Thoughts on E-100?

No, you need to take status symbols from others to bring them down to your level.

Ultra rare vehicles such as the Tu-2 were rewards for supporting the company in the early years. Making them available to anyone would completely wipe any meaning from them.
And so are the Birthday toys (Sturmtiger, TOG II). They were there to celebrate a certain occasion.

And the Stat Card as well as Information tab can convey this meaning to any new owner. Then it is up to CC’s and Gaijin to produce Documentaries and other media to inform on the significance of the vehicle/content aquired.

Why should a plane given only to devs and alpha testers as reward for their participation in WTs beggining be available for everyone? They got it as token of appreciation to their work. Just like i got Tu-2 for CBT participating.

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Wasn’t the Tu-2 for already owning Wings of Prey before War Thunder?

So? Then you had over a decade worth of Early Access. Good for you.

No,was for CBT,cause i never owned Wings of Prey or played it.

And a fine trophy in the collection for that. Without the exclusivity the trophy loses its meaning.

@TheMightySardine: you are right, I just looked it up. I could have sworn there was something for owning Wings of Prey, too though…I have to check my tech trees…
Edit: I just looked further into it, it was the Tu-2. There were two ways to obtain it.

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It is about the Vehicle, every Event is. Not the Rarity.

If the event is about the vehicle, then making it available to everyone later takes away any meaning from the event and its challenges, which for example of the E-100 were substantial.

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btw most likely the winner of the E-100 tournament already has it lmfao

That thinking would also give brand new players immediate access to fully spaded tech tree’s because otherwise they aren’t equal to people who have actually played the game and developed a few mods on their tanks.

What a load of male bovine excrement!

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Indeed you are not!

You are the one who feels small because some people have access to digital toys that you don’t get.


That is a hyperbole that is completely detached from the truth and purely your opinion. I clearly communicate that Event/Exclusive Vehicles should become aviable to all players, and most Event Vehicles need to be spaded out, like IS-7, VT1-2 etc.

That everything should be aviable for free and nobody has to grind anymore etc is a fascist-like myth spread by certain toxic and bitter exclusivists.

Again. These vehicles are trophies. After being made available for everyone and disconnected from their original event, they are no longer trophies.

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Again. They list the Event that they are from on their Stat Card. Thus, they are Trophies no matter their aviability. Whether GJN or CC’s do additional media to these Events, like documentaries in the Style of “The Internet Historian” is up to their discretion.

You are probably the one who prefers awards for taking part in the events instead of for taking place

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So we need to change all the events from now on to not offer vehicles as rewards, but a line in a statcard of a new vehicle…

“Play for 4 hours a day to receive a short text that you got this vehicle right now!”

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Everyone will be so happy about it

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Of course, what else you tryhard?

Maybe unhappy about their virtual achievements losing any miniscule value they ever had in exchange for a virtual congratulatory ribbon?