The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Actually, the 5s reload plus great mobility is good enough to be 11.7. The only problem is that dev never take a good look at the armor, and we are constantly fighting enemies like 122, A7V, and bvms. If compared to other mbts, like challenger, M1, ZTZ99A, or Merkava, Leclerc is definitely fine at 11.7.


Putin said t90m best tank in the world. Gaijin didn’t seem to catch that

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Maybe the solution is to let the Leclerc where it is, and increase the BR of the latest tanks released, because they are clearly better than the first 11.7 released, with new technologies and armor. And why not put the next Leclerc XLR in this new BR.

Another identical MBT without SHARD, delicious

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With SHARD and corrected armor. 👍

You dream. Gaijin could fix armor and OFL F1 pen values for a long time, why should it change with a new Leclerc ?

Look at type 90 and Type 10 with their fucked up armor covering and values, they have to fight Challenger 2, Leo 2a4M and other t80 and t90 only because 4sec reload but bad worse armor and pen.

Don’t hope so much for Leclerc series.

The mobility isn’t “great” : it’s actually worse than the Leopard 2.

The Leclercs have no right being at 11.7. Either Gaijin fixes them or puts them at 10.7 or 11.0. They’re just oversized light tanks … that cannot scout.

If I could chose between a Leclerc or a CV90120, I would chose the latter since it can actually spot and has better penetration for the same reload rate.


Silly French engineers. They went to all the effort of making an MBT 10t less than other NATO tanks but with the same 1500hp engine just so it could achieve the same level of mobility.

(Definitely not what the devs think)


I know right ? What not having Hyperbar modelled does to a Leclerc …

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I do wonder how far along their overhauls are sometimes, but I know they don’t want to give us hope/excitement too early.

Sad that you are right, cv90120 is more fun, fast, OP commander sight totally aligned with canon and great zoom with the most OP lineup of the game.

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I love watching reports that tanks NEED be punted to the moon.


I’m stealing this lol

Go ahead.


Armor values might not be what they are, but I do better with Type 90 and Type 10 in top tier than many others.

Same is true of Leclercs.

But I want their regen steering and transmissions fixed. I have seen these things accelerate in videos, and comparatively, they’re the fastest buggers.

The constant use of programming for World War 2 transmissions has shown its long in the tooth where the modern tanks are concerned, and they need an overhaul, for all the top tiers. But most especially the Japanese and French lines.


In my opinion, Leo 2A7, BVM and 122 deserve a higher BR


In comparison with the Leclerc S1 for example, it is obvious that these tanks are clearly superior and have nothing to do in 11.7

Only Leclerc SXXI is OK at 11.7, but not against 600+ pen shells …

SXXI turret can stop strv122 and BVM shells, but can do nothing against M1A2 or 2a6/7 😐

IMO all the Leclercs are fine at 11.7, they are very good tanks

But they should still have their inaccuracies fixed


I think the leclecs are on par with things like the 2a5 which is also at 11.7 which is kinda weird to me since the 2a7 is the same br but with better armor, thermals, firepower and a spall liner. The brs at top tier just don’t make much sense especially squadron and premiums.