Top Tier Russian Fighters are worse than nearly all of their competition

As of right now, every Russian fighter jet above 12.7 is terrible. In top tier, Russia has basically the worst fighter jets and they aren’t on par with anyone. They have the worst Fox 3 missiles ingame, the worst flight performance (disregarding the AV-8B+ or F-4F ICE), and they have bad radars. And before you tell me how good they are or something, compare them to the competition.

*Terrible flight performance
*The worst Fox 3’s
*A decent radar (An outlier for top tier Russia)

*Terrible flight performance
*The worst Fox 3’s
*Mid radar

Compared to

*WAY better Fox 3’s
*Superb flight performance
*Better radar

*WAY better Fox 3’s
*Better flight performance
*Better radar

Or compare the MiG and Sukhoi to the

Mirage 2000-5F:
*Way better flight performance
*Nearly on-par Fox 3’s, but they’re better in closer ranges
*Fantastic radar

Now, I am comparing the Su-27SM and MiG-29SMT to these three because I have all of these jets. But if you compare them to basically any other fighter at top tier like the Swedish JAS39C, UK JAS39C, Italian JAS39C, J-10, F-15J(M), F-16AM, F-16C Barak II, F-16D Barak II, JF-17, and Baz Meshuphar. The Mig-29SMT and Su-27SM are just worse, either through flight performance, or Fox 3’s and radar.

Sure, some people will say that the Su-27SM has a lot of missiles, but when the Fox 3’s and flight model are terrible, along with a mid radar, this doesn’t matter. And most other jets have more countermeasures anyways, so even with more factors, Russian fighter jets are just the worst at top tier.

What I want to try and lessen this gap is to just get better flight models, the Mig-29’s and Su-27’s have terrible flight models compared to the competition at top tier. Which doesn’t make sense, because irl that’s the one thing they did well compared to enemy jets. I’ve also heard the R-77 could be made better but that is beyond my knowledge, but if possible, better weaponry would help. Can’t do much for the radars though.


You need to read more into this, it’s not anywhere near that simple and in reality the russian jets had worse FMs even irl in some specific crucial departments like engines


They still were better for dogfighting compared to a lot of jets they faced irl, and ingame, at top tier, they’re terrible at it. Their flight models at top tier are the worst, exlcuding stuff like the F-4F ICE and Harriers.


play usa like the rest of us are doing. I’ve realised how much they didn’t care since the mig29 and tornado was added. Soon enough they’ll hammer the rest of the non US planes to the point its just going to be usa vs usa


I already grinded out most of the US to top tier, and unsurprisingly, they’re way better than Russian fighters, better in basically every category


I do agree the ussr jets should get FM buffs but what I’m saying is the community that wants these buffs would probably not be fully satisfied because the flanker irl really does have issues maintaining any energy for instance


I’d rather fly my AV-8B+ in a dogfight than any of my russian birds, sans the Yak-141. The Harrier, and the yak, have viffing tricks that let them pull ahead.

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It’s time for the USSR to have MiG 25

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Can you imagine the meltdown that the USA mains would have if we gave Russia such a Super Fighter?


mig25 is very bad at dogfight,so I think not(mig25 just fly so fast ,but mig25 have r40)


It was a joke about how the US Military grossly overestimated the Mig-25’s capabilities when they first learned about it via high altitude photographs. They secured immense funding from congress by stirring up a panic over the mig-25 “super fighter”.


Yes, when MIG 25 was captured in Japan, the Central Intelligence Bureau had seen it in the past. In fact, this consists of 70 % of stainless steel.

And the MiG 25 radar is extremely backward, not even as the latest model of the F4 fighter jet that year

R-darter would like to have a word with you


R-77s aren’t even the worst. They’re like 4th best.

Also the Zhuk just “decent”? AFAIK its the best radar on a jet with the best gimbal limits.

I generally agree that Russian aircraft at top tier are worse than its western counterparts but these points are cherry picked and made to look like Russian aircraft are much worse than they are to prove a point.

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And giving us the F-15 - still a bitchin’ plane even if it’s birth was basically an “oopsie”.

The range in the R-77 is terrible, it isn’t hitting most things past like, 10-20km, the drag on it Is atrocious, literally every missile besides the Mica (which is getting buffed) can outrange it


The radar on the SMT isn’t bad, but like, a good radar on a crap platform which performs like a brick with the worst Fox 3’s doesn’t save it, and the SM doesn’t even have the luxury of having a good radar, with the same issue of terrible missiles and flight model, so Russian top tier is still terrible.


  • R77 pulls tighter aswell
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Pull doesn’t make it good