The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

My apologies. I am a high functioning autistic man and that compliment sounded perfect in my mind.
You work faster than I do on historical reports, and I wanted to acknowledge that about you.

I also have a poor memory of time. What feels like a year sometimes is only ~7 months, +/- 2 months, especially if I get depressed.
I deleted my old Discord account at the turn of February, so I couldn’t get an accurate date on when Wareta and I posted. Just my brain being forgetful after at least one time of depression.
So I apologize for me making a statement off of memory that I should’ve known would be flawed.

My inquiries were about the technical bug, not the historical one; and I apologize if I didn’t make that clear enough.

My report was about putting parity with the visual and damage model, nothing more.

I’ve kept an eye on your reports and smile for each one you post, cause you’re doing work on ground vehicles that I wish I had the skill to do myself.

I will stay here with all that I agree with about Leclerc and French vehicles, which does include yourself.
I disagree with you on nothing in the topics discussed today; and I disagree with you on nothing about Leclerc.

I may not voice my agreement often; Let it be known that I am always in agreement with every fact.
Whether it’s fixing Vextra, Leclerc, or my original favorite French tank: AMX-30… so on and so forth.

Oh, and sincerity and honesty isn’t lying.

I mean. Who here isn’t?


Broski is lucky… Mine barely functions at all… Best i can hope for is it enters the boot up screen after a coffee XD


Now russian moders sleep and we try again!

I cannot endorse spamming the report.
Good luck either way.

Only 2 ways
Spamming or watching “Не ошибка” from russian mods.

I’ll give you both 5 bucks if this report ever passes…


Same lol

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I’d bet $50. Gaining a Benjamin is better than a Hamilton.

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I’ll do it in euros, thanks. Don’t have to worry about whose face is on which bill.
My issue with the report is that they go with the principle that there is an equal distribution of plate thicknesses, which is, at best, very unlikely. This report can’t be accepted because it’s based on baseless assumptions.

It was Gaijin’s decision to only model the steel plates of the UFP in the damage model.
It was Gaijin’s decision to put 8 plates inside and claim their combined thickness is 500mm.

So it is using THEIR assumptions rather than any of us…

Well then Gaining €100 is more than 10

Damn… Hats off for persistence on fixing the VEXTRA


We need to actively start using their thought process against them.

Idea: IT-1. Has shoot on the move because it has a stabilised sight and radio guided missiles. Stormer has a stabilised sight but no shoot on the move capability. ADATS should as well. And every other SAM system with a stabiliser.

And what about the issue with Azur’s skirts modeled as ERA instead of NERA and the LWS system ? Gaijin still refuse to fix it ?


I feel like I should post a chunk of the takes I’ve made in regards to Leclerc and French vehicles from 2012 to present.
1- Leclerc’s cool.
2- The armor of Leclerc in War Thunder is inaccurate, and one part is bugged.
3- 5 seconds is the fastest reload possible of Leclerc’s main gun.
4- Vextra was heavily inaccurate.
5- Vextra could get a better round, and that would increase its BR.
6- I agree with everything everyone said here about Leclerc inaccuracies, irrelevant of any semantic arguments we may have gotten into.
7- I support superior transmission simulation; including but not limited to regen steering.

A- I support all of my fellow bug reporters no matter our differed skill sets and will never demand anything of any of them.
B- I will continue being a fan of French military equipment no matter what; participating in the community that I hold loyalty toward.
My first posts on this topic have me showing my support of armor fixing.
I seem to have forgotten to like this post last year, where Mobius and I are in full agreement.

All I can do is continue being sincere; partially cause it takes literally zero brain power to be honest, and I want to use my time to learn things.

And all I can do for my poor reactions to insults of my character is apologize deeply for reacting poorly.
You can and likely should be upset at me for my past poor reactions toward what I saw as insults.

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  1. Leclerc S1 and S2 should have OFL 120 G1 stock. I know they aren’t “top tier”, technically, because they are Rank VII, but every other tank at 11.7 doesn’t have to deal with stock HEATFS grind.
  2. OFL 120 F1 is the weakest 11.7 round, measly 4kg projectile mass combined with 2nd lowest penetration. I think the Leclerc could use a new round.
  3. UFP armor should be correctly modeled
  4. The reason France hasn’t gotten a top tier premium yet is because it would have to either be between 10.0-11.3 and have no lineup, (besides some CAS), or be at 11.7 and be a fully top tier vehicle which Gaijin doesn’t offer.

The HEATFS grind of my Leclerc S2 was hilarious; I fragged a SEP2 on Iberian Castle barely missing its ERA and felt nothing but pity.
The reason they’re not rank 8 is obvious: There are no 10.0 - 11.3 vehicles to add to rank 7 at this time in the game development.
There should be a 10.0 - 11.3 premium IMO, irrelevant if the lineup is ready now or in a few major updates.
I’d bring the AMX-40 as a backup for a 10.3 lineup personally.

Your post I agree fully with; despite my mind getting upset at the word “weakest” cause while I know it’s a relative term, hundreds of people have used toxic narratives in my life along with relative words like that.
The forum has helped slowly change my mind on relative words.


In the German tech tree, 9.7 is the start of Rank VII so I think the AMX-40 and Vextra could go there and give the Leclerc to Rank VIII allowing them stock APFSDS. The Roland is already situated at Rank VII and is the same BR as the AMX-40 and Vextra


In my opinion, all Leclercs need to go to 11.3.