Time to stop the one death game exits

You are raising it to extreme cases of Top tier, level that I do not play. I do not profit from it and I do not see wrong to pay both the one who goes with a premiun only and the one who goes alone with a regular tank.

I play between 6 and 9 BR and it is sad to see how in the 24th minute and missing 3 guys who have died and do not take replacement in the 23rd minute of the game.

It’s ridiculous that a high percentage of your team only uses a third of the resources. How does that help the game?

As long as there is an equal distribution of 1-and-outers on both sides it doesn’t influence the game outcome. Most of them would only spawn twice anyway. This occurs at all BR levels, even 1.0.
Again, your posts are coming off as disingenuous. That you are only upset because you are getting “robbed” of extra kills per game because players are refusing to lemming into games dominated by high level players.

Because it will promote spawn camping and ambushing to rack up individual points instead of working towards the mission objectives.
Believe it or not, WT isn’t supposed to be “deathmatch in tanks”.
I do agree that it is a problem, but you are going to get that problem no matter what. Some people are dorks, or just have a bad game, etc.

A solution I think would fix a lot of these problems would be to performance index players in the matchmaker. You would quickly get all the active star players in competitive games with each other. Mediocre and new players in others, and then the passive bots and deadbeats at the bottom where they can zero out rewards like they’ve done to naval.

What have you been smoking? You have a distorted idea. You want screenshots of tonight’s games where I show you that at least 50% play with 3 tanks. Then there’s that 15-20% who mess up games with one tank.

My only intention is to see how to correct what I believe is a game health problem.

I respect that you don’t feel sorry to see in a minute and a half teams where a lot of players are already missing. I don’t care about mine or the enemy.

You’re fixated that I’m looking for an advantage for me haha.

So because you are good you can only play against other good players? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve read in the last year. Then you would be penalizing them. If you want to compete you go to ESL … this is about random games.

You scared? lol

I take it you don’t play Air RB, where every game is 1 and out and yet no one whines about it…

I played WOT for 5 years and thousands of games, if the game is XX vs XX with a single spawn. Perfect

The problem is that WT is not like that. It’s more in Arcade planes you can take out as many planes as crews you have bought, something that is not fair.

I am not afraid. Just what you are proposing for skill is ridiculous.

In AB you get three spawns. In GRB you can only bring as many vehicles as you have or earn spawn points for. So if you get popped twice just trying to get out of the spawn, you are done no matter how many crews you have.
What I am proposing will make for balanced competitive enjoyable games instead of way things are now where games are decided by which team has the most lvl 100s and most of the players are only there to be targets for them, and thus are incentivized to bail after one death to get a game where they aren’t screwed (as much) from the beginning.

but spawncamping is also a mission objective, the mission objective is to kill the enemy team or hold the circles until yours wins automatically. For fools it’s catching the circle, people with brains occupy key positions on the map and block the enemy from moving on it or kill him in the spawn so he can’t go kill people like you who have negative KD.

Spawncamping is not a mission objective. Its an artifact of the way the game is designed.
Again, WT is supposed to be a historical simulator, not deathmatch.

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War thunder is infinitely far from realistic, and since in many cases the game is tremendously unbalanced people leave after dying once, it’s not that difficult to understand. The problem is that what makes people leave the game game is what gaijin uses to balance, sometimes putting in tanks that cannot compete with the opponents, absurd rebounds and etc so that you win and lose a % of games, and so gaijin thinks that everyone is happy, but just believe that the people get tired and leave the game prematurely.

Is it possible that people take out more than one tank after this?

Yeah the problem is that Gaijin only looks at vehicle performance statistics and are their metric of “user satisfaction” and game balance. I’m pretty sure they don’t look at game results at all. Because if they did they would see how jacked it is. But they have no incentive to do so because the whales they make most of their money from like having easy games where they can beat up on new players. And the beatings will continue until revenue declines.


Its time to stop telling other people how to enjoy their game. Just because you want to stick around doesn’t mean we do. Small nations don’t need to be abused. russia has 8 tanks at BR 6.3. GB has 2, Germany has 3, Sweden has 1. 1 tank at a Br russia has 8. You want them to stick around? Lets take another BR look. At 8.7 where the o279 sits russia has 9 tanks (none are SPAA). USA has 1 tank, Japan has 2, Germany and GB have 3 and you want them to stick around through a team that has possibly full lineups?

