The recent reward picture of F-16 destroying JH-7 is beautiful

Apologize for? If you can’t take context and an exclamation with its due meaning, that’s not something to apologize for.

If you people are really that insitant on exacerbating a non-issue, I’ll edit it to go into extreme detail as to what I meant.

Whatever. I’ll let it slide this time, I have better things to do, but also, I am a CH so following & enforcing rules is kinda in the job description. I’ll let slide 1 last time but my serious recommendation to you is to, after you type something, think for a moment. Think before you send it. Even if you disagree with the rule, it is still the rule and I highly suggest you think about those rules before you send something.

it was kind of funny but it is also kinda my fault because I misunderstood what they were trying to say.


I’ve asked you twice now for the rule, still waiting.

I did? It’s clear you haven’t after inflating the non-issue.

“The” unnamed rule, got it.

I sent it already, here it is again.


And… Which?

It’s clear outside help is needed on that, seeing your history of rash aggression.

This part.

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Got it, thanks.

I’m done anyway. It’s 2:21 A.M. and I’m tired. I’m going to go sleep.

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L + functioning human being + sleep is for the weak

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Damn. You’ve beaten me. I have no defense against this.

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Maybe try sleeping it off, lil sleep baby.

What’re you gonna do, run home and cry to your bed? Maybe take a little nap?

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No. I’m going to cry in my crib.


Well that sounds like the opposite of sleeping…

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there is actually 1 more rule I should inform you of


What happened here?

Me and @TheArcticFoxxo both wasting our time for 30 minutes.


I couldn’t resist. Worth it though. I got you.

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