The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

About to have a good point…

Proceed to say the total opposite of all you said before…

I am a french main, I was only top tier for France until a week, I do now have the T-80UK (squadron). I bounced more shot in a week with tha T-80 than in a fc*k year with the Leclerc. I do not say the T-80 should be nerfed because according to me it is logical that a tank is somehow survivable and even more from the front. However the problem in this game is that many tanks (Ariete, Leclerc, Challengers, Merkavas) have a shitty survavibility. Moreover, I feel like a 60t tanks might be a bit more protected than a 48t one.


Doesn’t mean anything, just look at the size of the sample used to make those stats.
Edit: didn’t realized it was sarcasm (or is it not?)

Really there are no point playing Leclerc no spall liner no LWS no armor fix no reloads buff no better shell no nothing Well maybe F the Leclerc give this to france instead

since Gaijin are incompetent and not even care to correct it been many years now


Hopefully we may get some buzzing this week since people are coming back from vacation

The question is should Leclerc bounce more than T-80?
I also do not see where I said something opposing what I said previously especially since I mentioned post pen surviveability as well.

I don’t say it should but the question is should Leclerc bounce more than a T-80? See the question got no fu*king sense, nobody here no how armored those tank really are.

  • Nah, just add the XLR version which is fully 22 rounds on the Autoloader, no reserves ammo and fix the god damn armor for them is good enough.


  • I like the designation of Leclerc, share the same concept with the K2 (compact, well-rounded protection, plenty headroom for upgrading and freaking high price) from SK but Gaijin kinda ruin the France since it mid-tier.

Is the hull still 1m too long? Has it been fixed or ignored per usual?

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Prototype Leclerc was designed to eat 125mm shells in 90´s, but Gaijin thinks that modern SXXI version should be raped but 20mm autocannons in LFP/UFP/mantlet…


If I remember correct from what a friend told me, is that Gaijin modelled both the Abrams and Leclerc armour based off of info from the Swedes from when they were migrating from the Centurions to a new MBT.

(Please correct me if I’m wrong)

Yes they are It’s holy bible for Gaijin now they use it for armor for 2A7V too (which have nothing to do with)

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I’m also annoyed that the CV90’s don’t have their IRST tracking :(

(Yes I know this hasn’t got anything to do with the leclerc)

But the thing is that the Leclerc were tested was the first ever production Leclerc, the S1 T1, which was refused by the French government due to the armor and engine issues. That is know, even gaijing knows that, but they don’t care


And, to be fair, even things like the Leclerc are thought to be able to use optical tracking with their highly advanced fire control systems. But hey, artificial nerfs from gaijing as well


But also Gaijin will never add any type of FCS because “reasons”

Let me guess, it’s because western systems are usually considered more advanced ? Now that they have set a precedent with only adding spall liners when the T90M arrived, I can only think of that

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leclerc isnt the only tank with something like that.
T-90M has autolock in its fcs not auto lead just autolock you point at tank/heli it locks onto it

I think gaijin will add as top premium for France a kind of Leclerc prototype and then they will buff the Leclercs to get people buying their new premium toy AS they did with Abrams and the Click Bait lmfao.

The 5s reload will get added I think there is no reason they’ll not put it but we need to wait a Leclerc premium lol

Are we also gonna talk about the fact that we are still missing HE rounds at top tier lol