The F14 IRAF Should be moved 0.5 br higher

its anying when you get missel spamed because almost everone plays this plane


How to defend against an F-14A

  1. Turn 90°
  2. Drop chaff

For good measure, fly below 60m and exploit multi - pathing

A new event aircraft being spammed is nothing new but luckily most have no idea how to use it. So they are mostly just wasting ordanance

Should the F-14A be higher? Maybe, but it has weak IR missiles
Should the IRIAF F-14A be higher? Maybe (the missiles buffs its getting will be the deciding factor for this I think)

But with few exceptions, I dont think they are really that big of a threat


I play this plane and can tell yes it shoud get higer. The missiles get a buff next update. They will pull 20G both the sedjil and fakour so 12.7-3.0 sounds fair

Doesn’t really matter, it will get farmed either way.

this works Only if you are in a 1vs1 in other situation this Comment is Coping so you like to farm people with it huh? The other point below 60m this is also stupid because there a a lot of trees ingame wich are even higher so good luck dont hit one. F14 should go higher all of them actually especially because they see still a lot planes per match with no rwr!

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I havent done a single match in it yet. But I have no issue defending against them in the Tornado F3 which has (on-live being fixed this update) a bus of an FM that is hard to enter the notch in and Chaff that are artificially nerfed to be 1/4 as good as they should be. Only really compensated by the fact I can dump loads.

I rarely have an issue flying at 100ft (about 30m) on most maps (even lower if im flying over the ocean). With the Intoduction of RALT, im of the opinion MP should be reduced further to 40-50m.

Im only aware of the J35XS that has no RWR which is currently over BRed and probably needs to go down to 11.0 regardless of the F-14. There are several other aircraft that are likely over BRed and better placed at 11.0 such as the FRS1 or Kfir Canard


The multipathing is only “okay” 60m is fine for now but the higher you get the higher the ammount of missiles and when u get sprayed by 2-4 missiles its likly that you die, not to an skill issue but because the place you are is bad so you face a little spot where you are forced/no other option than go above multipath which is pretty annoying. I have a lot of experince with the 100m multipath thing and it was never a problem to get kills with them. 100m was fine and if someone is below I just spray a IR missile at them they mostly don’t even see it.

Im literly flying like 20 -40 meters above the ground and i get hit
and the misssle gets buffed next update too

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If the missile comes down with a vertical enough angle then regardless of whether MP is 10m or 500m then it would hit you as you are between the missile and the ground. Which is why notch + chaff is always better. Especially as Aim-54s can be kinematically defeated. MP is just a final boost

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Not even chaff nowadays is necessary, just turn a bit

Yeah, if you have a quick aircraft that enters the notch easily. If you are in something a little more sluggish, then chaff helps a lot

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Even better know i know you dont know that you talking about, you didnt do one match in it and think because you can fly passive and notch everything everybody can. also you think compress again instead of up bring one plane is better and on the last point there are countless videos even by big and good cc’s who show how big one a lot of maps the trees are. all youre points are simply invalid. If very good players on yt even say its overperforming i trust them more than a dude in a tornado lol no rlt a single plane shouldnt dictate how the battle is played in one br bracket this is not how balancing works. Another example too show you waht i mean, do you remember how fun it was in nightbattles to fight thermal vehicles only with NV? this is exactly the same problem here, no arh plane should fight no arh planes period

this rarely work against Fakour missles… Even going under 50meters doesnt make missle not to follow you… But I guess thats bug, but Im just too tired in reporting bugs to Gijin non stop, like so many bugs I would be embarrassed, and then they want us to be their testers and bug finders for FREE while overpricing game items and then after you buy it they nerf it…Just a joke thats be on for 10+ years…

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So i am only allowed to comment on how to defend against an F14A if I have played it?

What a stupid answer. Why do I need to play the F14A to comment on how to defend against an F14A in what was one of the worst the turning aircraft in game with the weakest chaff in game.

Sounds like you have major skill issues


They can add AIM-9Ls.

Problem solved.

Yep, If they do it could quite happily move up. But this is Gaijin we are talking about. Simple solutions are rarely taken.

F14a doesnt need any new missles just put it to 13.7 it will be fine there

Honestly, I don’t have any issues for giving AIM-9Ls for historical side.

Gaijin modeled the F-14A Early from the 1977 SAC that didn’t mention about AIM-9Ls, but the U.S. Navy tested the AIM-9L with the F-14A at China Lake that same year. Also, as far as I know, AIM-9L can use same missile launcher with AIM-9G/H without any modifications.

I don’t remember its specific name :/

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Also my J-8F that has PL-12.

They are really annoying when I play F-14s because A model doesn’t have decent RWR.

So… you are claiming the F-14A is equal to the F-15C and other 13.7 airfames