
This is a Civilized Place for Public Discussion

Please treat this discussion forum with the same respect you would a public park. We, too, are a shared community resource — a place to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation.

These are not hard and fast rules, merely guidelines to aid the human judgment of our community and keep this a clean and well-lighted place for civilized public discourse.

Improve the Discussion

Help us make this a great place for discussion by always working to improve the discussion in some way, however small. If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, think over what you want to say and try again later.

The topics discussed here matter to us, and we want you to act as if they matter to you, too. Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said.

One way to improve the discussion is by discovering ones that are already happening. Spend time browsing the topics here before replying or starting your own, and you’ll have a better chance of meeting others who share your interests.

Be Agreeable, Even When You Disagree

You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But remember to criticize ideas, not people. Please avoid:

  • Name-calling
  • Ad hominem attacks
  • Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content
  • Knee-jerk contradiction

Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.

Your Participation Counts

The conversations we have here set the tone for every new arrival. Help us influence the future of this community by choosing to engage in discussions that make this forum an interesting place to be — and avoiding those that do not.

Discourse provides tools that enable the community to collectively identify the best (and worst) contributions: bookmarks, likes, flags, replies, edits, and so forth. Use these tools to improve your own experience, and everyone else’s, too.

Let’s leave our community better than we found it.

If You See a Problem, Flag It

Moderators have special authority; they are responsible for this forum. But so are you. With your help, moderators can be community facilitators, not just janitors or police.

When you see bad behavior, don’t reply. It encourages the bad behavior by acknowledging it, consumes your energy, and wastes everyone’s time. Just flag it. If enough flags accrue, action will be taken, either automatically or by moderator intervention.

In order to maintain our community, moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time. Moderators do not preview new posts; the moderators and site operators take no responsibility for any content posted by the community.

Always Be Civil

Nothing sabotages a healthy conversation like rudeness:

  • Be civil. Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech.
  • Keep it clean. Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit.
  • Respect each other. Don’t harass or grief anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information.
  • Respect our forum. Don’t post spam or otherwise vandalize the forum.

These are not concrete terms with precise definitions — avoid even the appearance of any of these things. If you’re unsure, ask yourself how you would feel if your post was featured on the front page of the New York Times.

This is a public forum, and search engines index these discussions. Keep the language, links, and images safe for family and friends.

Keep It Tidy

Make the effort to put things in the right place, so that we can spend more time discussing and less cleaning up. So:

  • Don’t start a topic in the wrong category.
  • Don’t cross-post the same thing in multiple topics.
  • Don’t post no-content replies.
  • Don’t divert a topic by changing it midstream.
  • Don’t sign your posts — every post has your profile information attached to it.

Rather than posting “+1” or “Agreed”, use the Like button. Rather than taking an existing topic in a radically different direction, use Reply as a Linked Topic.

Post Only Your Own Stuff

You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property (software, video, audio, images), or for breaking any other law.

Powered by You

This site is operated by your friendly local staff and you, the community. If you have any further questions about how things should work here, open a new topic in the site feedback category and let’s discuss! If there’s a critical or urgent issue that can’t be handled by a meta topic or flag, contact us via the staff page.

Terms of Service

Yes, legalese is boring, but we must protect ourselves – and by extension, you and your data – against unfriendly folks. We have a Terms of Service describing your (and our) behavior and rights related to content, privacy, and laws. To use this service, you must agree to abide by our TOS.

Gaijin Community Guidelines: Common Rules

These Community Guidelines (“Guidelines”) outline the basic rules of behavior on Gaijin websites (including Gaijin official forums related to its Games, called “Forum” in the Guidelines), official social media resources, and other Services where you, a User, may post your commentary and other content related to Gaijin Games (collectively - “Gaijin Websites”).

All the provisions of these Guidelines are consistent with the Terms and Conditions, including the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy , and unconditionally binding for you. By creating a Gaijin Account or using Gaijin Websites, the User agrees to these Guidelines in full without any exceptions. You may not use Gaijin’s Websites if you are not willing or able to be bound by the terms of these Guidelines.

The capitalized terms (words) not defined in this document shall be interpreted as provided by EULA and Terms of Service.

All the terms and conditions of these Guidelines apply to every Gaijin Website regardless of the official language of such Gaijin Website. Some of the Gaijin Websites may establish rules themselves, and these rules are obligatory for the Users of such websites, whereas they do not contradict these Guidelines (for instance, Appendices No. 1-5 to these Guidelines listed below). For the avoidance of doubt, if any such rules on any of Gaijin’s Websites contradict these Guidelines, the latter should prevail without question.