No, just no. This is a problem the snail created. They over saturated the russian line, and left other nations with holes. russia is the only nation with no BR gaps. Russia also gets new technology first most of the time, and some nations have to wait a full BR to get that tech if not many more BRs. Take a look:


No one should have to stick around after 1 death, no one. Some nations only have 1 tank at that BR. Stop trying to tell people to play a game in a way that only benefits nations with tons of vehicles at a specific BR while people playing other nations really get to struggle to make a 2 tank lineup at that BR.

You want to fix one death leaving, then each nation you get 4 total spawn ins per match. Each player can take only 2 main tanks, 1 SPAA a 4th for air (can only be helicopter or plane but not both). That will fix it for you. But this would likely murder the russian win rates so it won’t happen.


Are you surprised that one of the largest military industrial complexes made a lot of different tanks? Every nation cant have a completely gap free tech tree.

Using the asu-57 and PT-76 as an example of Russian bias is laughable at best, and sad at worst. Another thing is that you leave out the fact that Russian tanks don’t get Thermals until much higher than NATO counterparts.

According to your graph, there are only 2 instances of Russia being the only one getting new tech first, which is not a lot.


It wouldn’t happen because that is an incredibly dumb idea, it is way too limiting in a game as dynamic as war thunder.

How do you manage to turn a discussion about 1DL into one about cherry picked Russian stats anyways.

No, but they are not the only ones. Their are more than 12 variations of the Bradley for instance. In game we have only 2. Yet we have 4 variations of the BMP. See the problem?

russia gets thermals on some extremely capable vehicles. Like the BMPs. They even have thermals on vehicles which really weren’t equipped with them, not until very recent and in some cases they are hack jobs to try to stop their bleeding in Ukraine.

The argument that “well they don’t have them here” doesn’t matter. Other nations suffer without them on MBTs as well. The fact is they do have them at 9.0. BMP-2M BMP-3, BMD-4, T-72, 2S38, 2S25M, T-80 all have thermals. So russia isn’t struggling.

Check again, its 5 instances. They get technology first 5 times (so far) as the list is growing as people request new tech to be checked. Only Taiwan/china matches them (which is a russian shill tree). All other nations are at new technology twice. So less than half as often.

It would be smart to also realize this is where that nation starts getting the tech, but other nations might have to wait multiple BRs before they see it.

Dynamic for who? russian tech tree players with 9 tanks at 1 BR? Or Sweden players with… Actually you gave me a new idea hold that thought.


Ok I updated it with the average vehicle per BR for each nation. So back to that thought. Who is more dynamic for? russian players with an average of 4+ vehicles per BR? Or French players with an average of 2 vehicles per BR?

How did you manage to miss the fact that some nations only have 1 vehicle at a BR or none and then expect them to just miracle in vehicles that are competitive against op tanks? This is why people leave. At least one reason.

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Let’s not forget that for top tier some nations have completely ineffective SPAA.

Japan and Italy are two immediate examples. Not to mention the Otomatic got uptiered - While the 2S38 which is not only still in testing (Gaijin broke their own rules adding it in but that’s a different can of worms) , but is also superior to the Otomatic in performance and is lower in BR.

Take all the Russian Bias evidence from the in-game code to BR placements and it’s no wonder at all that most people - myself included - ODL when fighting them. Nobody likes to fight cheaters, and those who play Russia are equivalent to sanctioned cheaters per Gaijin’s game design. It’s despicable.

I did a breakdown of SPAA. Here you go:


How can you even take SPAA seriously when 3 nations get 6km SPAA and one nation get 20km SPAA. That same nation with 20km SPAA gets 10km Heli AtG missiles.

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Yup. But hey, " Fair & Balanced " since Gaijin screwed over Rolands, amirite?

What a shitshow.


There are many reasons to leave a game, even ones that JUST started BEFORE you died.

Thing is it’s not actually thier game and there is a stage that players have to admit that they need to actually function in the game they want to play, otherwise they may as well just spawn and sit doing nothing in the spawn they are genuinely not functioning that well on the field.

I do like your spreadsheets, keep up with them because I can see this work that you are doing, is a good highlighting of those gaps in the trees, along with the edging to the BR gaps in the various nations which also affect matchmaking.

It could easily aid people in making suggestions for different vehicles in other BRs/Modes and implementing reshuffling/BR-decompression plans/suggestions.