The reason why Naval is dead

The match was under 10 min.
(If you understand the economy, there is no talking about RP without considering time)

even an air rb match with 1-2 kills without a prem plane at high tier that lasts under 10 minutes will give more than that

A ground match with the same amount of kills would most likely net over 20k RP, even under 10 minutes

Naval has a lot of issues like we just said, but the MAIN issue is the rewards, they are horrendously low for what they are…

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imo, 4.3 boats should cost 120k RP MAX

Navy is particularly bad, but it does feel like the overall RP earning is down across the board.

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Yeah grinding that 280k for the Saetta was NOT fun.
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Also the modcosts for a high ranging boat…like 35.000 for a single mod…I have boats in my TT which are unspaded for years, cause its so hopeless to ever grind this amount of RP. Similar to helis.


Albatross is 19k for repair crew, 11k for FPE

It was completely useless before they added stock repairing since your completely unarmored turrets would instantly get destroyed

That’s why I gave up on coastal. It requires insane amount of xp just to get “the same boat, but with additional MG”. And you also barely can do any damage to destroyers, maybe except frigates (which are at the end of researching line).


I just don’t understand why the gamemode which is almost totally abandoned by playerbase has that many ‘obstacles’ to play.

Super complicated tasks (compared to ground ones , which are easier to do), super high repair costs, super long queue times. Almost no SL or RP income. Sudden death mechanics, which let your ship often explode for no obvious reasons. Like my Battlecruiser exploded to a single HE shell.

Maps which put you under heavy fire righ when you spawn…zero terrain protection.

Massive balancing issues, since boat-like vessels need to fight DDs and sometimes cruisers.


It would be more logical to try to buff player numbers and improve the income, reduce absurd rep costs etc.


The reason why it’s “dead” is cause the matchmaker has the squad-squad matching restriction in place to prevent “abuse”, but many squadrons are naval squadrons and like to group together which causes dumb queue times.

10,000 RP for 10 minutes is good enough for me. That’s over 60,000 an hour in your screenshot.

Ah yes, my two 30mm autocannons that only have HE and HE-F belts vs a 1950s destroyer

So fun and balanced am I right???


Also mind this stupid ‘lock’ mechanic, which works through terrain and vegetation. So your 4.3 boat gets locked up by destroyers while you’re inside the boat area. This results your vessel is getting sunk by cruiser or DD guns from 5km away. You can’t even see your opponent.

Also the issue that you spawn your boat and everyone else is in DDs. So you have zero opponents to shot, what dreadful matchmaking.

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You aren’t factoring in queue times. For the sake of argument let’s say you wait one minute for each game, thats 6,000 RP an hour lost using your metric.

And no one can be expected to earn 10,000 RP a game considering OP got 17 kills with a premium. Especially considering AI:Player ratio, uptier/downtier, and maps all affect RP earnings.

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I mean true, but I always speak in battle time anyway.
Sometimes there are those days of instant queues, sometimes you get shafted with 3 minute queues. Longer if you’re in any squad.

Still something is stange, thats a non premium (but 15% rp booster) with just 7 kills (2 of those bots). Its already 15k rp.

Screenshot 2024-12-12 175829

How can a prem boat with 17 kills generate just 10k RP?

“even an air RB match…” - Air RB has the best time rewards in the game. That is no reference really.

The next thing not seen is what he killed. Was it all 4.0 player boats? Or low tier bots?

The RP reward formula is pretty straight forward: Activity * time is the key. He is at 87%, so that is pretty near the limit of 100%

The research target is the bottom of the tree iirc. It doesn’t even matter if it is outmatched by destroyers. It spawns elsewhere, where it is king of the hill.

Yes, rewards in naval aren’t best, they are average. You can earn way worse in 10 minutes. So yes, it could be better. But the screenshot is not very conclusive, unfortunately.

Time! You blocked the time in your picture. But you played for over 20 minutes.

When you get an exceptional air rb match in a premium jet, its possible to get 30 or 40.000 rp when you play 20 mins. Is it possible Naval income might be capped when you get very good results?


What if you do it in a rank IV premium prop?

All RP incomes are basically “capped” with activity * time. You are limited by time played. Air offers bases, but no other mode has such RP caches.