Attention! The Forum is intended for player communication and should not be considered a way to seek official support unless otherwise expressly provided by these Guidelines. Please see paragraph 6 for Gaijin Support Service contact details.

For your comfort, these Guidelines are split into the following sections:















1.1. Forum

The Forum is a public place on the Internet where the Users may communicate with each other and share their commentaries, views, content, and other information concerning War Thunder, Crossout, Star Conflict, CRSED: F.O.A.D., Enlisted, Age of Water, and other Games published by Gaijin and referred to as the "Game(-s)‘’ in the Terms of Service. The Forum is primarily based on the content generated by Users (please also see paragraph 2.10 of these Guidelines).

The Forum is usually divided into sub-forums or sub-sections devoted entirely to a specific topic. Off-topic discussions or other means of communication are not allowed, subject to the sanctions set forth in paragraph 3 below.

Gaijin’s Websites are post-moderated, so the information posted is not monitored or edited before publication, but the Administration reserves the right to do so later at any time, where, at the sole discretion of the Administration, it is necessary for compliance with these Guidelines, the Terms and Conditions, rules of law, Gaijin’s obligations, or public order.

1.2. Community

The community of Gaijin’s Websites mainly comprises the following categories of its participants, having their respective roles as follows:

  • Administrators and Community Managers are the official Gaijin representatives authorized to give official responses on behalf of Gaijin. The Administrators and Community Managers may also perform Forum moderation. The text below the profile picture indicates the status of an Administrator or Community Manager.
  • Game Masters are individuals appointed by the Administration to help Users in the Games and to make sure the Users follow the rules of the Games. Depending on the functionality of the particular Forum, the Game Masters may have the right to perform the moderation. The text below the profile picture indicates the status of the Game Master.
  • Moderators and Global Moderators are individuals appointed by the Administration to perform the moderation on Gaijin’s Websites. The Moderators and Global Moderators may perform the tasks of the Game Masters depending on the specific Gaijin’s Website. In addition, they have the right to edit, delete messages, close the Forum’s threads without explanation, and perform other community management functions.
  • Coordinators and National Coordinators are individuals appointed by the Administration of the project whose duties include overseeing gaming communities. The text below the profile picture indicates the status of the Coordinator and the National Coordinator.
  • Guests are the Forum visitors that did not complete the registration process. Guests have limited rights in most Forum sections and are not entitled to use most of Gaijin Websites’ functionality

Generally, the Community Managers, Moderators (and Global Moderators), Game Masters, Coordinators (and National Coordinators), and other persons managing Gaijin’s Websites (collectively “Website Managers”) are not employed by Gaijin and assist Administration voluntarily and free of charge.

The structure of the community and the competencies of its members may vary from one Gaijin’s Website to another.

1.3. Gaijin Account

Each registered User has a personal Gaijin Account with several mandatory parameters, including but not limited to email, password, and nickname.

The owner of the Gaijin Account is solely responsible for the posts published on the Gaijin’s Websites from their Gaijin Account regardless of who was the real author of the post unless the owner’s non-involvement is directly and undoubtedly proven based on the corresponding evidence assessed and confirmed by Gaijin.

The Users who are not logged in under their Gaijin Account have the Guest status and are not allowed to post messages, and do not have access to most of the Gaijin’s Websites’ functionality.

If the User loses their Gaijin Account due to hacking, they should immediately contact our customer support at support.gaijin.net.


2.1. Registration on Gaijin’s Websites

To be eligible for registration on Gaijin’s Websites, the User must meet the requirements set forth in Gaijin’s Terms of Service. Creating the valid Gaijin Account automatically creates an account on Gaijin’s Websites.

To use Gaijin’s Websites, the User provides information necessary for registering the Gaijin Account under Gaijin’s Privacy Policy. Each User is allowed to have only one Gaijin Account and shall not create another Gaijin Account without the prior consent of the Administration.

By registering Gaijin Account to use Gaijin’s Website, you agree that you will not:

  • use Gaijin’s Websites to post knowingly false, abusive, obscene materials, and/or any other materials that violate existing applicable laws, including but not limited to the posts containing confidential information or governmental secrets (as stated in the Military Restrictions Section);
  • post any material protected by copyright without the right holder’s consent. In the case of publishing such copyrighted materials, you must identify authorship and the source of the materials;
  • disclose the content of private messages with other Users or the content of official notices (posts) from Website Managers without the expressed permission of the corresponding User or Website Managers;
  • impersonate other community members (especially the Administration and other Website Managers) in any way;
  • contravene any other restrictions and prohibitions of these Guidelines.

