The reason why Naval is dead

The problem is that bringing it up to 11.0 would introduce modern missiles and ordnance, with them effectively fighting WW2, WW1, and interwar battleships

It’s fairly simple->It’s release was a disaster. Most of those ships are ships the majority do not know of.

Maps are also designed around larger vessels. Who’s the smart guy that would take smaller maps and shove them into the larger empty maps?.

The Fact bots give so much less reward have been slowly draining the Naval playerbase. Its a vicious cycle. Players leave naval cause its boring->Gaijin adds bots w/reduced rewards->dedicated naval players leave cause rewards are bad->Gaijin adds more bots to lower queue times for naval->rinse and repeat


why is gaijin so allergic to giving good rewards for players

Because the frustration allows them to monetize premiums to begin with.
Also gives them a nice way to make money from people using GE to skip grind

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predatory as hell bruh

welcome to the free to play model

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To be honest I’d rather a 1950’s ship as usually they’re equipped with less LAA (except Battle & Daring classes, Impetuoso class & Project 41/56), Meanwhile late second world war vessels are coated in LAA & HAA Batteries that make doing torpedo run near impossible unless you approach from certain angles or use landmass in cqc.

Even then LAA needs a rework on what that shit can target as it’s so fun to watch a 2200t ship light up a 3000t ship but the latter because its classed as say a frigate results in it not being able to target a destroyer for some bloody reason even though its heavier (especially annoying with one Rank V destroyer labelled a frigate as you’ll get melted by that AA faster than you melt the destroyer (which can be closer to a Sloop or TB in examples).

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It was a 5 or 6 minute queue iirc

Seems like frustration drives away more people than it makes buy premiums though seeing how little the game has grown over the past few years

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8 player kills
9 AI kills

Somehow, air kills in ground RB which have notoriously bad rewards with the Kugelblitz (no tali) give same or even more RP per kill

Coastal is quite frustrated in grinding rp than bluewater, not only at same kill and active time, but even with superior kill and active time.
Also, quite frequently I get ‘Rank does not matter’ with Rank IV coastal when killing Rank I destroyers.

So I assume there are something hidden in rank and reward system on coastal outside of shown statcard.


Rank does not matter is BR dependant

Very odd as its name is ‘Rank’, and my Folaga has higher BR than Frunze

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yeah no idea it makes no sense

I just realized… The M-802 only has a 1.66 RP modifier… For a ship thats one rank before the top… (Around rank 6 in grb terms)… And the equivalent GRB vehicles have over 2.0 modifiers

Yeah, I have always felt that they should remove Destroyers from Coastal and have Coastal as a separate small boats mode. Then in Blue water you can choose to bring coastal vessels into it if you want. I would also move the SKR7/1 and likely all the Frigates out of Coastal as well, those things in particular can chew up early Destroyers but they also chew up everything else.

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They still get just enough from the whales that they don’t need to change their models, unfortuantely

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I just realzied

Prem vehicle of the same rank and br has a lower SL modifier than a non prem vehicle…

Rank does matter. IIRC it is more than 2 ranks difference to get the reward.