The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff


Since when does asking buff for leclerc series=wants to see french players suffer?

Either you’re a quite big troll or you’re so high that you cant even understand what he wrote.

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hes just a troll bro

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I’m not sure how much of an improvement OFL 120 F2 would actually be, but I doubt it would change all that much. Going from 575 to, say, 650 mm RHAeq (ala DM53) doesn’t really give you any additional viable weakspots, it just makes a few existing ones (most notably the BVM driver’s viewport) slightly more forgiving. It would be nice to have but it’s not going to turn a rubbish tank into a good one (see Ariete).

I think a reload buff would be more impactful, an extra second to aim while the enemy is reloading can be huge, and so can one less second for an enemy to turn around after seeing a teammate get shot.


(sources GIAT CN120-26 — Wikipédia)

As you can see there is a big difference in penetration performance. (almost 100mm)


And this document tells us that the French 120 F1 corresponds to the German DM43 and after having checked in game their power of penetrations and completely different, then if it is not one of the many voluntary nerfs, congratulations Gaijin for your research.


That appears to be the French Wikipedia? Not exactly a great source for this kinda stuff. It isn’t even cited so it the numbers probably shouldn’t even be there. Incidentially the English one has completely different numbers (560 for F1 and 640 for F2).

So because it’s in French it’s a less good source than in English? It’s very proud. 🤣

Wikipedia is just not a good source period, unless it’s claims are backed up by an actually reputable primary or secondary source.

Edit: Sourcing:

The English Wikipedia claims the numbers 560 mm RHAeq for OFL 120 F1 and 640 mm RHAeq for OFL 120 F2 come from Jane’s Ammunition Handbook 1994-1995, page 159 and Jane’s Ammunition Handbook 1999, page 660 respectively. I can’t verify that as I don’t have either on hand, but it should be possible to check.

The French wiki has the penetration values from this calculator which seems reasonable for in game purposes but requires knowing the exact dimensions and density of the penetrator as well as impact velocity.

Regarding OFL 120 F1 vs DM43, the English Wiki tells me they use different propellants. DM43 in game is also only fired from the shorter L44 gun, which probably has an impact.


Froggy, a known Leclerc commander, said this on Steelbeast’s forums:


That does sound like it would be very close to the L55 performance of DM53. That said I am a bit confused by the designation, both English and French Wikis indicate 120 OFLE F2 to be a 2013 round different from the 1996 OFL 120 F2. So this appears not to be the same shell we were talking about? Given both are DU (and M829A2 is a 1994 round) we might be talking about a similar ballpark though (like DM53 vs DM63).

It seems like the OFL F2 and the OFLE F2 are two different rounds yeah, but I’m not sure if he’s making a difference between the two given that the topic he’s posting in is referencing the OFL F2.


Since i started reading this post I also started to play the Leclerc again. Jeez it’s seriously broken …
The T-80 is just as fast while having much more armour and better gun, same for the Leo. The only tank I can engage without having 80% chance of dying is the Type 10 …
That’s my average game lately :
T-80 : can’t pen, not even the mantlet and enjoy being one shot in return.
Leo : try to hit the hull unless it’s the swedish version and then enjoy dying cuz the commander or gunner is still alive.
M1 : can kill it but still has better armour so depends on who shoots first
The others are manageable but don’t ever get hit cuz everything pens you.

Seriously, I know there are other tanks but those 3 are the ones you’ll always end up encoutering since they are spammed so much. How come a top tier mbt be struggling so much against adversaries so common and, according to gaijin, on the same level …


OFL F1 pens as much as 3BM60 & L27A1.
DM43 pens far less than all 3.
Inb4 you call me a troll for stating that fact.


All tanks have a reload time that’s longer than real-life, no one’s given special treatment.

İ will call you troll as long as you keep claiming leclerc’s are in fine situation and accusing other people to see french mains suffers cause they asked buffs for Leclerc series.

All those tanks you mentioned have better ufp armor(except 2pl which has better turret armor actually) and some of them have even better mobility.

İts also funny how you mentioned about kd and wr ratios while your most misareble performance is in leclerc compare to your other top tier tanks.

That ufp is so bad that even 8.7 tanks can easily pen you, hell even gun breach area is so bad that an M18 can actually one shot you from there (which happened to my leclerc about year ago).

So yea when you say Leclerc’s are in fine situation and asking for buffs is nothing but a cruel wish, you deserve the title of bein troll.

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just because there are tanks that are worse doesn’t mean the leclerc is in a good situation

These are your words not mine:
( RazerVon1Mobius_Einherjar

13hDude, stop antagonizing French players. We get it, you hate Leclercs & want them to suffer.)

Yet you keep accusing me for something i didnt do in the first place.

God you have serious issues.


Not just that but Abrams have similiar mobility while having much better armor, for T80’s they have better mobility, much better armor and smiliar firepower.

IRL or IG?

Glad we finally agree on something.

IG of course.

Starting with T80U all high level T80’s does have better armor, similiar or better mobility and similiar firepower.

Starting with base Abrams model all of them have better ufp and starting with M1A2 last 2 model got better armor, similiar mobility and much better firepower.

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