“The current land and air mode gaming environment is quite poor.A bunch of new players use advanced vehicles to enter the game,and they leave the game after being destroyed once,which makes the gaming experience very bad for the rest of the teammates.It is hoped that a ladder tournament can be introduced to separate new players,thereby improving the gaming environment.”
In this round of the game,our team of 12 players managed to destroy only 2 enemy vehicles,which is really a poor gaming environment.
Ladder based gameplay for air sounds great, but I feel it’d only work for 1vs1 and rotating event style vehicle picks across a lot of brackets. GSB style brackets would be too rough.
Air sim style brackets would be too fine.
Something like…
1 bracket for interwar + early war
1 bracket for mid+late war
1 bracket for prototype/post-war props and early jets
1 bracket for korean war
1 bracket for early vietnam (pre-BVR gunfighters and dogfight missiles)
1 bracket for late vietnam (BVR stuff like navy phantoms)
idk about post-vietnam tiers well enough to suggest brackets there.
Each bracket has a rotating aircraft every 1.5 days (so that it’s never on the same day and same time of day) that can be used for mirror match-ups.
And then give a different ladder for AAB, ARB and ASB.
“Before the Vietnam War,there was one ladder tournament,and after the Cold War,there was another ladder tournament.”
me getting more kills in a fully uptiered bomber while bombing bases than 14 fighter players combined
Players bombing on MiG 23 🤦🏻♀️
Yeah, that’s the new gameplay they created, a ladder to improve players “skills” is not planned
Oh dear god
Literally given one of the best fighter platform at 11.7 and forego R-24s for napalm, disqusting
Haha, what joke. The result of the system you are proposing would give war thunder all of League of Legends’ problems without actually fixing a single issue that we already have.
No thanks
Nothing wrong. I bomb in my MiG-23ML.
It is fast (sustainable speed: 1450kmh) and has very good SARHs (R-24R). You only sacrifice 4x R-60Ms to carry bombs which is about 2 kills for a base.
You don’t sacrifice R-24Rs. You sacrifice R-60Ms
4 when used properly, it only takes one to pop a plane
On the napalm I mistook the hardpoint but nevertheless wasting an incredible air superiority fighter on bombing is stupid, especially seeing as it’s not a hard plane to learn and is really easy to get good at.
Until I wanna say the F-15 or F-16C, the MiG-23ML was one of the fastest planes in the game, if not the. That speed can sure help it reach based, but F-16s are still fast and usually the two hit the centre at the same time. Not being capable of air combat is a burden to you seeing as how quick a dogfight can be turned against you by a skilled player. R-24Ts from my experience work significantly better too, not as important but just a quick fun fact
How many people actually have 4 kills on the R-60Ms, or maybe just 2 kills?
Replacing the R-60Ms with bombs is just so much more consistent. It’s like 5000-10000 RP points 3 minutes in, get chased by a F-5, die (without doing anything else).
Dying while chased by an F-5 is some insane work, but ik you used that for the sake of example
R-60Ms aren’t a consistent 4, I’d meant that they’re 4 potential kills to a good enough player, also 5-10k rp from bombing one base alone is insane unless you have boosters or prem time on
Do have a screenshot ?
Long time no bombing bases, but still reward is based on time (most of it ), 3 mins sounds … weird
Sure. I’ll send it here in a few.
Technically, you can wipe out the whole enemy team (16) players with the gsh 23. Potential is simply, potential.
As promised. It’s not 3 minutes, and it’s not 5k because it’s not a premium plane. But in a premium plane that is roughly doubled. More or less.
Premium account, right ?
Yeah, base bombing looks a more sustained xp gain per match. Even better with premium vehicle.
It really depends. The best case scenario is a base bombed (or multiple, through rearming because carrying more bombs than a base nerfs your reward and makes you slow), and some kills.
I must admit that I die alot shortly after unleashing the bombs onto a base.
If one is above 2 KB on average, I assume it can be better than bombing (as I said most bombers die fast), due to the duration stayed and the potential to do other actions such as ground targets and AI targets, landing/taking off bonus etc.
Of course, it is also highly dependent on what planes you have. If you are trying to bomb in a A-5C…yeah it’ll be outrun almost every time. Ironically, I find that in (slow) strike aircrafts, you are better off going for ground targets with giant rocket pods and maybe score some player kills, at least that’s what I do in the AMX A-1A. Some nice 18k RP in a good round.