The Israel ground problem

But tons of Magachs and Merkavas is still terrible for most of people. As I know, Israel missile and IFV isn’t enough to fill a full unique line, that’s why gaijin keep them so that Israel tree won’t ‘die’ so fast. Japan too, now it’s already in such situation, struggling by prototypes that almost same. And for clear reason, Israel can hardly find a sub tree to save it, so as Japan. I know they are considering South Korea sub tree, but this could cause some international conflicts.

Achzarit IFV, Eitan IFV, Namer IFV, M113 60mm HVMS, AMX-13 60mm HVMS, Pereh, Jeep TOW, Tiran 5, Tiran 5Sh, Tiran 6, Ti-67, Chieftain Mk.1, Shot Kal Bet, Sholef, Sabrah, Carmel, Sho’t Meteor, Merkava Mk.4 Barak, Merkava Mk.3D (Early), Merkava Mk.3D (Late), Merkava Mk.2C, XR-311 (106mm Recoilless Rifle), XR-311 (Hughes TOW ATGM system), M-60 Sherman, M-50 Sherman.

Do I need to go on? I easily can.

Gaijin has just been slow for the last 3 years and only added Magachs for the majority of Israel being in game.


Israel has no shortage of vehicles that can be added to the game, its biggest problem is that Gaijin didn’t have much enthusiasm for it, from the time Israel was added to War Thunder until now, Gaijin only copied and paste, and didn’t have enough enthusiasm to add its featured vehicles (Tigres, Sabra, Spyer,Soltam, etc.).
As for your desired subtree, you can actually add a selection of all of Israel’s foreign trade vehicles to it, as one of the world’s largest arms trading countries, he has a lot of foreign upgrade orders (Turkey, Vietnam, India, etc.), but only if Gaijin does not have a negative bias against Israel


I don’t really consider most of the Magachs to be copy paste, but it would be nice for something different.

My list above would be to die for tbh

I absolutely want all of those tanks in the game. It would add 25 tanks to Israel and a good few of them would not be that hard to do.

Being easy to do and not wanting to take the time and effort to do it are two different things. Israel, which is not loved by game designers, has waited three years and the experience is the same or worse than it was three years ago. Check out the much-loved Sweden (lack of helicopters? No problem. I can add all the helicopters that bid to the game. Lack of advanced vehicles? No problem we will also include the tanks that came to Sweden for bidding at that time. Lack subtrees? No problem. We will unite the four Norse countries in war thunder and build a great Norse empire.)

Unfortunately for Israel, all of its neighbors don’t like them.

So, subtrees based in the middle east aren’t exactly possible, though Taiwan is in China… so maybe not.

Regardless, it is possible for Israel to get these additions. It’s just going to be slow at this rate because Israel doesn’t pull in the money Sweden and Russia does.

I think unique now means no more Tiran, Shot or Merkava. Things like M113 60mm HVMS and Pereh are welcomed, and are what I mean " gaijin keep them". Although, the IFVs are little surprising, thanks for updating. They used to be APCs with only mechine guns, and I don’t know some of them have turrets.

You are gatekeeping content for the smallest nation in the game.

What makes you the deciding factor on how Unique something is?

The standard Sho’t tank having a 50 cal over the normal Centurion Mk.3 was enough to save my life on several occasions. With that being the case, a small change can go a long way to change how a vehicle performs and plays.

Why should a Nation in game in desperate need of vehicles not receive its modified tanks? Israel is a nation built on wacky modifcation, which is what makes it unique compared to other tech trees.

You like Centurions? Israel has some wacky modifications you might like. You like M60 tanks? Israel has a bunch of those that play in their own way. You like T series tanks? Israel has some extremely modified versions of those.

It’s a nation built on modularity building upon the taste you get from the USA, Britain, France, and Russia.

Not against modificated tanks, but the modifcation tanks almost same, for example, Magach 6R and Magach 6B. So some more different Tirans is ok, but Merkavas no, just as I don’t like copy paste vehicles in other nations. I like M60 tanks, I like modificated M60 tanks, but not 2 almost same M60 tanks or modificated M60 tanks, that’s my point.

You don’t need to grind the majority of the Israeli Magach Line. In fact, you can entirely ignore it I believe.

Having those tanks present just adds to the lineup around their Battle Ratings. A bunch of the tanks I listed such as the Tiran 5 and 6 or Chieftain Mk.1 would bring more dynamic 8.7 play for Israel than just Magachs.

I’m not a big fan of the Magach spam either, but at least you can ignore it. My only gripe is that Magach additions take the place of other things I want.

It is arguable that Gaijin does not lack options when it comes to adding vehicles to Israel. Rather, that it does not WANT to add them. It’s lazy about Israel, and arguably about other nations as well.

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The Israeli tree suffers from the same Gaijin created problem that France does. Current tree has large capability gaps, people don’t play said tree, Gaijin uses lack of players to justify not spending effort to add possible vehicles. It’s a viscous cycle and it’s gonna take Gaijin just ignoring current player numbers to build a desirable tree.

Both trees also suffer from the same problem at top tier, nothing to offer expect AA and bad MBTs.

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True. Every tree’s playerbase count is an artificial construct.
Israel’s air TT has a large player base. Its ground TT has a tiny one in comparison.
If Gaijin adds Namer and Eitan IFVs to the TT, and an Eitan tank destroyer as premium - Israel will get a huge player base boost and that premium will sell like crazy.

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Italy and Israel are starving

Damn, when will Gaijin fix turret protection and speed up reload, the Merkava 4M is not strong enough to put it in the same room as the Leopard 2A7V/122, 65.5 tons of paper armor with 6.7 seconds reload speed is really a junk tank


Damaged side skirt of Merkava 3 MBT:


Given, even China could have a decently unique lower tier lineup for both aviation and ground, but much like Israel the fun stuff is being neglected bar high tier.


As i learned thanks to wargame red dragon forums, Israel had defense treaty with…south africa.

But I guess that ship has sailed with SA being in UK TT.

Would be funny tho, israeli tanks with SA light vehicles.

Chile is a good option for them.
They’ve had good ties for a long time.

Here is the main proposal that goes over this idea.


Israel used to have close relations with SA, being the only nation that maintained a political alliance with it during the international isolation (until 1987, then resumed the alliance in 1991/2). The relationship between Israel and South Africa is quite shaky, constantly moving from good allies to enemies, depends a lot on the SA government. The SA people always liked Israel tho.

Read more here:

I’m not saying Chille isn’t a good option, I mentioned it as a possibility in my Israel ground forces full potential tech tree. I just don’t really want to see yet another subtree with typical copy&paste vehicles such as the Leotard 2. They have a lot of unique vehicles, but I feel like Chile would be better implemented as a part of a part of a South American tech tree.

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