The NEEDED navel change list

As someone who (used to) enjoy navel mode, here is a list of the main complaints that need addressed.

1- remove coastal ships from anything over br 5.7 so people trying to enjoy a bluewater game can without it ending in 5 minutes due to coastal ships immediately capping

2- below 5.7 remove the close bluewater spawns so coastal ships are not in close proximity with bluewater ships and can have their own battles

3- remove sea plane capping

4- possibly rework capture points to make them have less influence and move/remove them depending on the br being played


No, do NOT try to make naval into an endless game of sitting in spawns not moving and bombarding static targets any more than it already is.

Sea planes are a neat feature to use, and allows larger ships to matter in terms of capping.

Costal ships are part of naval, learn to counterplay against them or keep one in your lineup.

Caps are an important part of making naval games progress, otherwise you just get bot level players sitting in spawn barraging each other with no actual gameplay.


This is the kind of attitude that makes game modes fail, I don’t play 7.0 so I can “J” out of my Alaska to go play a 4.3 coastal ship to stop someone from capping and ending the game quickly… and I also don’t use a seaplane to do the same thing, you just be one of the minority players that does all of the above

So actually playing the game is what you don’t like. If you want to win, take actions to win. If you want to sit in the Alaska and only bombard other ships then do so, but come to terms with losing games.

I can’t believe that playing the game mode in a way that leverages the strengths of costal and bluewater sea planes is now “making the game mode fail”. Why would anyone want dynamic gameplay that requires thought and use of different vehicle types instead of mindlessly clicking your mouse key every 30-50 seconds at a target that doesn’t move…

You actively want to dumb down the mode to nothing but large ships firing at large ships, which is a horrible idea for the longevity of the mode. The worst maps are the ones with no caps (or behind the spawn, or the stupid open water with no cover) where gameplay is at a snails pace while everyone sits and fires and nothing actually happens. That is also probably why 4.7 to 5.3 are more popular because the ships can actually accomplish something instead of being a boring, lifeless game.


1- Press Alt+2 sometimes and look around you, potentially press U if your vessel is capable. At high tiers you have a 30 second reload, shouldn’t be too much of a hassle to hold C and take a gander. Even near misses with large calibres make coastal vessels explode, so you could consider sending a couple rounds down the coastal alley.

2- Why? The waters are for everyone, and at least some of my personal favourite moments are torpedoing battleships that come too close.

3- You really want 30 minute matches don’t you, and what else are the aircraft supposed to do apart from strafing the occasional coastal vessel (that has good AA at this tier)?

4- You really want 30 minute matches don’t you?

Seems that naval sim would suit you better

You just described Naval EC.


1 - remove coastal ships from anything over br 5.7

…no, but I would support removing coastals from the truly open water, zero island circular encounter maps.

2- below 5.7 remove the close bluewater spawns

…no, but there’s been BR changes for some maps that mean 3.7s have long range enoounter maps, and places like Golden gate that used to be low tier Bluewater/Coastal mix now is full of 4.7/5.0.

3- remove sea plane capping

…no, but I would remove the ability to spawn planes from ship spawns or place a 30s minimum. I would also apply this to torpedo and smoke.

4- possibly rework capture points to make them have less influence and move/remove them depending on the br being played

…yes, but every map should have variable spawn and cap points. A couple of km extra for spawns or 100m for caps would be a cheap and easy way to sort-of adding some variation at minimal dev cost.

How do I find this Naval sim?

If you’re going to post about naval, please use the right word.


This is a navel ^


It’s not on right now, it’s usually an event in the events tab.
Keep a look out on the news for information about it

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EC! Found it and have had an amazing time! Such a great time… I am definitely glad I made the effort to learn Naval, it’s almost all I play right now.

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I try very hard to not use this phrase but… wow…



I’m one of the best naval players in war thunder, I would absolutely embarrass you 😂

There are many much needed changes for naval and you listed absolutely none of them.

Lets start with the BR compression…
-SKR-7s clubbing 3.3s
-Battleships with 4x the armor and 15x the firepower of cruisers just 0.3-1.0br below them

Better maps
-this applies to all modes, as Gaijin is notorious for brainless map design
(Seriously, outsource your map making, its obvious no one at the company has any idea what they are doing

Many other things but those are easily #1 and 2


the cruisers are fine where they are though. Setting fires with more rapid guns, AA defense, Speedy bois. coastal ships are a whole different problem for me. the problem is there isnt enough planes in top tier to make them super useful .
Personally I havent enjoyed them in a long time when i spawn in a hydro ship 3.3 with a 40mm bofors and a 4.0 destroyer with 5 inch guns just looks at me weird. (boom)

just by reading all that i’m assuming you want naval to be a kills-only gamemode with no capture points, thus making it even more boring. and why the bias against boat players?

  1. boats can easily be dealt with (unless you’ve been caught by surprise) with your secondary armaments, sounds more like a MASSIVE skill issue
  2. that leaves SKR and Köln players with absolutely nothing to do
  3. can’t i just use my G-5 or komsomolets to cap the bases?
  4. LOLWUT??? where’s the fun in doing nothing but pointing and firing in your marat without moving a single inch from your spawn?

and sir N_Lanternshark and Laserdestroy make extremely good points. capping points and boats are an integral part of naval battles and without them it’d just be F.K.s (frank knoxes) and Moffetts throwing shells at each other (and denying a chance for rank 2 non-american ship players to play), which is sad in itself.

there should also be fixes for maps as the former has pointed out such as fixing this corridor in North Port where passing destroyers can massacre boats that have just left their spawn

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You COMPLETELY misunderstood the entire post…

Coastal ships at lower br are NOT the problem, bluewater ships spawning right on top of them are.

Do you even play 7.0? Because at that point you spawn so far out you have no chance to get to a cap, yet someone in a reserve pt boat can spawn in and end the game by capping, so what’s the point of playing 7.0 when this happens nearly every battle?

As for skill issue, I’ll face you in a custom battle and wreck you EVERY time and we’ll see who has the “skill issue”… more like a comprehension issue on your part.

True, true… There are some advocates for that here; Removal Bluewater in Coastal

I’ve played some event battleships like the Baden and Mississippi and that’s what I’ve seen, yet I don’t really mind as I’m a coastal player myself.

At this point you’ve just proved yourself to be an arrogant ignoramus not worth arguing with. I ain’t resorting to some 17th century BS just to prove a point.

the best, who says so…?

You come at me saying major skill issue and I’m arrogant? Like I said lmk when you want to 1v1