please tell me why cant u guys do a simple think and give us more bases in a match and let us have only night battles or if don’t want to do that give us a option to do that and also give us a option to chose what type of map we want like big or small or navel map too and give us more bases why cant u do that 5 bases are not enough any more every single match all i see is my useless mig-23ml prem player that are only bombing and don’t know how to use fox1 and then they die making the su-25/su-24 useless to try and use if u cant even bomb because killing ai vehicles doesn’t give u any RP at all to grin please give is more bases it cant be that hard please
I’m not against it but the reason why is because adding all these different options ends up bloating the matchmaker heavily
More bases makes the base bombing problem at high tier even worse.
I cant agree more to add more bases
The layout of 4 bases exist because there used to be a limitation of only 4 bombers on one side, but now most jets can bring bombs, adding more bases is just natural. You shouldn’t let teammates rat race.
it already really bad tho its hell on earth just trying to grind the su-24 adn su-25sm3
Because Gaijin is in this business to make money. Is there a direct correlation between Gaijin adding more bases and them making more money? There isnt, which is why they wont, and its also why they removed the bombing of the enemy airbase as a win objective.
true but at least u would have more options to ur play style tho
i mean at low levels ur still able to win bye destroying the enemy base tho
yea i know
All you need is one mod from the Su-25SM3 (the Kh-25) and one or two from the Su-24M (Kh-23M, Kh-25).
Then you’re good to go to get the rest in ground RB. Its what I did.
Yes, actually. More bases = more easy xp = less time grinding = less premium amount purchases.
Here you can see, ~4k rp in ~4 mins ( 1 bse)
that’s only if u have prem time i don’t i been grinding the su25 for a hole week with out prem time and the su-34 for 2 strait days and only have i only got to the 300,000 mark on the jet i have 300,000 more to go and its a bitch to grind top tier with out prem jet or prem time