The Administration reserves the right to remove any materials that violate the preceding requirements and apply appropriate sanctions to the Users who published them. Furthermore, the Administration reserves the right to remove at its sole discretion any material considered objectionable.

2.2. Nicknames and avatars

It is forbidden to use the following words, images, and other content:

in your nickname:

  • words, phrases, and idioms that promote discrimination at all levels, including national, racial, ethnic, and sexual;
  • images or nicknames, in whole or in part, are composed of copyrighted trademarks or names;
  • nicknames that are misleading about their affiliation with the developers, Website Managers, and the Administration;
  • insults, obscene or abusive words in any language;
  • content that violates other provisions of these Guidelines.

in your avatar (profile picture), or any other element of the User’s Gaijin Account details (email address, place of residence, etc.):

  • obscene or abusive images or language, including words and consonants with the words and phrases in any language, including transliteration;
  • images, words, phrases, and idioms that promote discrimination at all levels, including national, racial, ethnic, and sexual.
  • images, words, phrases, and idioms related to psychotropic or narcotic substances and their use;
  • images, in whole or in part, are composed of copyrighted trademarks or names;
  • images containing religious, racist, or Nazi symbols;
  • content that is misleading about their affiliation with the developers, Website Managers, and the Administration;
  • avatars are judged to be insulting or inflammatory by the Administration or Website Managers;
  • insults, obscene or abusive words or images in any language;
  • content that contains pornographic material or is related to intimate types of the human body;
  • content that violates other provisions of these Guidelines.

The Administration and Website Managers reserve the right to unilaterally amend the User’s Gaijin Account details in case of such violation.

The restrictions and prohibitions of this paragraph apply to the images and media files (paragraph 2.5), and Users’ signatures (paragraph 2.6).

2.3. Content of the User’s posts on Gaijin’s Websites

The official language of Gaijin’s Websites is English. The use of foreign languages, transliteration, and deliberate distortion of the English language is not welcome (except in subsections for specific languages). For the avoidance of doubt, such restrictions do not apply to Gaijin’s Websites dedicated entirely to a particular language.

The text of the post (message) should be clearly readable, which means that Users shall not use pseudo-graphics, colored text markup, capital letters (Caps Lock), bold text, and font size change abuse.

The subject of the Forum’s thread (topic) must be informative and briefly display the content of such a thread. It is forbidden to write the message text in capital letters (except for acronyms).

The Users are not permitted to use red color when drafting and designing posts and signatures on the Forum. The red font is reserved for Administration and the Website Managers.

The Administration and the Website Managers have the right to remove a thread or a message, regardless of relevance, User’s interest, and other factors. In such cases, the Administration and the Website Managers are not required to provide any additional comments regarding their actions.

2.4. Links

It is not forbidden to post links to external resources in the posts on Gaijin’s Websites. However, it is forbidden to place links to pornography, descriptions of violent actions, information containing profanity or incitement to violence, promoting or offering the use of counterfeit products, and any web resources that directly or indirectly violate international laws, applicable legislation, or Gaijin’s Terms and Conditions (including these Guidelines). Advertising of any products, real and virtual, is also forbidden.

Users take full responsibility for the information contained in these external resources. Using such a link means you are leaving our Gaijin’s Website, and we take no responsibility for and give no warranties, guarantees, or representations regarding linked sites.

2.5. Images and media files

The Users are allowed to include the image in the message body. It is recommended to use the “hidden text” when posting a large number of images.

2.6. Signatures

The signature length is limited by the rules of the corresponding Gaijin Website. It is not recommended to abuse pseudo-graphics in signatures. Signatures may contain animations, but they should not irritate the eyes or make messages difficult to read.

It is prohibited to compose signatures with links to external resources other than Gaijin’s Websites without prior approval from the Administration. The number of links in the signature shall not exceed two links.

The specific rules of the User’s signature regarding the relevant Gaijin’s Website are set out in the appendices hereto.

Signatures that do not meet these requirements will be deleted without warning.

2.7. Rating

Each User has a certain number of “rating points,” for instance, a limited number of possibilities to react to the posts of other Users. Such a feature is determined by the functionality of the specific Gaijin’s Website and is specified in the appendices hereto.

2.8. Technical Section Rules. Sometimes, the technical Administrators may perform technical support regarding the Games in a relevant Forum section. The User should only post content relevant to the bugs/suggestions/community technical support in such a section, subject to the sanctions specified in paragraph 3.6 of these Guidelines.

