The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Never said it recieved SXXI armor package, clearly stated that some of them did recieve armor upgrade which photos shows it.

Now I get why Sweden is so overpowered lol


Except that you deemed it better than the AZUR as a replacement after the S21, which it is not, at least in my opinion.

Your personal choice concerns you, my personal choice concerns me.

İn the end its up to Gaijin.

All modern MBTs can “scout” or report, mark & relay targets, but that’s not how this game works where it is relegated to light tanks.

But Gaijin gave the Leclercs have so little armor in War Thunder, they should be classified as Light Tanks instead : Switch the Leclerc MBTs from the "medium tank" role to the "light tank" role


i think i said it somewhere already but
Best fix
Remove the armor and give it 20mm sheet metal :)
no armor = no spalling

Well, yes and no.

The closest thing to what the French use is the Systematic SitaWare which is on the Leopard 2 and Abrams and used by over 45 different countries. So you can communicate with friendlies the positions of enemies IRL but you can already do this in-game.

With French systems this process is automatic and with the Leclerc S2 and onwards it became possible to automatically scan the surroundings, detect an enemy and then automatically relay this info. I doubt this exists with the SitaWare since I couldn’t find any info on this and also it would require the system be compatible with various different systems and technologies from different countries.

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The Japanese have their variant of the command and control system running since the early '90s in their military, and I believe most modern militaries have something similar in use as you mentioned.

The Type 10 tank is equipped with a C4I system (command, control, communication, computer & intelligence) known as “10NW”. This system integrates into the JGSDF network, enabling real-time information sharing between tanks in conjunction with the “Field Communication System” (FiCS) and the “Regiment Command Control System” (ReCS).

  • Platoon automatic target recognition, target synchronization, target broadcast
  • Real-time sharing of commands from the tank platoon leader
  • Real-time vehicle status monitoring (position, rotation, weapon status)
  • Fire control system integration

In modern militaries everything is intertwined, you can lase a target from a MBT, for the strike aircraft, you get target positions marked from AWACS (and similar) systems from the sky, or vice versa etc.

And again, “scouting” like we have in this game, could be said to be possible even in WW2 times, most tanks had radios, except Soviets.

Are you fucking kidding me right now

It wasn’t even with 3BM60, but 3BM42

Not only is the Leclerc’s armor coverage too weak compared to its IRL counterpart, but what little is there doesn´t even fucking work

This is the second time this has happened to me, looks like I’ll have to make a bug report again


The second hit was on the upper party of the front the First One Needs more testing

I know, but at that angle it should’ve bounced, yet it did not.

My man is only discovering now that the Leclercs are in fact, trash.

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Pics dont load, hope im the only one who can’t see them ;v

I also can’t see them

The dumb reason why gaijin won’t buff the Leclerc is mostly because France has a good winrate overall at top tier because the people who play France are usually pretty good but it’s kinda irrelevant because the tank is still bad even if people are performing well in it
And with the most recent addition, the AZUR, it’s just another slap in the face because it’s just an S2 with an additional armor package that isn’t even good since it can’t even stop 30 mm apfsds like it’s supposed to and it’s vulnerability to atgms makes me cringe even more since it was made to stop to type of threat.
we have the ammunition.
OFL 120 F1 isn’t atrocious but its not that good either, OFL 120 F2 would be nice since it has been suggested for more than 2 years .
F1 does spall well against certain tanks but now with the addition of spall liner in certain tanks that round is basically useless at best in some cases unless you hit gunner commander consistently or the breach meaning you have to shoot more than once at the same target
Also the lack of an HE shell for the Leclerc makes it hard to kill light armored targets
And to finish the armor protection should be way better especially with the S21 since it was upgraded for that purpose. Also the crew compartment in the turret has a metal panel (not sure what it’s made of) that separates the commander and the gunner meaning that they cannot see each other in the turret at all inside the tank.
But the commander can still control the gun if needed and can fulfill the same role as the gunner in case the gunner is injured or unable to operate the gun. There’s pictures of the interior of the turret that solidifies my statement.
Does it have spall liner ? I have no clue it it does have one but I will assume it does.

Feel free to correct me if am wrong about the stuff I say.
I am open to any type of criticism.


You are wrong in one thing (kinda). You said the point of the AZUR is to stop 30mm, but the base leclerc should already be immune to 30mm lol.
Also small liners do exist, although we don’t have any diagrams to show where they are, so gaijin won’t accept reports

Edit : I will as a bit more to the 30mm thing. French document mention that the Leclerc is immune to French 30mm. However at the time of said documents, the only 30mm available is the one found in the AMX 30 DCA in game. Which pens 110mm with its APDS


My man, all Leclercs should be immune to 30mm


You summed up the issues about the Leclercs, yes. I did it in the past and some others too.
We are at a point where, more than summing up the issues plaguing the Leclercs, we need to find a way to change that.
We need to find a way to force the Devs to wake up and actually start fixing the Leclercs.
A premium Leclerc would probably do the trick, but we have yet to see one … Meanwhile, the USA has 3 premium Abrams …

I shall be a bit more constructive here…

The hull of the Leclerc has two walls of RHA which are 30mm thick:


Then there's what is (most certainly) UHH steel panels which are 35mm thick and offer 70 KE according to the manufacturer


Altogether the sponsons should have 140 KE which aligns with what @vizender says about the French document which is from 1980. Only autocannon around that time was the the French/ British HS 831 (joint venture IIRC) which is the same as on the DCA. The next autocannon to appear - the 2A42 - would not enter service until 1983.

Also there's no evidence of there's no seperating wall between the commander and gunner. The red arrow is pointing to the autoloader door in a SXXI:

But yeah, you’re otherwise right