Thoughts on E-100?

As you know E-100 is one of the rarest tank in the game but maybe too rare I mean, Less than 800 people got it and some of them stoped the game. 800/millions players is ridiculous and I really wish that community or old community deserves that E-100 and so the ones who win tournaments win couple of things like why not an IS7 for the one who didn’t do the marathon. I know that is fantasy but I want so bad that E-100 and I’m not the only. Furthermore turret on E-100 never existed and 128mm wasn’t the only gun choice, if gaijin want to complete their things maybe a 150mm E-100 could be fun, obtainable in crafting event but I know gaijin wont do that. What do you guys think about the E-100 situation ? Let me know I’m glad to hear your opinions.


Honestly, I play this game a bit and I saw an event on is7 or object, and you know what I didn’t because these vehicles are boring just like the e-100, I would be more sad if I didn’t make the panther 2 or the Tiger 105 that I have, or if there was an event for the panther with the tg-101 gas turbine, there are much more interesting vehicles than these e-100 or IS, the problem with these vehicles is that it is not even premium plus they are weak, led by the object at 9.0


I’ve made a top vehicle from the losta event after so many years, and gaijn has weakened it so much that it’s unplayable, and I know how players feel in is-7 or in object, these are vehicles that only stand in the garage, so if you already have experience of what gaijn does with the vehicles from the event, why do them, you have to spend so much time to the end, get a weak vehicle.


The nature of FOMO means we’re never going to see previously released, rare vehicles released on a wide scale ever again. It undercuts Gaijin’s profits and could piss the people who bent over backwards to complete the grind all those years ago, to see it being released again in an easier form.

AFAIK, the only way to get it now is to win a tournament, where you get the choice of receiving any vehicle in the game as a reward. At least that used to be the case, as I recall. Not sure if they still do that.


E-100 was supposed to be even rarer, but gaijin can’t keep their word. Tanks like it should’t be given any more time and should remain ‘rare’


It can me rare but it shouldn’t be available for partner then but gaijin decided that partner can have it and it’s a huge mistake, if partner can have it then regular players must have it or it would be a discrimination. I mean is that so hard to keep a tank rare and un sellable ? Or maybe they should add 150mm E-100, they may said « it’s unrealistic » but 128mm E-100 never existed aswell so…

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There are tons of vehicles that are unavailable because you had to play a specific event for a stupid amount of time and the list gets longer and longer and they’ll becomes more and more rare as time goes on.

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I’d be interested to learn more about this. Anyone happen to know if it’s still a thing?

They dropped the ball last year (10th anniversary) as they should have made 100 of them available (first come first serve) for sale on the gaijin store similar to what they did with the Panzer 748(a):

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You can literally get it for free if you win tournament.
E-100 wasa rewards of 11 years anniversary tournament iirc.

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Just join WT Esports official discord.

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No idea what that gimmick is and even if I did, this game or perhaps EAC is faulty. Launching the game with EAC active instantly restarts my computer:

Did you update BIOS driver?
I’ve heard old bios driver has EAC hard rebooting issues.

Los tanques de eventos o escuadrón deberían de ser o tener mejores cualidades que los de línea o investigación ya que para obtener un tanque de evento o de escuadrón no es para nada fácil mantener el proceso para lograr desbloquearlo cuestan muchas horas seguidas de juego o DINERO para poder obtenerlos y ahí casos que los tanques cuestan más de 200$
No le veo Justo poner de envento un tanque que es muy difícil de conseguir o muy caro por las mismas cualidades que uno de línea si van a poner algo, QUE TODO SU SUFRIMIENTO Y SACRIFICIO VALGA LA PENA

Already did that. Plus, the last time an updated bios was released for the Rampage IV Extreme was back in 2014

I know this probably would never happen. But I’d be happy one day for a potential ‘remodel’ of the E-100’s current turret in-game since there is slight evidence that it most likely couldn’t be able to use the original Maus turret as it was too theoretically heavy to be placed on the hull. A modified lighter ‘Maus II’ Turm turret designed by Krupp would have been the most likely used or chosen one historically if the E-100 was ever completed (which WoT uses for their iteration of the E-100):



The armament change to 150mm with a muzzle break isn’t as necessary since like the turret it was never fitted and would be never known if it could fit without other changes to the tank itself into even maybe a casemate (Panzerjäger E-100 Krokodil or Jagdpanzer E-100).
It would be a more unique change compared to the Maus Kw.K. 128mm L/55 I would say.

Interestingly when the E-100 was first added to the War Thunder the developers did initially add a muzzle break at the end of the tank barrel perhaps considering the proposed armament but changed it last minute for a more ‘realistic’ approach. I wish this tank honestly wasn’t that extremely rare to obtain considering in its current configuration it’s not that different from the Maus ingame apart from its hull and higher top speed.


Yeah I agree but they may sell it for 100+ Euros I really wish that gaijin make another E-100 because 3 versions of it were planned but none existed.

I obviously think that E-100 Maus should be available to all player and 150mm Maus to tournaments winners or shit like that.


(Update follow-up to my previous post). Someone on Reddit has recently noticed something cool for the premium ground vehicle icon on the War Thunder Wiki page. The golden tank icon very much resembles an E-100. But when looked at very closely the icon has the silhouette features of the actual ‘correct’ Maus II Turm turret that was planned to be placed on the E-100 + the removed muzzle brake.


I would not mind it returning and I’m anything but a German main. As long as I can have my AMX-50 Surblinde back (not about to pay the ridiculous price on the market) all is good. When you put in TOG II with the sponsons, the rest seems to me to be fair game.

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