The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Pointing out things that go against what you’re saying = easy argument. K.
Guess you’re gonna ignore my OP listing tons of reason (as well as a video plus another one in the thread) as to why it’s in a bad state.
(And it’s not even up to date: the Abrams now outreload the Leclerc and the Leclerc officially has the worst round now that Britain got the Challenger 3.)

Seriously, the only other tank that has fuel tanks as vulnerable as the Leclerc is the Type 10. While Russian tanks have issues with exploding fuel as well, it’s behind armor that actually works, so they’re nowhere near as vulnerable as the Leclerc and Type 10.

The LFP of the Leclerc being weak isn’t a big deal, it’s an area that seems to be weak on the tank IRL so that’s fine if it’s weak in game as well. That’s not what we’re fighting about.

Excuse me what? Russian tanks UFP are essentially unpennable, as well as all Strv 122s and Leo 2A7.
These alone represents makes up ~60% of tanks you’ll face at top tier in terms of frequency.

Then you add some Chinese tanks too, and the Abrams UFP which is very likely to bounce due to the angle, and we’re in the ~80% frequency territory.

As for the other tanks, all but the Ariete (which has no business sitting at 11.7) have something to at least compensate somewhat.

So no, UFP being weak isn’t a thing for “most tank”, at least at top tier (which is what this topic is about since we’re not fighting Leo 1s at 11.7)

And on top of that, bug reports have showed that the Leclerc’s UFP values are lower than what they should be, but gaijin doesn’t want to budge. So it’s not just bad gameplay wise, but also inaccurate. And that’s not mentioning the absence of spall liners.

And it’s not just the breach that’s huge, the whole frontal arc of the turret is easily pennable by top tier rounds, which coupled with the terrible UFP and LFP results in the entire frontal arc of the Leclerc being a gigantic weak spot.
Like, you have to actively try to score a non pen on a Leclerc.

That area is such a ridiculously small part of the front profile that it’s completely irrelevant, especially considering that even the rounds on the weaker side in terms of pen can still pen it at 500m and below.

Well thank god the amount of armor doesn’t impact if your tank will be penetrated or not the-OH WAIT


Update on where we are at with bug reports…


Acknowledged and awaiting a response:

Waiting to be acknowledged:

Coming soon:

  • Increased frontal armour
  • Increased side protection
  • Roof protection against early top-attack missiles
  • UFP angle should be 80 degrees

Key takeaways:

  • The devs really don’t give a shit about French ground. Even bug reports which should be easy fixes and are based on primary sources have still shown no progress over a month later - how hard can it be to change the smoke duration from 20 seconds to 40 seconds or add an LWS mod?
  • By now, I’m not even sure if France has a TT consultant. If there is one, they should be replaced. For comparison, look at this timely response from the Italian TT consultant: Community Bug Reporting System.
  • With regards to armour buffs, at this stage we have primary sources showing that the Leclerc which was tested in Sweden has a different armour composition than the Leclerc which entered French service. However, we are not rushing this and ensuring we have exhausted all possibilities before moving forward.
  • A correctly modelled Leclerc would be very competitive by virture of firepower and mobility alone - there would be no need to reduce its BR.

The Italian TT consultant ain’t doing a good job, however. The Ariete’s missing just as much armor as the LeClerc. They’ll have you believe that 5 tons of WAR kit is 20mm effective while the Abrams turret DU only added 2 tons on the cheeks for roughly 300 entire milimeters.

Neither of the consultants (if the French one even exists) are giving these vehicles their fair shot.

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After they added the automatic zeroing for laser rangefinders, I feel like the average skill since then has gone down by like ~25%. No wonder they don’t

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sad to see none of these get fix only two thing that got fixed

I also want to add as people might not have looked deeply in the reports, a majority of them are backed up with primary sources


This position has already seen two people die in real life literally and I don’t think there is someone to replace him. The stories I heard are one died from an traffic accident, one died due to cancer and one died due to COVID.

