To small air RB maps!

To make this simple, i HATE the small air RB maps in BR 12-13.7. You get no time to climb or make any Flanking Maneuvers, My suggestion is to have helicopter PvE style maps for top tier air RB battles, giving the option to spawn at different airfields on the start of a match, making the metha of going left obsolete .

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I have the same complaint, but for props. Border is too small for shallow climbing in US planes.

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Beyond simple map size (the wiki is unfortunately outdated - it still implies 64x64 for prop tier maps which is true for some, but objective and AF placement makes it all wasted space)…

Objectives and air field placement makes existing maps seem even smaller. Airfields are in-line with each other, pointing straight at each other along an orthogonal rather than diagonal line usually. Objectives are all concenrated in a tiny furball.

I feel most Air RB maps for prop tier at least could be made to feel significantly larger if the 1 big airfield was split into three, with the bases and ground troops spread out between those 3 airfields. Even if the size won’t increase as a consequence, splitting the 16v16 into 3x4v4 would make them feel much bigger and allow for more engaging gameplay.

Mozdok needs to have its BR limited to like 3.0 maximum. That map is hell to fly on. Ladoga and Korsun (Frontline) are similarly claustrophoic.


You might find this map discussion (thread link included) interesting: