not the Russian one or the Italy one they both only have 12 flairs max or 12 chaff max tho they wont give the aircraft more flairs so it can be able to use it with out getting killed
As someone who has only been killed by Fakour-90s and AIM-54s fired within a range of 4km (without chaff, mind you), I don’t really mind them too much. Just know when to notch, hit the deck, and to use terrain to your advantage.
Yep, only those with legitmate complaint are those without RWR that can face the F-14A.
I do hold a certain degree of Sympathy for those with low CM count or BOL. But they should be fine if played smart.
(and there are alternative solutions for those aircraft than BR change. Like fixing BOL or external CM pods)
was about to mention that, yes… In my personal opinion, aircraft with insufficient RWRs should maybe be moved down
The Su-22M3 we have literally has Syrian roundels.
I don’t know Hungarian one but, I’ve heard from somewhere that current Syrian fitters were ex Hungarian one so, I don’t see any problems for getting additional CMs.
and its Gaijin. The Italian Tornado ADV only has 2x BOL because the RAF Tornado F3 had them.
Easy enough to add CM pods to one because another had it
IRAF should go either 13.0 or 13.3
12.7 is just some bs pay-2-win battle rating
4x Fakour + 2x R27R1 + 2x 9P (< at least it’s IR missile suck, but can’t say that about other 3/4 of its loadout)
Your comments sounds like massive Cope XD to think arh should face sarh or even worse planes without rwr or only limited chaff is so out of touch.
Jets can fight props
IR missiles can fight aircraft without flares (including all-aspect missiles)
SARH carriers can fight aircraft with barely any CMs
PD radars can fight aircraft without PD radars
What is so different about the Aim-54 which is laughably easy to defeat
What aircraft at 11.7+ has no RWR or chaff?