Time to stop the one death game exits

I actually agree with this. I hate the battle maps with no objectives. They become city camp fests with no one moving half the time. I will rush straight in, get my 1 or 2 kills, then bail.



War thunder is to dynamic to be that limiting on what you can and can’t spawn.

You are assuming Russia=OP here. Not every nation can have a good line-up at every BR, its almost impossible.

the majority here dont get it, its not even the players fault, they have 1 freaking premium and join a game where you need to have at least 2 or 3 tanks, if you arent expirienced even 3-4. All they do is doing the oposite team a favor and screw the fun of the team. its gajins fault with thier freaking sellouts forcing everyone else to play something else or another BR. Thank you gajin!

as you can see in those matches which i had a couple today the half of the team has a freaking premium only and left the game. this isnt fun!

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Increase RP gain for TT tanks, and overall for matches so there is other way to grind TT’s without buying premium and 1DL.
Gajin made grind terrible so dont blame players for going for grind with that mindset

Imagine getting as mush RP as for ARB…

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People are absolutely out of their minds. If I get into a battle and I have 5+ click baits on my team, I already know it’s a loss. I’m not wasting my time and my stats for a loss


What a self centred idiot. You want to punish people because they ruin your fun. What about the players who are NOT HAVING FUN??? What is it??? Stuff them as long as you are happy. That’s just pure self serving selfishness and arrogance.

If I find myself on a team of sit back pot shotting cowards, I’M OUT OF THERE!!! The team is not worth the steam off a big, hot, steamy dump I do, let alone the thousands of SL for the repair bill. I don’t play with idiotic cowards who are no help what so ever. All they do is sit back the whole match where they can’t even cover the players trying to attack the zones. It’s a war game for god sake. Cowards should go back to playing The Sims 4, and leave the war games to players who don’t hide under the nearest rock when the enemy shoot at them. If winning a real war was left up to them, they would all be court marshalled for cowardice and dereliction of duty.

Before you can even THINK about punishing anyone for one death leaving, there is one big, huge ginormous problem to solve first - SORT OUT THE CRAPPY GAME PLAY FROM ALL THE IDIOTS and give a lot more points and SL for actually “PLAYING THE OBJECTIVE”.


This is a problem that needs to be solved with the carrot rather than the stick. We need more lucrative rewards for sticking around. Is gaijin brave enough to actually give players rewards?


I think the problem is too complex to solve without coming at a cost, so I’d prefer to just remove crew lock and let people do what they want (it is a game, after all). There are tons of competitive team games out there where you don’t get punished for leaving so it seems to me like blaming ODL for the game’s problems is just the community’s attempt to solve the problem Gaijin can’t or won’t.

  • The matchmaking has been absolutely flooded with people who only have one premium and have little to no experience with the game. They’re in so far over their heads they can’t even live long enough to learn how to play. Gaijin does nothing to require you to bring more vehicles nor do they match people with 1 tank with eachother.
  • Forcing people to bring more tanks results in more players bringing extremely undertiered tanks and throwing SP and money at the enemy while doing nothing to help.
  • Maps get pushed to a onesided spawn camp too quickly. Comebacks are so unlikely, the safe bet is to assume it’s a lost cause and move on.

If you REALLY want to fix the game’s problems, get Gaijin to make improvements to maps, stop selling premiums and just sell tech tree unlocks directly so players can buy lineups, and make playing from disadvantage more fun.


First, we should talk about fixing the flaws in the damage model of all bullets, making maps much bigger, balancing the tanks correctly, removing the RNG in penetrations that prevent killing enemies. First, they should fix all that, everything that gives legitimacy to leave the game after dying, and then they can fix the one dead leave issue.

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when you see that none of your allies are capable of ping, go straight towards the enemy stupidly, that his spam the MG from the spawn or when approaching the points I will not respawn

Sometimes team full of feeders that each one has 4-5 deaths and the top three players has a combined deaths count of 14 lol next thing I hear is nuke siren and it isn’t by one of our team. Game over

I’d also like to mention that you have a lot more freedom of where to go around the map early-game than later into the match.
Only near the very end of matches do they start settling down, or one team completely stomps the other, until one side is being spawn-camped.

Problem is top tiers related. Premium and squad tanks aside, from a perspective of ‘normal’ player who has a proper lineups, the answer is easy: just fix the damn maps.
Make them bigger.
Make spawns and objectives dynamic.
Make playing the objective more rewarding.
This will make the pace of a game slower not by longer distance from spawn to the static A, B and C.

Naval had a game mode where you had to capture and hold A and B simultaneously to have the ability to capture C. It created certain dynamic, where you had to be on offensive while at the same time also had to defend captured points.


Maybe if the matchmaking took into consideration how many tanks players have available in a lineup would help?

So folks with a single tank would get paired with other players who also only have a single tank?

It’s an idea; not sure if it would work out or not to help the issue.

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Have you ever stopped to think that maybe whoever does this only has a single vehicle in the line, and that this person is using a premium vehicle to grind and does not have vehicles to complete the line up

whole teams of 15lvl trash that die and leave after 40 seconds from the start of the battle or stand idle behind a stone extending this life to 2-3 minutes. Combined with their stupid team balancing, it makes you have to play with the biggest trash available in the queue all the time. The rewards should be cut by 90% for everyone who didn’t do at least 1500 points in the battle. And after 3x entry and dead, a tutorial with 10x should be forced so that these animals even know which key is responsible for what. Great sales policy. People tried for years to get to the top so they wouldn’t have to deal with these biggest animals and they started inviting them to the very top for 70 bucks and they still give them discounts of -50%…

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I hope this is just an angry post and that you don’t actually believe that you should kill the rewards for basically everyone.

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Because the sales policy of this company is shit. The guy sets up an account, clicks on the store and spends $70 on a top package, and then joins my team. This is just extreme stupidity. BR 10.0 and above should be free of wallet warriors. If they had to fight their way through 3/4 of the tree with their premium vehicles, they would gain at least a little bit of experience to be able to buy top vehicles at all, regardless of whether they are premium or from the tree.

I am also in favor of removing all rewards related to “winning” and only individual rewards. If round after round 16 people enter the team and 14 of them just die doing nothing but dying and the “winning” bonus is completely random at around 50%, there is no point in keeping it. Remove it, transfer it to individual results.

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Wish more folks shared a similar sentiment. However, we passed the 7->12 years. The lower I quotient gets.

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The system needs to be more rewarding for people that bring full lineups and fight to the very end. Right now it is very selfish for people to bring a single vehicle and one death leave. To an extent understandable because the current system rewards that kind of play, and at its core is the problem. That spamming one death leave missions can often be more lucrative than sticking around to fight. Someone with only the one premium should be aspiring to bring the full loadout rather than just one death leaving forever.

Funnily enough, gaijin has within the past few years introduced one mechanic that actually encourages people to stick around: The RP multiplier for getting multiple kills in one match. They should expand upon this. Make the multiplier more lucrative. Expand it to SL rewards. Expand it so that it’s not just kills and that other actions like bombing bases, destroying mission targets, scoring kill assists, and repairing teammates can all help contribute to an even higher multiplier. THAT’s what gaijin should be doing. Give players a reason to want to stick around and fight to the end rather than the current system that encourages people to do something like make a reckless rush to try to payoff big with a good flank and just abandoning their team if their gambit doesn’t pay off immediately in the current match.