The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff


İs there any progress on ufp situation?

Almost 2 years ago you told us developer will not accept the bug report but rather they will analyze leclerc armor scheme in order to find a way to improve its armor.

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Currently no new information has really been located that provides any meaningful basis to make changes from.

The report into the issue remains open and we will continue to search for more information if/when it becomes available. But welcome any new info to also be submitted.


I understand your point but how exactly are we going to find information about the Leclerc without leaking classified documents ?
It’s great to have modern tanks in the game but I think that if information is limited (which is obviously the case with modern tech), maybe you should try other methods to modifiy the stats of a tank. Is that possible ?


Modern MBTs in game are already built on estimates and the best possible examples of what can be gathered for them. Precisely because we cannot use classified or restricted information.

Suggestion reports that meet the source criteria with new examples are always welcome: [Development] Reports concerning the protection of post-war combat vehicles - News - War Thunder

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Thx, didn’t know that. But does this mean that we can hope to see somekind of a buff since it is based on estimates ?

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As I mentioned above, there are no planned changes to speak of at the moment, as there hasn’t been any new material located or submitted since the previous report with any meaningful substance that can lead to a change.

But the report itself is still open, so future changes are not ruled out depending on what can be found.


Do you think that this forum could maybe become a material with meaningful substance in the future ? There are some good points that may need to be adressed to the developpers.

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UFP needs to be fixed indeed.

I agree with this page’s premise that Leclerc is in dire need of improvement where it can receive it.

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And if not the implementation of better mobility with the corrections of the asthmatic engine present in game by the performance of the Hyperbar IRL engines is that also not planned? Because I think I can say that this problem has surely already been raised many times, or even the non-existence of the OFL 120 F2 or the 120 OFLE F2 in play, these too are problems that have been raised for some time, changes ?? Still not and according to your words nothing planned, let’s be realistic the Leclerc will not be “really” corrected… And regardless of the evidence or suppositions provided.


pfrrrrrrrt “”““classified””“” It was a gunner manual used by all 1st class soldiers ^^ It’s not “classified”, not even “restricted diffusion”.


All top tanks lack their top ammunition because of balancing.
DM63A1 would never cook off & cause an ammo rack from being shot.
M829A3+ would defeat Kontact 5 & Relikt more than all other tanks for the foreseeable future.
Vacuum can only allegedly be used on T-72B3 currently, and only 11 rounds can be Vacuum if that’s the case, but again would be superior to other options tanks have.

And for now, OFL 120 F1 pens as well as L27A1 and 3BM60.

But I digress, Leclerc’s primary issue is its armor that I’d like to see improved.
If F2 is added I wouldn’t oppose.


Don’t come talk to me about balancing… please the OFL of Leclerc and the second worst shell in the game, so you have to think 30s before shouting about balancing…


you say that like the Leclerc is in a good spot of balancing


your saying that with a lot of bad faith

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Well you should really try it … OFL can’t pen a T-80 from the front, unlike others. You can try the LFP but will do nothing except hitting the driver, and then you’re dead.
The sides of the mantlet also are very hard to pen, often just knocking out the breech or doing nothing at all.
Pls don’t talk about balance when it’s obviously not.

Despite everything on this subject (and many others) you are one of the only ones to say that it is normal that the Leclerc is not OFL F2. Coincidence? I don’t think so… And it’s not because they criticize the performance of some tanks or because they don’t agree with you that they don’t like French trees, you shouldn’t not all mix… And not wanting to argue and ignore us just shows that you have no arguments. In short, good luck with your Leclerc…

Are you going to have to tell me where you see 620 mm of penetrations?


Sorry, but this whole thing is pretty Kafkaesque. The only definitive sources would be:

  • The French military, which isn’t going to give the armor value of the MBT they currently use for obvious reason
  • KNDS, which isn’t going to release these informations without the approval of the French govt, again for obvious reason
  • A crewman leaking the values, but you wouldn’t be able to use it anyway out of fear of getting into legal trouble with the French govt

So there’s literally NOTHING we can give you that could prove that the values used by gaijin are wrong.
Best we can do is give you as much circumstantial evidences that the current values are too low, which frankly we have. I showed that none of the 6 proposed armor upgrades included uparmoring of the UFP and LFP, and Laviduce made a long post on the old forum detailing how the current values were likely wrong.

There’s also this post made a week ago (and ignored) mentioning that the turret is missing ERA, straight from the mouth of a Leclerc tank commander:

So the current armor of the Leclerc is objectively wrong.
[Edit] And I forgot to add, watch this video:

Do you seriously think that it’s perfectly normal that a shell hitting above the track, going parallel to said track and horizontally, leads to the death of all crew members and the complete destruction of the tank ?

The armor and spalling on the Leclerc is busted and needs to be fixed.

Those other top tier tanks aren’t in as bad a position as the Leclerc (Ariete AMV excluded, but it shouldn’t be 11.7 anyway), so this is irrelevant.

Oh, and just FYI: The OFL F2 isn’t even France’s top ammunition. There’s also the OFLE F2 and the SHARD.

… Bruh, you did not just compare the BVM to the Leclerc. The BVM has a fuckload of advantages over the Leclerc. It’s perfectly fine for it to have a shell with mediocre penetration. It’s not for the Leclerc.
It’s a really disingenuous comparison.


Wanting to buff the Leclerc by fixing its armor, asking for its better historical round and/or a better reload = hating the Leclerc and wanting for people who play it to suffer?

You’re not making any sense.


I don’t know where you’re getting this, but Vacuum doesn’t exist, it was a proposal in 2004 for use in the Sprut-SD with fictional pen values. The best ammo Russia can get at this point is 3BM59 (compatible with all the same stuff as 3BM60), which accounting for the current pen calculator, would be about on par with M829A1. There’s a diverging point after that where all future NATO ammo in game would be better (to say nothing of DM53), and Russia can’t get anything better because they never MADE anything better.