2.9. Attributes and symbols. It is strictly forbidden to publish any texts, documents, images, recordings, videos, files, and other content which are in any way associated with the following:

  • organizations that violate or have violated international law (for example, the use of symbols, abbreviations and designations, acronyms, names, and surnames of Nazi leaders), including drawings and cartoons;
  • images and names of famous state, civilian and military leaders of the countries of the fascist / Nazi bloc;
  • images of awards of the countries of the fascist / Nazi bloc, part of which is the swastika and other signs prohibited by the applicable law;
  • the uniform of the armies of the Fascist / Nazi bloc, Nazi volumes of greetings, and portraits of criminals convicted and not rehabilitated, including drawings and cartoons;
  • any other attributes/symbols of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy and other extremist or terrorist organizations;
  • banners, flags, badges, armbands, uniform attributes, greetings, passwords, musical works, household items, and other objects and objects representing themselves in any form of symbolism used by the National Socialist Labor Party of Germany and the Fascist Party of Italy, and any other extremist and nationalist organizations.

The Administration reserves the right to remove any of such content and impose sanctions upon the Users according to paragraph 3.1 below.

2.10. Conversational Media

2.10.1. The terms and conditions of these Guidelines apply to your posting and sharing of any words, pictures, images, data, video, information, or any other media that you upload, post, or share via Gaijin’s Websites while communicating with other Users (“Conversational Media”).

2.10.2. The User hereby grants to Gaijin and its affiliates, agents, licensees, sublicensees, contractors, successors, legal representatives, assigns, and third-party service providers, and their respective partners, marketing and public relations agencies, affiliates a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable right and license to use Conversational Media in any manner within the Forum, Gaijin Websites, and/or the Games, or in connection with them.

2.10.3. By posting Conversational Media, the User warrants that:

  • User will comply with any terms and conditions, including additional rules of the corresponding Gaijin’s Websites;
  • User owns the posted Conversational Media or is duly authorized to post it and has the right, power, and authority to grant the rights set out in this paragraph to the Administration;
  • Gaijin is entitled to use Conversational Media published by the User. In particular, Gaijin may lawfully permit other Users to view your Conversational Media without any payment (including any royalty payment to you or anyone else);
  • User obtained all consents and releases from all people who are identifiable in your Conversational Media;
  • posted Conversational Media is not confidential, does not infringe the intellectual property, privacy, or any other legal right of anyone else, and does not contain anything unlawful, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, harassing, or threatening;
  • Conversational Media does not contain a virus or other harmful component, or computer programming routine, software, file, or code designed to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data, or personal information;
  • Conversational Media does not interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any Gaijin’s Websites or any computer software or equipment;
  • User does not disguise the origin of any Conversational Media or impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent any affiliation with any person or entity, or store/collect other Users’ personal data;
  • User hereby irrevocably grants Gaijin the right to use, cause and/or authorize using their Conversational Media without attribution.

2.10.4. The User acknowledges that:

  • Gaijin’s Websites contain Conversational Media submitted by Users over whom the Administration has no entire or overwhelming control;
  • it is impossible for the Administration to fully and effectively moderate, oversee or monitor the Gaijin’s Websites. In particular, to monitor whether any Conversational Media infringes the copyright or any other legal right of a third party;
  • Gaijin does not undertake to permanently oversee, monitor, or pre-moderate any of Gaijin’s Websites and cannot, therefore, guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of any particular Conversational Media;
  • some Users may breach these Guidelines and post Conversational Media that is misleading, untrue, or offensive. The User accepts all risks associated with their use of the Gaijin’s Websites and shall not rely on Conversational Media in making (or refraining from making) any decision;
  • Gaijin is not liable to any of the Users regarding any Conversational Media you view on Gaijin’s Websites. Gaijin does not control or monitor all the Conversational Media posted to Gaijin’s Websites by Users but reserves the right to do this (whether via moderation by the Website Managers or through technical methods) or to delete, move or edit any of your Conversational Media without any notice to you. We may contact you by the provided email regarding your use of Gaijin’s Websites.

2.10.5. If the User contravenes any of these rules, Gaijin reserves the right to suspend or permanently remove the availability of the User’s Conversational Media and to take any other steps considered appropriate.

If you wish to complain about information and materials uploaded by other Users or about false removal or blocking of Conversational Media submitted by you, please contact us at [email protected].


