This Is Madness

For the 100th time, Wisla. I love Merkavas, but hate the fact that Gaijin holds them back! I am the one defending the Merkava, calling to make it the beast it really is!

…And short. And this claim of yours only strengthens mine.

There is no such mechanic upon being shot by top tier APFSDS.

Which is bad itself, but why stop there? Nowdays you can get one-shot through the engune by a 105 mm DM23.

This has nothing to do with how badly a tank performs, only with player skills.

No. I played the Mk.3 more than twice than you, and nowdays rather than a few years ago. It’s not.

All those so-called advantages are found on the M1A1 as well (same BR BTW), except the M1A1 gets them stronger (better shell, same targeting speed, better mobility), and it gets more than twice armor. And a faster reload.

This is up to personal opinions, not game stats.

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Mk.3 has the smae problem, except it’s bigger, slower and has an engine in the front.


No, it’s slightly inferior

Only 90% of it’s armor is missing

A bold claim for someone who jumps into every possible argument.

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At 150 level + aced, something fairly hard to acieve when you start the TT from rank 4.

No. Just no. 60 kph compared to ~70 in most top tier MBTs, only 18.5 hp/ton ratio. This is bad compared to aything but T-72s and Chally.

This armor level is irellevant at 10.0.

IRL, not in WT.

Which is common at 11.3.

Pretty average for 11.3. If only it had armor, it could be good there.

What goodies exactly? Also, may I remind you of 0.8 BR difference.

you can give quadruple the armor that the M1A1 will still be easier to kill than a merkava

practically insignificant difference

like all top tier tanks

Well, compare it to a Merkava.

It is, unless they buff it.

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NO. Not at all. Merkavas can be one-shot from literally anywhere.

But a difference does exist.

Can the Leclerc and all other western MBTs in WT be killed by a 2S38 on the UFP? Can they be penatrated frontally by a 30 mm APDS shell? Can they be one-shot UFP by an APFSDS shell with 350 mm of penatration max? Can the Leopard 2A5/6/7 and hos friends be killed one-shot from literally everywhere? Don’t pretend to not know the Merkavas are in a much more dire situation.

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For a reason… the Mk.3 in-game still misses all that makes it special in reality (except for the frontal engine).


That is a post I can agree with.
There are incorrect factors we can both agree should be corrected at the end of the day.
And if so its BR may increase, as its current BR was decided based on its current capabilities, which is lower than it use to be in relation to top BR.

Yeah buddy,just bite the bullet.

When sales hit,playing against swarms of Fujis is extremely tiring. You must hope that most of them are blind and don’t stress it too much,after a week it’s gonna return to normality

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like any premium BR when they go on sale

fuji is good, but many don’t know how to make good use of the different qualities it has

Well… it should not go up at all, unless being buffed to a level of 12.0 armor (the armament and mobility are not great either RN).

The problem is that rarely a Clickbait or a UE-1 player is extremely good because US,Germany and Russia are the big 3, they’re tasty

Japan,on the other hand?if you want to grind Japan,you know the strong points and the weak points, so it’s hard to find a bad Fuji Player

And combined with the Type 90’s already amazing stats, and the Merkav Mk.3’s bad (not realistic) stats, you have a situation where the Israeli grind for rank 8 in a hell of losses.

You have a point, which is more about the player being good than the type 90 actually being OP, because to get along with him, you need to know a little about the maps and weak points of the tanks

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Ooooh don’t get me wrong,i also think the Type 90 is strong. Sure,its armor is next to non-existent and you’re basically a giant weakpoint,but Good God.

Play against a Type 90 in GAB where they can survive with one crew member,and you’ll know true fear.


The problem is that the Type 90 is pretty hard to one-shot for some reason, even with the M322. It just refuses to die, unless you shoot around turret ring.
It only one-shots here.

Yeah that’s the reason why i rarely see Israeli players

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you should have seen it when it came out, the only one with a 5s reload with dm33 which at the time was about 580mm pen

The crew is well spaced out, which makes it difficult to take a one shot.