Top tier air RB is awful for anyone who doesn't posess amraams or amraam copies

The fact is, in the initial missile duel, most of the enemy team gets killed. There is nothing you can do in a rafale or similar aircraft that posesses no equivelant to amraam.

All you get to shoot at is scraps, once they close in to usable range with the mica em. It is not fair at all, you are practically useless to the team.


Welcome to top tier, dominated by AMRAAMs and the dogfight is an extinct species


Title should have stopped at ‘Top tier air RB is awful’.

They need a medical study on people that find playing it fun.


I can find a missile joust fun, as it is what we did in DCS back when that game was still alive.
But that’s because everyone played on an even playing field of having capable fox 3’s or even fox 1’s with great range.
But in war thunder it seems like the amraam is so overtuned compared to everything thats not its direct copy.

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I recently reached 14.0 and it’s incredibly portly designed for what should be one of the most skilled and exciting BRs in the game.

Every game is the same, they last 6 minutes at most, and it very rarely ends in a 1v1. It’s also incredibly annoying to hear RWR/MAWS go off for half the match.

It’s just trash gameplay, and it should be better. I have a better time at 11.0 due to the variety of aircraft and missile/airframe capability, which makes for more varied matches.


Have you ever heard of “Masochism”?
Top tier air has cool planes and stuff but holy hell the gameplay loop is horrendous and I think most people would find taking a cheese grater to their nuts a far more enjoyable experience

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It’s fun in war thunder too. It’s just that it’s only fun with a low amount of players, and not the 32 player mess we have now.

Not being able to visually see your opponent is such an interesting change, as well as dodging ARH missiles up high.


dodges aim120b
70% of enemy is dead and dying as you shoot your first shot with your mica


We need to kick any notion that skill requirement increases with increasing BR in this game. Apart from knowing how to switch to TWS, HMD, having certain keybinds configured - it’s all the same. In fact, I’m more in awe of people who have the patience to play props in ARB. My sweet point for air is around 9.3.

Props are nice cause you get a longer grace period before the actual combat starts, though 9.7 feels the sweet spot for me.

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The hypothetical strategic skill and thinking is quite high at the era of top tier. But we never get to see that because of awful mechanics and huge team sizes with low rewards.

It really feels like we’re rats in a rat race and gaijin is just watching us from above.


Yeah, I should note my comment refers to the current implementation of top-tier. It is nowhere near it’s actual full-potential. Edit: But then again, every era requires skill in its own way to master the available technology. It is one of the things I love about War Thunder, you play the era that most interests you.

Welcomed to modern air combat when better missile and avionics are king here

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Im glad we’re in a video game where i don’t have to die being shot at by a buk sam site as i try to shoot down a swarm of drones heading for my home city.

Balance and gameplay matters first


modern air combat is mid in that case, why cant we go back to the better pilot or smth, give everyone a triplane and see who wins?

Rafale is perfectly usable, side climb and don’t go head on on F-15 because you will get shot down. If you are targeted while side climbing, just notch away and come back after. Sure you will not do many early kills, but you’ll most likely be able to score one or two later on, when everyone is belly on the ground and most high altitude threats are gone.

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Someone let Gaijin know this. In reality, money matters first to Gaijin. So they rush ahead and implement these modern jets and then try shoe horn them into the game. They’ll run a few dev servers here and there and try get feedback, might even put off implementing things, but they can’t say no to $$$ in the end.

That is one way to play the game yes. But gimping yourself because your plane can not do what it is designed to do, does not condone to fun gameplay that was intended.

Because it was how it supposed to be when you climb up to 14.0 you should know it before hand how 14.0 combat each other skill still matters here it just in different ways

Yeah but “It is what it is”