The Gripen C and its Loadout for Sweden

Sweden used Aim-9L/i -1, not Aim-9L/i.

Aim-9L/i-1 is further upgrade of 9L/i that has smokeless engine and other improvements.

I dont know what your game is but your intentions about nerfing Gripen will not work.

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JAS39 Gripen A lose Rb 74(M) because Gripen A never armed 4th gen IR AAM seeker

Not just F-4F KWS LV (ICE) carry AIM-9L/i. Tornado ADV & F-16A Block 15 ADF (ITA) and Tornado F.3 Late (RAF) mounted AIM-9L/i

Gripen C from sweden tech tree armed AIM-9L/i ?

Yes but this one is specific for sweden

On the export summary it only lists 9L(i) so you would have to provide sources for the later one



As far as i know they did not retrofit smokeless motor but were using 9L bodies

Do you perhaps have any sources on that?

Your own sources states Sweden Aim-9L/i models has the same capabilites that Aim-9M-5/6 has, this includes smokeless engine.

You’re condiracting with yourself.

Gaijin presumibly have sources on it, on their wiki they state:

" The RB 74(M) Is an import version of the AIM-9L Sidewinder; more specifically the AIM-9L/I-1, Which adopts similar characteristics as the AIM-9M, such as a smokeless motor, IRCCM and the same range.

In real life the RB 74(M) doesn’t exist since Sweden never adopted the AIM-9M in combat so that name is fictitious."

(RB 74(M) - War Thunder Wiki)

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thats a wiki not their documentations, they have some (presumably) unpaid people monitoring it.


Aim-9M could use many motors and there is not one specifically added as aim9M
(btw similar why we dont have smokeless phoenix currently)


And 9Li are almost always mentioned as upgraded with new seekers, certainly some were bought new but we dont know what motor they had presumably the already licensed smoking motor

So i would say the onus on proving they had smokeless motors would probably fall on you

Or you know, Gaijin superficially chose those upgrades to make it fit as a competitor to the top tier counterparts.

they have many times in the past given or taken away armament to/from vehicles to make them better fit their BR.

Yes but now we have a true equivalent and we should switch it (like gripens losing skyflashes that is currently happening)


@thisconnect你好 here, you can stop this discussion.

Sweden indeed bought Aim-9L/i-1 which also has Smokeless Engine and Gaijin confirms that, current RB-74(M) is based on this.

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Proving a negative, next thing you gonna ask me to prove god doesnt exist.

AIM-9M is not a smokeless missile. The version we have in game does fit smokeless motor but its not at all related to 9M program

  1. AIM-9L/I-1 - i dont see any mentions of them continuing with the program - considering there are tons of foreign purchasers that would be noted somewhere
  2. 9L(i) is smoking as it uses standard motors produced

I already posted clear evidence for that.

Gaijin have information about 9L/I-1 model and RB-74(M) based on this.

Also burden of proof is on you, either a find a document that shows Aim-9L/I-1 doesnt exist/doesnt have smokeless engine or stop pushing, you already wasted everyones time already.

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You did not post a single source?

Check my previous reply my blind friend.

Gaijin’s official statement is that RB-74(M) is based on Aim-9L/I-1 which is why it does have smokeless engine.

Thats not a source???

Irony on being on a thread about gripen which was changed like 15 times because devs were wrong is not lost on me

All sources you shared doesnt say anything about motor nor it says it doesnt have smokeless engine.

You’re claiming it doesnt have smokeless engine based on your guess.

You’re derailed this thread enough already, as i said before burden of proof is on you.

Could you link to that post?

@Necronomica found it.

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using a source that… doesnt mention anything about L(i-1)

We have good sources for italian and UK service like this


Publish the source and lets see what Italians said about Aim-9L/I-1.

Could you post that source then?