Yes, because they do spend money on the game.
I’m poorer than most non-gaming computer owners playing War Thunder.
The most common reason is their work doesn’t require a more powerful computer so they don’t see a reason of getting one.
Yep, its a small price to pay for accessability of the game, one any half decent person should be willing to pay. Like I said earlier, just because people abuse it to sweat doesnt mean we should be stopping people playing the game. War thunder isnt a competative game, its an arcade shooter. If you want a fully fair game go play tournaments where everyone just abuses meta vehicles.
How is an online PvP game not competitive? And sacrificing the competitive integrity of the game is hardly a small price to pay.
I wouldnt say no to a bit of a ground-up overhaul of the engine. There are some clear examples of spaghetti code at times and some things really need overhauls like IR signatures of aircraft, which I suspect would take quite a fundamental rework.
Graphics are fine. I think they do need to overhaul VR graphics at some point, and things like render distances need work. But overall they are pretty good.
(im not going to get into this argument, but the ULQ “issues” do need to be looked at. The game should be accessible to everyone, but UQL does give a significant advantage if you dont mind playing on the lower graphics. Im sure there is a middle ground, like making all foliage appear, just at a lower resolution)
Physics engine could do with an update at some point too. So that things like airframe damage could be better modeled. At the moment an aircraft looses an entire wing where perhaps instead a hole should be created in that wing and that damage and its aerodynamic impact modeled. But that is kinda extensive as well.
I would like to see higher fidelity damage model for aircraft in general though,
TLDR: I dont think I want a second game persay, but I wouldnt say no to some fundamental overhauls of some of the base components of the game at some point
Nah just get a stronger computer, I run this game in 4k and max settings its straight up great looking.
To think I have 2 gaming PCs capable of handling the game in higher settings…
Which changes absolutely nothing…
Can afford? Good for you…
Can not afford? Do something about it…
“It’s hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead.”
Again, it’s called life and unlike you or ULQ defenders, I’m not standing on a corner with a cup in my hand begging others to give me their coin. I prefer to work for that coin…
A small price (which is not small at all) that should be paid by ULQ users, one any half decent person would not ask to be paid by others…
Noone is begging for a PC in this thread, people just want to be able to play the game full stop. I work to live as well, your arrogance is really sad, because youve made it clear you are so closed minded that the conversation is byzantine and was from the start.
It really is, its not like everyone that plays the game plays in ULQ, and most of the people who do are just people chilling not sweating. Its not like it gives you just advantages, it has its disadvantages too.
Lets rephrase the problem.
The biggest issue with ULQ is the lack of things like foliage.
Could a limited (but enough) of that foliage and other map debri be added back in on ULQ, without adversly affecting performance for said players with weaker machines?
Not only you’re begging for playing a game which you can’t afford, you’re also demanding that it should be me to bear the consequences. Tell me about arrogance…
Seeing things you should not be seeing is gamebreaking advantage and should be eliminated. Period!
Honestly, I dont know. Even with ULQ I have issues sometimes, sooo…
My computer really isnt good, and im not sure that it would be able to handle it.
Oh damn, clearly my schizophrenia is hacking then
My guy.
I have to pay for college, and college prices here are massive. I have no money to spend on a new PC, and I simply want to be able to play WT- is that too much to ask? Am I to be gatekept because ‘muh poor bad pc cant play’?
If it can be, i am all down for it. If there is a workaround, then that is what we should be looking for, and obviously if the problem can be solved without removing parts of the playerbase then that is absolutely a good thing, but some people in this thread seem to want to deny people the ability to play the game, which simply isnt fair or (more importantly) going to happen.
I can afford to play the game, i have a decent rig and can and do play on high graphics, but its never been about me, its about the people, including some of my friends, who are unable to afford a good enough PC to run the game on high graphics. I am bearing the consequences same as you, im just not whining about it on the forums.
It should, if possible. but if it means that people are unable to play the game, then it is better to have those people have access. That is the end of the argument, and gaijin has made that abundantly clear.
I think there is a reasonable expectation for a minimum spec. Its unreasonable to expect every machine from the last 15 years should be able to run WT. But at the same time. Credit where credit is due. War Thunder runs great on far more machines than most games. (with my old old PC, it was one of the few games I could consistantly run well at half decent graphics. more than a few games out there are horrifically optimised and have poor consideration for lower spec devices)
But I think there is certainly solutions that have little to no impact on 99% of the playerbase.
This quote is flat out disgusting.
The game is free…
I am honestly amazed that there are people that are actually ignorant of the privileges they take for granted. This isn’t even a cry out for “social justice”, you really need to check yourself.
But that’s a very twisted premise. If you don’t need a better PC to work with and you play with that. You just don’t care much about video games. I doubt they pay.
On my work laptop I could play that way but it’s a horrible experience.
The more logical option is to look for a less demanding game. Not paying to be tortured at 20 FPS.
Terrible fps in angar, we need an optimisation NOW!
In battle it’s still fine, but in hangar. We do not need so much NPC machinery and area, trees. Oh, in my time it was more easy for PC.
if I recall correctly, they did add that in the latest DRAGOR update but then removed it b/c people’s PCs couldn’t handle it. That’s also why you barely see dynamic weather anymore.
The issue that bothers me about the graphics is the short distance you get to see good graphics, but not even 200m away, it all looks like ULQ, as shown in my screenshots above in this post:
With TAA, it looks crispy in the distance. With DLSS on Quality, it looks like ULQ further away. With neither and render resolution maxed, the whole game looks horrific. With SSAA on, it’s not really better either and poorly optimized, as it drags my rig down to 40-50 FPS, which usually runs all the latest modern games without any problem on high settings.
It’s not good when they hold back the graphics/details for the majority of players because of a small minority of the player base. It’s the single only game doing this, and I can’t even imagine how gaming would look like or games like Tekken 8, Elden Ring, Red Dead Two, and the likes if they also did the same thing.
Warframe also looked much worse when it came out, and over time, it continued to upgrade its graphics to a very good point now. I haven’t heard anyone complain about it. It looks far better and is far more taxing on the rig compared to its release but a far better gaming experience.
And I managed to buy a good enough PC for every modern game years ago when I had less than 900€ left after taxes, not even including food costs and the like. That’s less than the average person in places like Mexico or China earns nowadays.
A good enough computer to run War Thunder on medium can be bought for under 300€, and a good enough computer to run all modern games on high settings can be bought for 700€-800€, which is very affordable in my opinion. I have a former friend who bought himself a good gaming computer with social welfare money here in Germany, lol.
Not seeing how it is ‘disgusting’ to point this out. Is every single video game developer aside from Gaijin now disgusting? I don’t see anyone complaining about Baldur’s Gate III not being able to be played on office PCs. Or Steam shutting down its services for older operating systems, also forcing people to upgrade or lose access to all of their games on Steam if they don’t upgrade.
If anything is disgusting, it is to demand the majority of the player base to have a worse experience or to demand that a company intentionally make their games visually worse so a minority can play.
When I was younger, I also had the worst PC among my family and friends. For some years, I only had a 450 GPU and couldn’t play a lot of stuff, but I never once thought of demanding from a game to worsen its graphics just so I could play it while everyone else now has a worse experience with it due to me.
How much did you pay for your setup?