A vision of quantity and not quality
lol The game you’re describing doesn’t exist.
It doesn’t exist because of people like you who take a bizarre pride in a lack of realism or immersion.
Weird of you to claim realism and immersion is the opposite…
I’ll keep enjoying realism and immersion, it’s what I love most.
Yet you are happy to see a 1980 Concept 3 fighting a WW2 Panzer IV and accept that as realism and immersion?
Odd statement to make.
Why doesn’t War Thunder balance the game by giving WW2 UK tanks 50cals to fight CAS then or even give every tank AA capability ? That would help with the CAS issue .
See, i just told ya.
This is why i think proper definitions are important.
Because players here use the word wrong to advocate for their pet peeves without giving a. Damn what realism or simulator actually mean.
“Gaijin says it is realistic, then why isn’t the game historacl?”… See how annoying this is?
You can tell them that realism != historical accuracy as often as you like, they will never get it.
Same with the word simulator. “The game claims to be a flight sim but it doesn’t have xyz” or “the game is a sim (without telling what it is supposed to emulate)” it is in the same category of BS.
No that is just being pedantic. Pettiness is not an endearing quality in a discussion.
If you don’t know what people mean them ask them to clarify don’t get on a high horse and give an English lesson. Don’t pretend you don’t understand when you know exactly what they mean.
Yes, because we live in 2024, and the game takes place in 2024.
It’s realistic and immersive to have war games set with different rules, and War Thunder’s rules are far more interesting and amazing than any milsim military reject could think of.
Because if someone offers you realism, and you bitch about missing realism even though the topic you whine about has nothing to do with realism. Then you are the a***ole.
Because you qre twisting the words of what has been offered to you.
This is you expecting from gaijin that they use the word wrong in the same way you do.
When they called their game realistic they should have anticipated you not knowing what that means?
That’s a weird expectation.
If u want the game to be realistic then it would be very unbalanced. Why?. Because (i play mostly planes) then we should have had the F15A(with the aim 120) before the F16C and the A variants and there would have been no Mig 29 or su 27 until we had the F15C in 1985 and there is so much more…
No that would be more historically accurate but not more realistic.
Also i called this one as well.
I not described any game just stating more quantity than quality of population
Merci for that clarification.
This is why people just dismiss you as a dick.
So a knight in Armour in a Napoleonic war game is realistic so long as its modeled well ? lol and I am the muppet? :)
That is the except definition of stupidity that the OP gave in the opening address.
No only the modeling of the tanks IS realistic in WT everything else is a joke and that is what the OP is saying.
Then why cant you understand ?
Let us all know if you are autistic or something and we’ll lay off but you are making no sense here.
Its a game expectation in any game to have tanks that may have faced each other in a fact based game. Its silly to have Chinese tanks vs German and a great game would not allow that to happen. We can accept it over time but Gaijin lose respect for it. Many of us see the laziness for what it is.
Gaijin, for want of better phrase “take the piss” by putting 80s vehicles against WW2 and it was never done to make the game better, how could it be? it was done to fill gaps made in error due to a poorly conceived nation line up and a hasty desperation to get the certain countries in the game to make cash.
If you want handguns vs Knights in Armour, then play Skyrim but not War Thunder. There is no justification for the drivel that fills the line ups currently, yes some of us can live with it over time but it’s still poor.
I judge War Thunder by its own high standards early on as does the OP.
Then why are there so many games around which are both realistic and balanced and why should we not demand that from this game?
Once again. I am glad there are people who can enjoy the game we have available at the moment.
But I can not enjoy AirRB in this configuration due to mentioned reasons. We have got 3-4x more people playing at once than we used to have.
We could test more modes, more objectives and so on… AirEC mode or even ground RB EC mode. All I want is the possibility for everyone to play their desired way. I do not like ww2 vehicles vs 1970s vehicles either but I have no option to go around it.
Just give me the opportunity to play AirRB EC mode with 1 - 3 hour time limit. I would gladly play my P51 vs Me262s and be happy. It would be challenging and fun for me even if I would end up loosing the battle. We had historical based events in the past and they were pretty fun for me.
I can just barely enjoy GroundRB, the game has become “dull” with all the changes and restrictions to maps. It forces a certain gamestyle which is aiming to shorten the battle duration and personally I do not like it.
I do not care about winning or loosing, I do not care about the grind anymore as I have everything I ever wanted. All I care about is the enjoyment from the game. I can not enjoy Air RB random battles in their current state when I see Jap planes flying over Berlin, short battles etc…
Once again, I am glad some people can enjoy what we have now but please give us options and do not force the same mode for everyone because it just went stupidly downhill… Air and ground aswell.
Additionally if they focus on fixing all the bugs, graphical issues, sound issues and all the other problems, the game could be in far better state than it is at the moment. It is reaching the point where the game is unplayable on certain maps/ positions due to rendering issues. WT was more “esports ready” in 2015-2018 than it is now due all these problems. They just keep rolling them in front of them and the ball is just getting bigger.
Who cares? what else is there to say to you? The issue has been explained several times and you just ignore it and say “but i want it my way” like a child.
No that isn’t tanks are not controlled that way. They cannot magically repair barrels without support. Their guins do not phase through objects.
Again, what are you on about. your claim was it is unrealistic. What is or isn’t right for a great game is a completely different topic. You are just using the word realistic, because that is what Gaijin pride themselves on and you think you can get your wishes by calling them realistic. it’s dishonest nothing more. Why not say it makes the game better? wouldn’t that be enough? wjhy lie and call it more realistic?
i never claimed that i want this, i claimed it could be done and still be realistic. But ia am pretty sure i am here to fly aircraft… so that’s a bit off.
Are you not able to see the difference between applying a definition and saying what you want?
i am all for historical matchups, in addition to the regular battles. But i will never call it more realistic (because it isn’t). And i will never let anyone get aways with calling it more realistic. Because if you have toi lie to make my point i will sh*t on you. And you deserve it.
So stop being a prick and be honest that you simply want historical matchups and don’t act like it would increase realism. Can you do that? it isn’t hard and more honest.
And don’t mix up what i want with what is realistic. my entire post was about what is realistic and not about what i want. i am capable of assessing this independently… unlike you it seems.
Oh stop it, Your argument was wrong and stupid. i am allowed to point that out.
you not havind a clue is sort of the theme here.
This is the point you muppet. It’s not so called realism. It is the Definition oof realism. That’s what i am trying to explain to you.
What you think realism is and what it is actually is, are two seperate things. Fantasy cenarios are perfectly realistic as everything is physically correct. Realism has zero to do with realistic composition.
You are wrong. And you are not willing to admit that, this is why you act like you don’t understand that point and change the subject.
If Jesus getting babtized in front of a medieval french church is a defining artpiece of realism, than this is realistic as well.
This is the painting in question. It is realistic even though it is historical nonsense. It is realistic because the proportions and physical attributes are all correct. That’s all realism cares about. The same is true for any media representation, since the same definition of realism applies.
The only other existing realism does not apply to media depictions and therefore doesn’t work with War Thunder.
What you want isn’t called “realism” it is called “historical authenticity” and Gaijin never said they offer that. I am with you in whishing they did (optional) like back when we had regular historical events… but it doesn’t make it realism. And i will not let you call it realism just because you are misinformed.
You are a baffing creature dude. Definite mental illness here.
(yeah, get flagging people)
Because i can read definitions and apply them?
Dude, this is why i can’t take you serious.