The Su-25T is the most insufferable plane to grind

Tell me why is it op in air realistic battles? Come on

Do you consider 9Ls on the A-10 a problem when you fly in a 9.7 ish match? Especially in a jet with No CMs

my bad wrong last word meaned currently op missles, the whole variants of r 27 , r73s would be to strong to give a strike aircraft currently, an option would only be 4 r 60ms

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I would most likely be ok with that, so long as the R-73 doesnt get crazy flare resistance. Also i doubt they would add the R-73 without giving it to all the planes that carried it. Personally, when i play top teair air i dont see Mig-29’s dominating anything so i am not convinced that giving them the R-73 would break the game, so long as it is still very flareable, at all but if gajin want to wait for something to balance it out then i am not going to complain.

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do you have links to this? bug reports, comments on posts etcetera

hi there @CREELAST
we had a similar discussion about the new SU 39.
we came to the conclusion that the only balanced solution to this issue is to ask for seperate BR’s for ground and Air RB. giving the su 39 or the su 25t nearly 20km IR missiles with near 80Gs turn caability is not the solution but a game breaker.

the R73 has IRCCM so artificially nerfing it isnt the solution.
plus the R73 has near 20km or range AS A FOX 2. this would surely break something. imagine. R 27T but better in every way except maybe slight range. plus the mig 29 can carry six of them.

First, the r73 doesn’t have really 20km, is like the aim 9L in the game, in their card says 11.00 km from rear aspect, tell me can you shot an aim 9L from 11.00Km, NO RIGHT? THE SAME WITH THE R73.
Second, it doesn’t have 80G of turning capability, it has 40g, and we have python 3 with 40G as well, SO WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM?!, YOU ONLY GET TWO R73 IN A SLOWY PLANE THAT CAN NOT TURN, WHY ARE PEOPLE SO SCARED ABOUT IT?!
WHILE YOU HAVE THE A-6E IN 10.0! A premium plane that gets 4 aim 9L in 10.0, AND PEOPLE DON’T COMPLAINT ABOUT IT, SO WHY THE SU-25T CAN’T GET ONLY TWO R73 IN 11.3?

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Correction: 50G pull limit

because no one is entitled to two free kills
the R73 has IRCCM meaning flaring it is quite difficult for most jets.

Tell me, do you play top tier realistic battles?, the aim 9l should be 11.00km, it doesn’t even come close in the game, the effective range is 3km-4km, the same happens with all the air-to-air missiles in this game, they put a distance on their card but it is not the real one when using it, with the r73 it will be probably 5km-6km and that’s it, why do you exaggerate so much?

Where do you get your data? 50G? wtf bro is not an aim9x

how long have you been playing?
the 11km is not effective range. it is optimum maximum travel distance. you fire from 3km to the rear aspect of a moving target at mach 1+ at very high altitude and the missile goes after the target travelling a max of 11km before self destruction. thats it.

EXACTLY, YOU SEE how you contradict yourself? The r73 is not going to kill someone at 30km or 20km, AND YOU KNOW IT, but you keep exaggerating everything just because you don’t want them to add the r73 as a place, not even to the su25t which is a slow and clunky plane.

you forget that it is all aspect. i am neither contradicting myself nor exagerating.
i have already came to a respectful understanding with users of the SU 39 WHO paid money to play that thing.
and they agree seperate BR is the solution. NOT a new missile that grants you two free kills. you are not entitled to those kills. giving it new missiles isnt going to help it survive more.

yeah yeah LIKE THE AIM-9L, R60M, PYTHON3, MAGIC 2…

i have already came to a respectful understanding with users of the SU 39 WHO paid money to play that thing.

Look look, with all due respect my friend, it doesn’t matter to me whether or not you have reached an understanding with those who bought the su39. Here the situation is NOT the same, the SU39 is a premium aircraft that comes with all the modifications developed and purchased, while the su25t is a airliner that YOU have to grind then buy and develop each of its modifications.

Why do you put the “WHO” in capital letters here?, because they paid to have the plane instantly, do they have more rights to decided than those who developed the line version?

What do you say, no missile in the game guarantees you two sure kills, NOT EVEN THE R27ER WITH ITS 5.8MACH, you fly low and that’s it. You just overreact a lot.

Of course, what do you say, if you have a decent missile that can kill that mig 29 that comes to kill you, then you survive longer lmao

that isnt going to protect you from the R27ER, nor any other missile. and the mig 29 can flare it away if the R73 is introduced in a nerfed version as you wish it to be. so really what is the benefit?

Thanks, i wonder if gaijin will try their best to make all the missiles historically accurate in terms of performance where they have any sort of lack of info, or if they will try to balance things by nerfing things/buffing things on a per missile basis.

I complain about it, i should have included it in this comment

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A balance is needed. Too strong and theyll wipe out everything. To weak and you might as well not bother taking them. When i was learning top tier, back when the FGR2 didnt even have skyflash. I was told to evade a heatseeker, you needed to dump flares, throttle down, break hard. You had to do something. At the moment its press one button and keep going. So id say about that strong, you need to do something defeat it, but that it can be defeated.

As less and less information becomes available, theyll definetly need to make some objective choices. Not too strong but also not too weak. Br decompression would certainly help too. Red-tops and 9Ls can easily be found in the same match and that is just kinda crazy to me