That is just going to be a rant here, but I have finally played the Leclerc again after a few weeks. And it’s just bad now, when a month ago I would only have said it’s mid. The traverse rate buff is almost useless, considering the leap that are T90M, Leo2A7, STRV 122s are. It really feels like playing with a light tank, but without any advantages of the light tanks. Heck, at their BR, even most light tanks are better armoured than the Leclerc. I’ve seriously been having less trouble using the M1A1 AIM and T80UK at 11.7, both being almost stock, and low level crew, compared to my aced S21. I think we should force the devs playing 2 games in French top tier vehicles and see for themselves, because as of now, they are simply not up to par. I have not played the Ariete, but I think it comes from a knowledgeable place when I say, that in their current position, Leclerc, Ariete, Challenger 2s don’t belong to 11.7, and might not even be 11.3 worthy. If the devs made actually buffs for realism, there are enough proof for that. But if they do it for balance, I would highly encourage the devs to do even a single game in a Leclerc and see how it feels. Damn, I did not think I’d ever say that the M1A1 AIM would feel better to use at top tier…
The only way to play the Leclerc as of now is by camping near your spawn, but even then it’s almost useless considering if your team steamrolls the enemy, you won’t see a single target, and if the opposite happens, there’s nothing you can do due to the inability to shot at someone without exposing a weak spot that would cause a one shot kill, while the enemy steamrolls your spawn. And those 2 scenarios account about 80% of the games as of now (except night battles, because 7v7 is much better than 16v16).

The only saving grace of the French lineup are the excellent CAS option, minus the tiger, because the Spikes feel near useless, exploding mid air when the entire target is visible (whyyyyyyyyy), and the Mistral is a shit show, failing to kill even non manoeuvring aircrafts for no reason (imo its even worse now on the tigers than before). The 2 mirages are great, but I really think the Mirage 2000 5F should actually receive its MAW, because of the rampant aim9M carriers that fly around and are very hard to kill (f16C and gripes) by both SAMs as they fly low, and aircrafts can’t reliably engage them due to the threat of invisible missiles. Maw for aircraft is already implemented even in the F111, so it should be time to give it to other fighters


We don’t, Smin said as much in the thread asking for a consultant change:

Somehow, gaijin thinks the state of French and Israeli vehicles are in a fine state as they are given that they refuse to give them specific advisors…

Everyone saw this? ;)



It’s a decent way of looking at how team performs, but that doesn’t change anything about vehicle or lineup balance. No one in their right mind would think that Italy’s top tier lineup is better than Russia’s or America’s, yet they still perform better. It’s just that people who play Italy are just better.

The main exception to this would be Sweden. There’s no IRL reason for them to be nearly as popular as France and the UK combined. The only reason they’re so popular is how stupidly strong their lineup and vehicles are.


So a Russian YouTuber did a research about each nation’s win rate and popularity for 11.7 and up GRB (I think based on past 5 days match history)

yea but do it again in 2 months to get a real number its normal that the first month after an update the usage and win rate for certain nations goes up so its useless data for a while

Yeah I agree, especially when leo2A7V is one of the most popular vehicle that people are waiting for, most veterans probably went back to playing Germany and it boost its stats by a lot. But what is really interesting here is high France win rate with such a low player base. The release of Mirage 4000 probably has some effect, but I doubt that’s the main cause

as others have said France Italy and Japan are mostly played by Vets at Top Tier so you have really good players that keep the stats up and honestly the 2A7V would be even more popular if it had its real armor that however would make it 100% OP and i know that if the Leclerc gets its Armor Fixed it will get played more

Ear me out guys. Been thinking on a subtree that France could get with some interesting additions. We thought of the UAE, which would bring very interesting stuff, for exemple for ground vehicles :

-BTR 3
-BMP 3 with French thermals
-Otokar-Al Jassor Rabdan
-Panstir (omega lol)
-Leclerc UEA (different armor architecture than the French one)

Many of these could fill huge holes in the tech tree without Gaijing actually needing to add new vehicles, or god forbid implement known bug reports lol


fun fact germany could get a Pantsir on an HX Truck too as it was showcased to the Bundeswehr and the French Army cant wait for all the people go crazy

I don’t understand what you mean

both Armys had a Showcase of the Pantsir System during a Arms Expo like how the 2PSO was showcased so what i m saying is both could get it

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