The sim rewards need rework

as i think many people know there is the “useful action” in sim of which it has a cap on every 15mins the max amount of rewards you can earn

i would like to know peoples general consensus on the systems and any ideas to fix it while still keeping it fair

  • old system
  • current system
  • complete rework of system
0 voters



Based on time played was the worst mistake that could have happened to warthunder in both RB and Simulator

If it is for time, what you are going to earn is fixed no matter how good you are and that makes no sense.

If players remove even if you get 10 kills and die once you will still earn garbage rewards

Don’t vote “REWORK” because gaijin reworked it and did it wrong SO THAT THE REWARD IS BAD, why do you think that suddenly reworking it again will make it good???
common sense please

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I have no implicit issue with the logic behind the current sim rewards which is all about surviving to get rewards. It encourages less reckless behaviour and a focus slower gameplay rather than totally min/maxing your rewards on every sortie.

But it does have 2 major flaws.

  1. Rewards are capped - It is too easy to reach the max reward and then any additional action is totally unrewarded

  2. The total requirement for survival means that its possible to do exceptionally well, but unfortunately die and gain no rward.

I think it is possible to achieve a best of both world solution and I have a few ideas on how to fix sim economy.

First off. Repair costs, overall they need to be adjusted above about Rank IV and overall lowered. Additionally, remove the first spawn repair costs so that you arent starting every match in debt. There is already a suggestion for this.

Next I would mitigate the capped actions by adding the ability to go over 100% actions which would in turn increase the rewards possible via useful actions. But going over 100% would infer diminishing returns on the amount action gains.

Then I have 2 solutions to the issue of dying and loosing all rewards

  1. have certain actions reward a partial immediate payout in addition to useful actions (killing a player, destroying a base, completing objectives, dealing with naval targets) but importantly not all actions (damaging a base, killing ai ground vehicles or ai aircraft, etc) this way to get the full reward, survival is still required, but dying early doesnt result in a total loss of reward and it further mitigates the cap on useful actions. (I would propose though that the overall reward for Useful actions to be lowered as a result though, as you are earning rewrads via immediate payouts in addition to useful actions)

  2. a partial payout of remaining useful actions upon death. Currently it just pays out what you’ve earned so far in that 15 minute segment and the remaining time is lost. I would propose that you get around 50% of the remaining useful actions reward upon death. Overall mitigates some of the negatives without changing the current system too radically.

(whats nice is that both of these possible solutions are not necessarily mutually exclusive)

Overall, I dont think the current system is bad, it just has flaws and fixing those flaws would allow for sim economy to be good, but not insane and hopefully, not exploitable. Which is why the economy was changed to begin with.


The best thing you can still do is to set the reward for bombing the airfields to zero to get rid of the zombers. This will make it possible to reverse the nerfs to everyone else’s rewards.

Simple and effective.


i think even something simple such as just removing or increasing the cap will just make it so much better for very little effort

Yeah, need to be careful though.

Currently it takes 2x air kills to reach 100% reward. Increasing the cap might just end up with Gaijin making it so that it actually takes 3x air kills to reach 100% reward, without increasing the SL/RP proportionally. Which would suck.

So whatever change is made needs to be done right. But if the effort needed to reach max reward was increased and the reward was increased proportionally to match, then yeah, that would be enough

This would be the ultimate unlimited reward glitch for Zombers…

I bet, all AF´s would be gone within the first 30 minutes of a match.

then what if you just have the cap for airfield/base damage

I have two posts for possible aids.

These won’t help you with RP rewards. Thees also won’t give you MORE rewards assuming perfect play and never dying - so Zombing, fixing matches, lobby shopping for sealclubbing aren’t going to get better rewards.

However, these should hopefully make flying Korean war and early WW2 jets actually affordable (currently, a Horton costs 17.4k to spawn, makes 1430/min so 0.92x15x1430 = 19.7K. You make 2.3K in your first 15 minutes max - meaning, you need to stay alive for 30 minutes and get at least 600 (if not 800/1050) score both times to be able to afford a second respawn).

The big issue with sim rewards is the lobby system really limits our options as people can just shop for easy games, zomb in easy lobbies (all those denmark games filled with bombers are really engaging gameplay at 2-4 brackets) or outright fix matches (get an alt to die repeatedly for you). Boosting maximum reward boosts these guys, which will likely be rejected outright by gaijin.

@_Reyman Doesn’t solve the thing I witnessed recently in Denmark lobbies where there was 1 guy on team A, 1 guy on team B. Guy on team A had 15 kills. Guy on team B had exactly 15 deaths. Everyone else was zombing.

The guy with 15 deaths had a random string of numbers for name too, to make it less blatant.

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That wouldn’t really make a difference, since the risk of a fighter pilot getting a positive points balance is always higher than that of a bomber pilot.

Most combat operations by fighter pilots, or not bomber pilots, take place around the front line.
When you start, the timer starts ticking. You can often be at the scene in about 5 minutes. You find your target, flip a coin and with luck you win the fight.
Then you still have 8 or 9 minutes left to survive…
Unfortunately, there was a second enemy who was somehow invisible. You no longer have a wing and your engine is out…

As a bomber it looks different.
You fly for 13 minutes to the first target, throw your bombs, see a fighter plane that is trying with great difficulty to climb towards you… You just keep flying towards the next airfield.
By the time the fighter plane is within weapons range, the 15 minutes will be over one way or another.
Full marks.

On the other hand, as a fighter pilot you don’t have a single guaranteed target. This means that sometimes you fly for 15 minutes without ever scoring any points.

This is completely different with airfields. These are guaranteed, very easy to plan targets. Low risk, extreme reward.

When I look at the difference in points between fighter and bomber pilots, a cap for bombing airfields is simply not enough. “Zombers” usually score 3 times as many points as the best fighter pilot in the group.
Bombing bases isn’t the problem anyway. They’re good the way they are.

How many times do you have that in 20 or 30 matches?
I had this recently too… In one of 30 or more matches…

How often do you have Zomber? Exactly… I have 1 or 2 or more in every single match…

But I took a screenshot of the two guys. One guy on my team flew a P-47. The one from the opposing team took the German reserve biplane. Of course, they just wanted to practice dogfights :D

Is a reason for a ban, report and good.

Most players hate the system now, but hates a lot more zombers. Gaijin solution is airways nerf 💁🏻‍♀️

Zomber haters who don’t even know why zombers target the airfield instead of bases or other things be like:

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Giveing rewards after landing would be the best.
you will value the airplane, dying would have conceqances and there wouldent be 10min of resting on the airfield.
If you need diferrent rewarding system do this one, as simple as it is, IS foolprove. BUT HAVEING THE SAME REWARDING AS IN OTHER GAMEMODES WOULD BE THE BEST.


I said it before in other thread. Hybrid system.

PvE stuff = Keep UA system
PvP stuff = Instant rewards

Implement some safety measures against bots like rewards are not given for kill if plane is on the ground so zombers cant abuse it that way by spawning on multiple accounts.
Plus remove custom made lobbies and only make automatically generated ones.
All problems solved.

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but you dont want to get rid of bombers, atleast thay are players that do something for winning.
we need as much players as possible.