"The land and air mode should introduce a ladder tournament to improve the gaming environment."

I agree about poor game modes, but not about 1 death leave players.

If you check player cards you will see, mostly they have lineups. People just don’t see profit to spawn 2nd or 3rd time in same match starting 7.7 and highter. Few reasons why:

• if your team wins, maximum you can get is enemy spawncamping and 1-2 kills.

• if your team loosing, you won’t be able to even leave spawn area. Enemy CAS is destroying your spawn plus enemy tanks have surrounded your spawn.

So continue fighting after 3-4 minutes is less profitable, then just leave and join new match. I see every time helicopter pushes and destroys, or dissables few teammates, this guys lost timing, can’t reach positions fast enough because of repair. It’s very unfair and annoying to die by helicopter first 20 sec in match. This guys 80% times leaving game and i fully understand them.