17 kills… 35.5k Damage…
10k RP (For a premium ship with premium account)??? Researching a 4.3 boat that costs 320k RP… that’s completely outmatched by destroyers???
This makes no sense
I thought the other 11 naval players had given up on naval already…
This is precisely why I can’t be bothered with coastal, even though I would like to grind the tree. The entirety of coastal economy is busted. The rewards reflect the fact it’s low BR of naval (coastal+Bluewater) but the costs are for a “high” BR of just coastal.
This can be best seen when comparing the GE cost of a rank 4 premium frigate and a reserve rank premium destroyer.
The destroyer will also almost always win in that fight and earn more.
And then on top of that the fact that bots reward about 1/3 of a player kill
I want to enjoy the game so badly but it does everything it can to make me hate it
Not to mention how 2.3 PT boats can see destroyers… and it only gets worse the higher BR you go. 3.7 fighting 4.7 destroyers, being completely unable to even scratch them is absurd
I played a LOT of naval for the past months and I finally got the Saetta P-494, but even so didn’t feel so engaging.
I enjoy coastal boats more than bluewater boats, I like the fast paced action they offer, but once the game is halfway there, there’s already 4 destroyers in the center of the map farming small boats like it’s nothing…
So I feel like Gaijin should focus on the ‘‘playability’’ of coastal boats, and even make some dedicated modes for boats of this class, maybe then some players might show interest in the gamemode.
Yeah, that is an entirely separate but equal problem as well. Only real option there is an setting to toggle between coastal only and combined matches.
Or just properly balance naval, bring the 3.3 destroyers up to 4.7 and expand the BRs up to 10.0 or 11.0 from the current 7.0
The tricky part of that is aircraft. I do agree a decompression is needed, but needs to combined with a full air tree decompress as well.
But yeah, that would mitigate the problem but you will still likely have frigates stuck fighting destroyers and early cruisers
It would be a strange sight to see, but having high tier missile age naval battles does sound quite fun.
Simple solution
Add a BR limit for aircraft, 6.3? 6.7? Who knows
Give them separate naval BRs like ground has (not worth the effort tho)
Missile boats :3
Now that I wouldn’t mind if it costed 320k RP…
Meanwhile the Bravy at 5.3 only 89k RP and with literaly S-125 missiles xD
Naval is like… If the tigers were end of the line of the TT and they costed as much the leo 2a7v does rn
That thing is insanely funny
I feel like the Impavido class (The pic I posted) would be an interesting one for Italy, it only has the Tartar SAM system going for it besides it’s 5 inch guns and 4 76mm guns, so maybe it would be a cool squadron vehicle, Italy has yet to have one of those.
Yeah, any would work
Part of the reason I want to grind coastal is something like HMS Broadsword could come fairly soon
I dont think squadron vehicles are needed yet, at least until we get properly structured TTs
You’re right, one thing at a time