Isn’t it for two rank higher? Two rank lower also applies?
+1 BR - Skill Matters
+2 BR - Rank does not matter
+5 BR - Godmode
I belive that in some sort of way limiting the use of certain vessels at some gamemodes can make Naval Battles appealing, what I mean is you can’t do much with a coastal vessel in Enduring Confrontation when your first target is a Scharnhorst.
And the vehicles itself most tech trees offer in the Coastal Fleet branch also isn’t appealing, why would someone research a vessel with a single auto cannon when a battleship has times and times more? Adding coastal vessels capable of engaging targets in a secure distance may be the first step into fixing this issue.
Thats one of the reasons why I’m a big advocate of naval missile thunder
Gives you a reason to get coastal top tier but also adding unique gameplay options
naval is dead AND GAIJIN KILLED IT
-Gaijin made naval
-Bruh guys we dont make enough ruble for this
-Try monetize*
-Guys monetize no work
-Laid off naval
-Lower naval rewards
-Guys why does naval suck we spend so many time on it
- Make new mode
- New mode is popular for a while but dies off because of problems
- Start losing money
- Instead of fixing it, monetize it more
- Players are further driven away from it
“Why is it dead???”
I feel like the initial start is the killer of naval. Especially if you are starting fresh. When there’s an event or challenge that requires naval play, you can be sure to see odds stacked against the new players. Even those who have played war thunder for years but never naval, they are at the mercy of seasoned naval players.
I feel like Naval gets plenty of new content, but unfortunately I only see new vessels, not too many if any fixes. We have wanted better spawns for some time.
- Sir we need new way to monetize!
- Put some code together and go make some boats
- Naval is no good!
- Put in some more boats and monetize
- Monetization wont fit!
- Cut the promise and monetize
Naval is filled with bots because no one plays it and the bots give less RP.
Naval isn’t dead because it’s unrewarding, it’s unrewarding because it’s dead.
It’s dead because it’s unrewarding
Even with full player lobbies, rewards were still horrible
I’m new to naval but I’m liking it so far. It is significantly better than WoWS.
Reading this thread is kind of frustrating:
There are so many people here wondering about rewards, yet at the same time have no real comprehension of the economy rules (of naval).
Many posts contain false information while the correct information is available in game with mouse over.
Or has been posted in developers notes.
Lastly, I have posted the relevant stuff quite early, and later pictures all confirm what I said but the discussion still echo chambers around other points.
please enlighten us
Naval battles will gain popularity when Yamamoto will be able to shoot T34 85. Developers will of course balance the game since the average k/d will have to be 1:1.
actually no
its preferred for one nation to have an overperforming vehicle so it becomes meta
then gets switched
idk dude 154k SL in 10 minutes is great, naval is known for giving a lot of SL and a go-to source for many people when they want to grind a lot of SL
Nobody said anything about SL
We are talking about RP
You cannot progress without RP
The reason naval is dead is because heavy cruisers oland light cruisers fight battleships.
This should not happen at all.
I’m playing cruisers, I should be fighting cruisers.
NAVAL BRs are completely unbalanced. Admiral Hipper and Eugene at 5.7 but Brooklyn is 6.0???