2.11. No politics

Gaijin does not endorse or support any political parties, groups, movements, organizations or committees, any companies, partnerships, corporations, or associations organized or maintained for political purposes, or candidates for political office, including in connection with any election, referendum, the proposed bill, or for any other political purpose whatsoever.

Gaijin explicitly prohibits the use of Gaijin’s Websites for political purposes, including the purposes above. The content of the User’s posts, avatar, and signature must not also contain any political symbols, logos, attributes, slogans, appeals, statements, or other politically oriented content.


The rules set out in this paragraph outline a general (illustrative) list of sanctions that may be imposed on the Users for violating these Guidelines. At the sole discretion of the Administration or Website Managers, a lesser or more severe sanction may be charged.

The Administration may decide to impose sanctions in case of both direct or indirect violations of these Guidelines and when User’s actions do not formally fall under the restrictions but generally contradict the principles established by the Guidelines.

Some of Gaijin’s Websites may establish specific rules regarding the punishment for violating these Guidelines. In particular, the Administration and the Website Managers may establish different sanctions for the violations stated in paragraphs 3.1 — 3.15 of this document that apply to specific communities and sections of Gaijin’s Websites or the Forums dedicated to the particular Game.

Most of the violations have a three-stage scheme of sanctions. The third-stage sanction or a more severe punishment may be imposed for the fourth violation of a rule.

These Guidelines strictly prohibit the following:

3.1. It is forbidden to publish any texts, documents, images, recordings, videos, files, and other content which are in any way associated with:

3.1.1 profanity, obscene and offensive language, words, phrases, and abbreviations (including their disguised forms);

3.1.2 insulting the Administration in person;

3.1.3 insulting other members of the community;

3.1.4 rudeness and vulgarity against them;

3.1.5 psychotropic substances, drugs, and alcohol propaganda;

3.1.6 political and religious agitation and propaganda, including propagation of conflicts; discussion of actual political and religious issues is also prohibited due to the provocative nature: we urge you not to draw comparisons between war-historical themes and any of the political events;

3.1.7 all manifestations of Nazism and racist statements, any Nazi symbols (as stated in paragraph 2.9 of these Guidelines);

3.1.8 pornography, nudity, photographs, or images containing naked female genitals and breasts, male genitals, and other intimate parts of the human body.

The Gaijin Accounts of Users in violation of this rule are subject to the following sanctions:

1 violation — 3-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — 30 days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3.2. Dissemination, distribution, or other sharing of real-life information about other Users, Website Managers, or Gaijin employees are not permitted (e.g., the real name, address, phone number). In addition, the publication of libel or other defamatory or false information is prohibited. This restriction applies to public messages, personal messages, and complaints. In case of failure to comply with this rule, the User’s Gaijin Account will be punished the following way:

1 violation — 3-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — 30-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3.3. Any advertising, except personally agreed with the Administration of the corresponding Gaijin’s Website, is not allowed. Advertising is not permitted in, without limitation, signatures, avatars, or nicknames, and also in advertising spread with the help of the private messaging system. In addition, the Users are strictly prohibited from spamming on Gaijin’s Websites.

All threads, messages, and records containing the advertisement may be deleted by the Administration and by Website Managers without notice. If the User materially violates this rule, the Administration or Website Managers may impose the following sanctions on the User’s Gaijin Account:

1 violation — 1-day ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 3-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

Users who repeatedly violate this rule will permanently lose their right to access the forum.

3.4. Duplicating messages in one or several threads or news sections and creating similar threads in different sections of the Forum (multi-posting) are forbidden. Before starting a new thread in the section, the User should use the Forum’s search function — it will help ensure that there is no existing similar thread. Topics and posts that duplicate other discussions may be closed and deleted without warning.

Breaking the preceding rules may result in sanctions or bans for the User’s Gaijin Account:

1 violation — 1-day ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 3-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3.5. It is not allowed to post messages which are not related to the topic of the Forum or post messages in an inappropriate Forum section, or messages which do not relate to the Gaijin’s Website’s subject (for example, unrelated to the news subject on the official “War Thunder” website). The exception to this rule is the information posted on Gaijin’s Websites sections intended for off-topic communication.

The titles should not be fully capitalized, and they must clearly indicate the post’s content. It is further prohibited to abuse the “report” function and, in particular, to discuss unrelated topics (flood) in the “bug report” sections of Gaijin Websites (if any).

