The Su-25T is the most insufferable plane to grind

Ok I get your point, so give it r73 to defend itself and leave it at 11.3. It wouldn’t be broken since it doesn’t have the mobility of a fighter.

We seriously dont need a second thread about it, just read trough this one Su-39: R77,R27,R73 - #752 by Morvran

oh and you are missing an option that it shouldnt get any changes, that is valid as well since it is mainly a striker aircraft you can lvl it in GRB or SIM

Yep, Su-39 has the tiniest thread to be considered a viable choice for ARB. Su-25T though, is a ground attacker. Plain and simple. Its not meant for ARB. Giving it IR missiles that are leagues better than even those found on any other aircraft in the game, is not the solution.

Its BR is 100% determined by its GRB performance and so cannot drop down in BR because its under-performing in ARB.

Why don’t we need? I don’t know what the other thread says, I just ask that you make this plane playable in air realistic, why is that wrong?. Tell me an argument why they can’t add the r73 to this to make it more competitive in air realistic.

Because we outlined exactly why the R-73 would be a bad addition for the Su-39, the su-25T has even less claim for such an upgrade.

Why, I see it as viable, there are already 40g missiles in the game (python 3), and it would only have 2 r73. They are only 2 r73 in a slow plane and that does not turn, why it would break the game?, explain me, where is the OP in that?

Because R-73, based upon what I can find. Has roughly triple the range and far far better IRCCM than the Python 3. It would be the same situation we have the with A-10 currently again

Its the issue of alot other Strike Jets as well. They’re just not good in Air RB, they’re supposed to be played in Ground Forces or lower BRed ones in Naval modes.

I’m totally against adding stuff which changes strikers into air superiority fighters. Adding R73 and stuff is not acceptable. Then we have the same bs like we had with R-60M and Aim-9L at 9.7 and 10.0.

But some stuff could be done: We have rather big Air RB maps. So ground objectives (NPC, Bases) need to be scattered over the whole map. Also NPC planes shouldn’t reveal your player bracket to enemy players. Right now we have the ground objectives concentrated in a very tiny area of the map and swarming NPC planes reveal your position to everyone. So all Strike planes are somehow funneled into a killbox where every fighter player just “harvests” striker kills.

I mean you know the objectives are all at the map center. You see the player brackets thx to shared intel with NPC planes. Its like War Thunder Air RB mechanics handing out Striker kills on a silver tablet. You just need to lock and Fox 3. Result: F14_fanboy kills StrikerX (Aim-9F).


Very well said, ARB needs an overhaul (for attackers/Strike aircraft/bombers), RB EC and/or seperated RB BRs. There are far better solutions than massive AAM upgrades

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First you answer me with what you said in another post referring to another plane (su-39) to which you do not have to grind its modifications because is a premium, second what kind of answer is this, THE TORNADO IDS CANNOT BE COMPARED WITH THE Su-25T, how you can say something like that, one plane is subsonic and the other supersonic, one has decent missiles that become good with the speed of the plane, while the other has 2 missiles that are mediocre compared to the rest and they are also worse on the su25T due to the speed it goes. “9L is not performing well at the moment” of course we have to go back to the old 9l that was impossible to confuse with flares because American players say so, right?
“My concern here is that the R-73 will either be immune to flares or instantly defeated by flares.”
No, you don’t care if it is “instantly defeated by flares”, who are you kidding, the only thing you want is not to add the r73 to any plane, be it this one or any.

Well, in AIR RB… But in Ground Forces, the mode which these planes are supposed to be played Tornado is meh and the Suchois are good.

These jets are just not balanced for air rb.

You want R-73s because you are trying to fly a ground attack aircraft. an aircraft MEANT to be taken in GRB into ARB.

The Su-39 has a tiny tiny claim to being able to fight in ARB as some sources suggest its a multi-role jet and could carry a range of AAMs.

Su-25T though, DOES NOT have such claims. It was meant for one thing and one thing ONLY.

R-73s would NOT be a good solution because they would be overwhelmingly powerful. Being able to hit a target out at 15km potentially, with near impunity as their IRCCM strength is debated currently. Has been nerfed somewhat since they appeared in the dev servers a while ago, But I have no doubt they are still a very strong missile. The game does not handle IR seekers very well. In which case the R-73 will either by instantly defeated by flares and make no difference to you what so ever. Or it will be immune to flares and be sniping things all day long.

The 9L IS NOT performing well. It has 0 flare resistance and that is currently being investigated. It has been confirmed by mutliple tech mods that its current performance is not right.

I compare the Su-25T, Su-39 and Tornado Gr1 similarly because i consider their ARB performance about the same. Tornado Gr1 might be faster, but it has 1/20th the CM count the other 2 have and with the current state of 9Ls, not much A2A power either. neither can turn. A key difference however, is that both the Su-25 and Su-39 by all accounts are very good in their PRIMARY gamemode of GRB, The Tornado IDS variants are not, even the newly added PGMs have only made a minor difference and they are still not finished/proerply implemented

How easy it is to grind/not grind to upgrade is irrelevant. The Jaguar Gr1 gets no CM, AAMs or ground attack weapons, its brutal to grind from stock. Does that mean it should get Aim-9Ms? What’s important is what its like once you reach max rank. And whilst not being Premium does make it less dangerous in most gamemodes. Its still not a good idea to add AAMs that no other nation has even close to matching. Especially after the soviets already have some of the best AAMs in the game by a wide margin

@CREELAST seriously at least read trough the other thread at least once, EVERYTHING is already explained there

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The Solution, is not give the Su-25T or the Su-39 or as much as i’d love to the Tornado Gr1, or any other strike aircraft better AAMs to buff it in ARB. that is a recipe for disaster.

The BETTER solution is either to de-couple ARB and GRB so that it could have an ARB rating of 10.7 and a GRB rating of 11.3


Add an RB like gamemode that is well suited for attackers. This could either be making ARB less of a TDM or by adding a Sim like EC gamemode but with RB controls and third-person. So that those not wanting to play Sim have something they can play instead.

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I swear man, I don’t know if we play the same game. Do you really play air realistic? The aim 9l have resistance to flares, not like before but I SURE it has a flare resistance.

What world do you really live in. The tornado ids is not good at realistic ground battles? It climbs faster, MUCH FASTER THAN the Su25T, it has thermal, and uses lazer-guided bombs, it’s like the f14b but a little worse. Of course is good in ground realistic better than the su25t in my opinion, with the su25t you can’t climb to much because the engines.

the whole aim 9l thematic is explained in the other thread as well, no reason to give the su 25t currently op aircraft

Laser guided bombs are not brilliant and with Pantsir they are extremely hard to use. The addition of contrails means you cannot sit high. Yes the Tornado IDS can climb, but they are poor performance at alt.

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Tell me why is it op in air realistic battles? Come on