyone criticizing the state of top tier Russian air.
Just fix the flight models then…
This bit stung because they simultaneously said it wouldn’t upset the balance of power and then just withheld that glass of water to the man dying of thirst in the desert. So what if R-77-1 wouldn’t solve russia’s problems? It would have made things a little bit more bearable. Since R-77-1 is ALREADY IN THE FILES, just giving it to Russia would have been less effort than fixing the flight models.
Oh well. My russian planes are just going to collect some more dust and I’ll be flying the Eurofighter next patch. The Rafale looks cool but I don’t have the energy in my to grind all of the french air tree from scratch.
How do you know it gonna come out next patch?
I’m not giving 100percent judging by Gaijin i don’t expected much
(it great if it come but if not i’m not surprise)
This is irrelevant , the thread is about russian Jet. If we do not talk about russian jet then what else ? If you care about other nation as well beside the big three go to their thread.
“Know”, I don’t strictly know. I do however personally have faith in the leak list. Especially regarding that foreshadowing the other day about being prepared for extreme weather. If it doesn’t come, I’ll at least be ready for the future when it does. Until then I’ll just keep flying my F-15E I guess.
unless they get ASEA and AMRAAM C i don’t think it gonna beat F-15E
if for the worse they don’t come at all i’m gonna stuck with infamous true worse fox3 R-darter for the long time
They never mentioned flight models in their Q&A.
No acknowledgement of the concerns, even if they are true or not.
Which is incredibly frustrating
Can’t wait for another update to be outshined in, the power creep continues
Su27sm has been a huge pain to play. Im just using the HMS to lock now since the radar is too slow to pick up anything before the enemy launches an aim120 and turns around.
Doesnt help that that can dodge my r77 from 8km out while the aim120 needs to be at least 20km out to have a decent chance of dodging.
Welcome to the Russian bias game.
You are really overrating the amraam
Overrating mine? Yes. The enemies? No.
I fire the aim120 25km out at 10km alt going mach 1.4 and miss. Enemy fires from 36km out near sea level and theirs follows me at lethal speed for 20+seconds.
Still better than the r77 though by a good amount
You see me notching multiple in a row here at sub 10km right?