The situation in top tier nowdays is ridiculous. Almost every match has an entire team of Japanese premium vehicles, especially the Type 90 (B) ‘Fuji’. As a F2P player trying to research the Merkava Mk.4, it is impossible to play non-stop against Type 90s, which are far superior by almost every aspect to anything I can work with (Merkava Mk.3 and Namers), but anyone else shares this problem too. You just can’t move a meter in 10.3-12.0 without getting boinked by some Japanese MBT. The worst thing is that they team them up with Sweden (122B+), Italy (2A7HU), Germany (2A7V) and often Russia (2S38 etc.), so all the poor little underperforming vehicles you have just can’t do it. Also, having an entire team made of Fujis (and the other one of Click-Baits) makes every match end almost before it has began. This is a bad situation for nations like Israel, France, UK, China. I call for a vote. Some votes, actually.
Should we get some decompression, fellows?
Yes, Idon’t care how much
Yes, top ground BR should be 13.7-14.0
Yes, top ground BR should be 13.0-13.3
Yes, top ground BR should be 12.3-12.7
No, not at all, it’s good how it is
Should the Type 90 + TKX (P) be moved up in BR?
Yes, but only with decompression
Yes, even without decompression
No, not at all, they are good where they are
Should there be a limitation to how many players premium vehicles can be put into one match?
Yes. A strict one
Yes. A light one
No, not at all
Should we have an option to choose battles with only players who have at least 3 BR-correct (2.0 BR down max) vehicles in their line-up, like the ‘avoid night battles’ button in-game?
Should the Merkava Mk.3s and Namers be buffed or/and moved down in BR?
Move them down in BR
Buff them
Leave them as they are now
Should the entire Merkava series receive buffs?
Yes, armor only
Yes, armor and also other stuff (like LAHAT missiles)
It only has 4.0 reload, twice better mobility, better gun depression, a much tinier profile that makes it hard to hit them, better survivability somehow and an engine in the back of the hull instead of front (since Gaijin doesn’t care about realistic Merkavas, the engine does not help protect the crew - it only generates more spall). The Type 90 is far better in sniping, flanking and even in assaulting or defending a position.
Ok, so…?
And still shooting Merkavas in the turret makes them die in one shot while Type 90 doesn’t, so the slight difference in armor values is not helpful at all.
Not in a Merkava. You can get killed in the UFP by the 2S38 in a Namer.
Well, it shouldn’t be! It is far inferior to anything at 11.3 nowdays!
lol I main the Mk3 in CQC maps in 12.0 matches cause it’s better than the M1A1 and Type 90, by far.
2S38 is trash compared to all MBTs.
4 second reload only matters when engaging multiple targets.
Type 90 has the same gun depression.
Same profile as Type 90 is literally based on the Leopard 2A4 and the same size as a 2A4.
Mobility is the only going for the Type 90.
Type 90, Mk3, and M1A1 are not 10.7 material.
Not sure why your posts are hating on Merkavas so much.
And yes, I’m here to defend the Merkava against blatant hatred and slander.
“Defending Merkava isn’t a reason to post.” Trash take, no surprise.
Have you used a fuji?
You know the optics are shit right? You’re stuck in a zoom level that’s annoying up close and not zoomed enough far away. It’s a bit annoying. Sniping is only easy if they’re fully/mostly out of cover.
By what aspect? Frontal enigne is bad for CQC in WT, armor is non-existant, Type 90 has superior reload which is super important in CQC and M1A1 has a better shell (and armor).
Wrong, but even if right, this kind situation is really common in WT.
But an adjustable suspension.
Type 90 has a lower turret, but anyway the Mk.3 has a much larger profile than the 90.
The Mk.3 is, the others are not.
Not on Merkavas, on how badly they are represented in WT! IRL they are amazing, but for some reason Gaijin decided to not give them their true armor + many other things the WT Merkavas still miss. Let me tell you, the Merkava is my favorite tank in the world, it’s just Gaijin being Gaijin and nerfing them to the ground in the game.
If you were to defend the Merkavas, you should have said what we all know to be true: the current state of the Merkava series in WT has to be changed, not left as it is.
Dude, you got mad that I defended the Merkava Mk3 with a record of playing it, and one of your posts attempted to falsely claim that my record of Merkava Mk3 didn’t exist despite it being there just in USA.
Like, I get you didn’t like my stance in defending the Merkava, but that’s not the way to go about it.
I do not understand how people get upset when vehicles are defended; I get when people are upset when vehicles are attacked, as I was upset to see Israelinoam attacking one of my favorite tanks, but I’d never be upset at someone defending BMP-1 just because I hate the BMP series of vehicles.
Frontal engine is bad for long-range.
Front engine is a minimum of 2 frags when shot at first as the engine will eat ammo, and at worst I lose both of my fire extinguishers.
Most of the time though I never get hit by shots.
The Merkava Mk3 is among the best 11.3s in the game, firing a meta round with a fast turret and decently mobile platform.
Granted, my Merkava is expert crewed so there’s extra mobility from that.
Literally my only complaint with it, otherwise amazing tank.
Despite my skill issue I was able to maintain a ~2.7 k/d in it, even while making dumb mistakes.
The US one, Alvis. It makes a difference. It has more armor, and back in the day it was, indeed, a better tank. I guess you played it a lot in the past. It is an old (very, very old) event vehicle, unattainable today in the game. That means you probably got it a long time ago, and only played 124 battles with it. I purchased the free to play Merkava Mk.3B and C only a few months ago, and I already have more battles than you… with both (162 with the C and 181 with the B).
No, it isn’t. I can get it if you think YOU are an excellent 11.3 battle, but compare the Mk.3 to the M1A1 - worse mobility, worse firepower (both reload and shell), far worse armor. There is just no way you really understand how bad the Mk.3 is in it’s nerfed state by Gaijin.
Ah yes surely M322, a 6 second reload, great mobility/maneuverability, ~mediocre armor, great survivability, a LWS plus some other goodies is equal to a Leopard 2A4.
The Merkava Mk3D has the same exact armor as the other Mk3s; 90-60 cast steel with a rather eh composite turret.
11.3 today is also 0.7 BRs below top BR, whereas back then it was 0.3 BRs below top BR. [11.0 when top was 11.3].
And as you can see I’ve played it extensively in the last year, far more than originally purely because it’s a great CQC tank and it’s obviously a lower BR than it use to be as well.
And no, 1.74:1 KDR Is below my MBT average of 2:1.
Mk3 fires an equal round to M829A1.
Mk3 is not in any nerfed state. If you mean incorrect, use the word incorrect. Incorrectly using “nerf” makes your posts hard to understand.
Also amount of battles is irrelevant. I was never going to look up your stats in Merkavas because your words are valid irrelevant of your personal anecdotes in the vehicle.
For the 100th time, Wisla. I love Merkavas, but hate the fact that Gaijin holds them back! I am the one defending the Merkava, calling to make it the beast it really is!
…And short. And this claim of yours only strengthens mine.
There is no such mechanic upon being shot by top tier APFSDS.
Which is bad itself, but why stop there? Nowdays you can get one-shot through the engune by a 105 mm DM23.
This has nothing to do with how badly a tank performs, only with player skills.
No. I played the Mk.3 more than twice than you, and nowdays rather than a few years ago. It’s not.
All those so-called advantages are found on the M1A1 as well (same BR BTW), except the M1A1 gets them stronger (better shell, same targeting speed, better mobility), and it gets more than twice armor. And a faster reload.