If you do not follow this rule, we may sanction your Gaijin Account as follows:

1 violation — 1-day ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 3-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3.6. Alongside the rules of paragraph 3.5 above, reporting game bugs, errors, or other flaws is not permitted other than in the Forum’s section(-s) related to the technical support of the Games. Violating this rule is subject to the following sanctions:

1 violation — 1-day ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 3-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3.7. Any information known to be false is restricted from being published, regardless of the degree of awareness of the author (especially concerning the publication of any information on the development of Gaijin’s games or other projects). The Users in breach of this rule will be sanctioned as follows:

1 violation — 3-day ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — 30-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3.8. It is not allowed to discuss threads closed by the Administration or Website Managers or any Users’ posts deleted by them, challenge or discuss corresponding actions of Administration, Moderators (and/or Global Moderators), Community Managers, Coordinators, and Game Masters in any form. Depending on the circumstances and severity, the following sanctions may be imposed on the User’s Gaijin Account:

1 violation — 1-day ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 3-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3.9. Users shall not discuss the ways to crack the protection of the Games, illegal ways to circumvent the security software of Gaijin (including forbidden modifications, hacks, exploits), or other ways to break the limitations set out in Gaijin EULA.

The publication of threads and messages that promote piracy and counterfeit products, or placing links to online resources that offer pirated content, is forbidden. In addition, discussing counterfeit or otherwise infringing software is restricted in any form. Violations of this rule may lead to Users being sanctioned temporarily or permanently, including the following sanctions:

1 violation — 3-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — 30-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3.10. The publication of messages proposing the sale/purchase of Gaijin Accounts or any in-game valuables, or any other messages calling for a violation of Gaijin Terms and Conditions, should be regarded as breaching these Guidelines. The Gaijin Accounts of Users in violation of this rule are subject to the following sanctions:

1 violation — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 30-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — permanent account lockout

3.11. Users are not allowed to discuss the possibilities and methods of causing damage or losses to the Games, Administration, Website Managers, and other Users, including cheat programs, “bot” automation programs, ways to modify the client of the Games, vulnerabilities in the client and server parts of the Games, offering advantages in gameplay, and any other circumventing methods prohibited, directly or indirectly, by Gaijin EULA. Furthermore, the User may not encourage other Users to stop playing the Games or to avoid purchasing any content from the Gaijin.Net Store in any form, including by making threats or enforcing them. The violation of this rule may result in the following restrictions for the User’s Gaijin Account:

1 violation — 3-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

2 violations — 7-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3 violations — 30-days ban on the publication of threads and posts

3.12. Registering and using backup accounts without prior authorization by the Administration is forbidden. In case of violation of this rule, the duplicate account will be removed, and the main one will be limited in its rights to access Gaijin’s Websites for 1 month.

3.13. Placing any information to gain access to accounts and personal data of Users is forbidden, or posing as an Administration officer. In the event of such actions, the Administration reserves the right to terminate the offending account forever.

3.14. Full or partial publishing of private correspondence with the Administration, Website Managers, support staff, and/or developers of the Games is not permitted. Violation of this rule may result in the offending Gaijin Account being banned forever.

3.15. Dismissive attitude to the Game Rules, the Gaijin’s Websites, and the Gaijin’s Terms and Conditions is banned. This prohibition applies to public posts on Gaijin’s Websites and the messages sent through the service for personal messages and complaints.

Administration and Website Managers may delete any thread or post that violates this rule without notice.

Inability to adhere to this rule may result in a temporary or permanent ban on the User’s Gaijin Account:

1 violation — 7-days ban for publication of threads and posts;

2 violations — permanent ban.


In terms of Conversational Media, as a User, you understand and agree that you use Gaijin’s Websites at your own risk: the Administration cannot be held liable for any of the content of any messages posted by Users (including but not limited to governmental secrets and confidential information as stated in the Military Restrictions Section of these Guidelines). The exclusive responsibility for the content of posted messages lies with the authors.

The Administration does not guarantee that:

  • Gaijin’s Websites will fully meet the Users’ requirements or expectations;
  • Gaijin’s Websites are accessible in a continuous, quick, and reliable manner;
  • the information posted by Users on Gaijin’s Websites is trustworthy or true.


In all other aspects regarding the use of Gaijin Websites that are not specified by this Guidelines, including but not limited to governing law and jurisdiction**,** warranty disclaimer**,** indemnification**,** Guidelines update and modification**,** severability**,** assignment, and termination, the relevant provisions of Terms of Service shall apply to this Guidelines.


To contact Gaijin, please use our Support Service website currently available at https://support.gaijin.net.

Last updated: 18.04.2023