Tools using data provided on port 8111

What the guy created is NOT another screen with a map,but a DISPLAY ON/OVER THE GAME.

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Not in a technical sense, no

You’re playing stupid, ok,… @Stona_WT please end this thread,…


Technically it didn’t because this isn’t injecting data into the game to change the UI, but instead overlaying on the screen.

It operates no differently (on a technical level) to how WTRTI displays additional information on the screen. I’m not saying it’s fine (because Gaijin has said its not fine, so it’s not fine) - but there is a clear grey-area here in what it does and leaves the rules to interpretation. And because this data is technically still there, what is to stop someone else making something similar or work slightly differently (perhaps they get another monitor and have OBS up there with the gamestream and overlay on that - technically not “”“in”“” the game then) and you’re in the same situation. This is why clarity around this is realistically required (and why personally I think some reasonable restrictions/vetting should be the solution)


This is what I have been trying to solve this whole time. With the current rules there is no reason why this would be banned while WTRTI is okay

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…together say clearly this is against the rules.

(As has the Community Manager confirmed.)

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That should be the bigger question here.

I personally however also see the indication of data that WTRI provides much less of a gameplay changing feature than the Target Overlay.

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My problem with this is how vague “obtain an advantage” is.
Advantage over who? Those that refuse to use this information? Those that don’t know this information is available?

Completely irrelevant.

WHAT you get is important here, not HOW you get it.

I know that’s what i was telling.

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If the amount in which they change gameplay and experience is important, that should be listed somewhere in those rules. Also where is the line? What’s too much?

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Just a small addition.
WTRTI is about personal information, where as what that other user had made is providing game/map information.

If WTRTI gave you information about other players it’d be under the same umbrella category, however as it only gives you information about your personal stats like acceleration, AoA, WEP time, ETC. It doesn’t give you a meaningful advantage over other players, just more personal information to change your strategy up.

This other program however provides something that in one specific mode does matter, proper real time heading, something other players have to guess-timate themselves.

At least this is my understanding of it all.

I would argue that even though it’s not perhaps technically against the rules but instead against them via interpretation, something like a heads-up UI for a simulator game mode (where we barely even have jets capable of that sort of visor yet) is against the spirit of the mode.

But relying on interpretation of a rule to mean “it applies here but not here” is where the questions come. So if we were to extrapolate this into Air RB: Ok now, so is it ok to put a distance marker on every marker because technically I can get that if I target the plane or use a targeting sight on a bombing point. I can give myself a warning if an enemy gets within a certain range behind me on the map. Markers etc. are in that mode. So is the additional information in the UI good or not? What if someone now creates a UI that takes the localhost data like AoA, altitude, speed that is all present in WTRTI and your aircraft and automatically displays for you the perfect AoA for a rate fight and changes your AoA from Red/Yellow/Green as you get closer/further from that perfect value.

I understand that this is extrapolating beyond what WTRTI currently does a little, but I think this is a realistic thing that could happen if reasonable steps aren’t taken to prevent this. It’s only a matter of time and effort really - and next time, someone won’t post about it here asking - and likely we will never know. If there is someone who wants an advantage in game, they will find a way.

Personally I would like to see UI options expanded to include some of the data currently present in the localhost endpoint (like AoA etc.), and reasonable restrictions placed on these endpoints to make it more difficult to abuse (perhaps a vetting process).

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Again with this “meaningful”. It provides an advantage over someone not using it. To some people, this advantage might be meaningless, but to some this can be a gamechanger. Also it’s providing an advantage over people who don’t use this tool, this free and open source tool anyone can use.

I actually don’t know this, but can Console players use these tools?

Sure, on another device. Just like they can’t use the forum on PS5

EDIT: I actually don’t know if PS5 has a browser.

What other device?

Was answered:

Of course not every case can be mentioned explicitly in the rules, therefore they need to be kept vague, but they are clear enough that the idea behind the rules is understandable.

A phone, laptop, idk

But how would you implement this code into the PS5 game? Or rather extract the port 8111 from the console? I don’t understand