The game needs more attention

You mean on the ground?

Yes? I’m literally quoting his post saying:

Hope that helps.

Sorry inam half asleep atm.

Yeah thanks.

But that is a good thing isn’t it? Not giving SB a huge boost oflver RB for ground where they are mostly the same.

Well, I mean - personally I think they should boost both modes…
But Sim should warrant greater rewards - it currently effectively doesn’t. Only really has a higher multiplier for events or kill counters.

Damn I’ve heard helis aren’t easy to fly. Especially in ground sim where u have sim controls for helis. So it’s a good way to grind if you have / are willing to learn how to fly choppers well

You’ve never actually played helicopters in Sim, have you?
They’re braindead easy to use. They’re actually downright overpowered in Sim that people abuse them.

Those same abusers also cried about the QN506 and got it (a T-54 bodykit) removed from cold war Sim because it was the only thing that could reliably counter them.

I don’t think sim should warrant higher rewards for ground. Difficulty and gameplay wise it’s almost identical to RB.

If ground sim gets higher rewards, you would need to multiply air sim rewards compared to air RB by what? 100x, 200x?

It already isn’t proportional to the effort. But acting like ground sim is in any way harder than ground RB makes a mockery of the reward increase for air sim. Which in SL terms isn’t even an increase.

Yes they got a lot of arcade functions that should not exist… But then… Tanks

You would need to lower them to 0.5x because 90% of Sim players are playing jet bombers with absolutely 0 skill involved and farming that way.

Its nit 90% but yes bombing shouldn’t give high rewards in sim. And airkills from gunner view shouldn’t reward anything.

I was talking air kills.

No, I always thought it would be sim style controls, joystick recommended, maybe with hover mode implemented and using free look in cockpit or target points to aim the gun on the ones that can do that like apache

It’s monkey-tier easy.
There’s automatic yaw stabilization and your sights are also stabilized so it’s basically just flying regularly except with WASDQE keys which takes 5 seconds to get used to.


Dude, you want to talk about gaslighting? How many times have you mentioned ‘AI overhauls’ in the past day? Week? Year?

Knock it off.

Russia’s win rate was reaching near 50%, so of course they needed another OP vehicle with no counter (/s)! Now Russia’s win rate at top tier is actually better than Germany.

Its due to us having a lineup. We also just get much less RP overall, which somewhat evens it out, unfortunately.

Even with that, Ace crews are insanely hard to get F2P.

Air SB has a lineup as well.

Should you even out with something lime air sb though? I thinky you shouldn’t.

Why not…?

In RP/Hr every mode should be the same imo.

I very much disagree.

It should be proportional to the modes complexity.
The more effort it’s basics take tge more rewards.

In a racing sim game would you reward people using automatic Transmission the same as the one using manual?


Go play top tier air AB and tell me its easier then RB lol

The modes should be a matter of preference- if you want more realism, go play RB or SB, if you want more action, play AB. Playing RB or SB should not be a necessity to grind quickly, which is what we have now.

Hell, AB is the majority of the playerbase by a decent margin, and I hate how people act as if it is somewhat inferior. People dont understand that yes, you have more tools- but so does the enemy. Its far more of an even playing ground then RB or SB, and rewards different skills.

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I won’t because RB is trash. I agree that AB should be identical to RB in rewards. I didn’t say TB did i?

No, SB shouldn’t. Luckily SB will not become that if handled.correctly
Since most people won’t be able to fly properly to make use of it.
So it won’t become a necessity, AB and RB shpuld net you enough to grind comfortably. But sim should get a boost, as a reward for effort.

I don’t act like it is inferior. It is superior to RB even.

BUT(!!!) SB isn’t a shooter like AB and RB… It is a flight sim and should be treated as such nothing more. That doesn’t make AB inferior, hell they are different genres they aren’t ccomparable. But simming us a bit different to playing a shooter and the rules for shooters don’t apply. The gring therefore need to be treated as a grind for a flight sim not a shooter.

Also in sim you fight the enemy and your own plane. Which doesn’t happen elsewhere since the instructor does that for you. So you get an entirely different additional enemy.

Then there is how quick you meet enemies and how many. At this moment in reward per hour (especially SL) SB is the lowest by far. And regarding SL AB is the fastest (at least for me). I have to play AB to pay for SB… Soo this shouldn’t be happening.

I have played all modes for 10 years. Almost as much time in AB as in SB. Believe me, an increase is justified.