The recent reward picture of F-16 destroying JH-7 is beautiful

Maybe try sleeping it off, lil sleep baby.

What’re you gonna do, run home and cry to your bed? Maybe take a little nap?

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No. I’m going to cry in my crib.


Well that sounds like the opposite of sleeping…

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there is actually 1 more rule I should inform you of


What happened here?

Me and @TheArcticFoxxo both wasting our time for 30 minutes.


I couldn’t resist. Worth it though. I got you.

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There are just two indian players currently active in the forum but I got your point

Jokes on you, I uh… I - I didn’t look at it for 5 seconds! No brain germs!

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Be careful with your words bro. You aren’t gonna like it when you are banned


The power of having a shiny badge next to my name: people assume it’s something important so I can rick roll people forever lmao

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Not my harassment and griefing!

All seriousness, I’ve already put my 15 years into this franchise. I’ll live.
I might even dust off my Object 195 in Armored Warfare.

I expected a joke of some sorts, but I really didn’t think you’d pull and oldie

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I can stoop lower than you could ever imagine lmao

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You’ve already caught my “bailiff” joke, I feel like it’d turn out as a digging competition.

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what have you done to this thread.

first my title gets butchered by a mod ( :((((((((((( ) and then somehow we start talking about Indians, and then about rule breaking

what was the original title?

'Taiwanese F-16 destroying JH-7" XD

Oh, so that was meant to be a taiwanese F16? I thought gaijin meant something else