The difference between the Eurofighter and the Rafale is simply abysmal

MICA is bad? Lol, you are delusional.

In the META, not worst. But bad. Worst is r77. But man, I can barely hit at 20km with mica. I saw many f15E flying mach 2 into space, sending 8 Amraam at 40/50km. And they just obliterate the enemy team. 30km to be accurate.
The range is more meta than turn.

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R-Darter/Derby would like to prove you otherwise


Su-27Sm based on what the forum guys are saying is great now with it’s buffs.
It is hardly incapable of dealing with the F-15, Gripen, EF and Rafale.

Russia will recieve an Su-30Sm2, and Su-35/35m in the future.

Im sure the R-darter doesnt have an onboard radar…thing just likes to miss anyshot over 15km is a waste.

You can choose to not fly straight into the AMRAAMS. When you see an F-15E on your RWR or see high contrails start notching, the 120s will miss you in most cases.

We had to do the exact same thing with the Aim54 spam. If you fly straight and dont react you will likely get hit

Lol go back to earth bro.

Rafale F3R isn’t as it is in game.

It is simple as this.

It never was “incapable”, the problem is every jet you just listed is likely still leagues better.

With the same ass FM/avionics probably yeah, even post buff I have doubts that it will change anything overall.

Youre right I just didnt notice the fm changes but its weapons are still terrible (R-77 is the second worse ARH on any top tier jet and the R-73 isnt the greatest) and the radar is in fact worse than the MiG-29SMTs which in of itself is terrible conpared to now EVERY other nation in the game.

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Again its not the R-Darter and Derby are worse.

My bad forgot those things exist youre right but the R-77 is still absolutely terrible

My thing is that the Russians arent getting equal jets to the west atm and then they only buff flight models AFTER jets that have way better FMs come into the game. Like the radar honestly sucks and the missiles suck the thing is faster and turns better now but its too little too later. I unironically believe they should give it nerfed R-77-1s and just treat them like gaijin treats PL-12s and AAM-4s

F-15 was the GOAT still is the BVR king.
Gripen has 6 missiles vs Su-27 10…
EF/Rafale is new and very potent as you would expect being Gen 4.5


right, so the already struggling su27’s are struggling more now presumably, even with FM buffs I doubt it matters.

I appreciate the response.
Keep being awesome.

If you dont see having 10 missiles as an advantage I dont know what to say to that.

I still don’t know how you can call the radar of the Su-27 good. It’s by far the worst radar at top tier assuming that captor-M gets fixed.

Flanker FM is fine now, MiG-29fm is perfectly accurate to his manual… the only thing that some people claim missing on the MiG-29 is an engine “war mode” but I found nothing about it so far.
The MiG-29A can dogfight against the F-16C in sim controls, F-16A is completely over performing so it’s not a fulcrum issue there.

While thrust is likely still to high and still balanced with high drag, this compensation is actually made fairly well now. The overall performance for getting it even more right wouldn’t change so much (it would likely decrease a little bit near transonic range which is an important speed in air rb).

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10 missiles is a decent advantage but the issue is the weaponry arent the greatest. Im not asking for it to be better than everyone else and I honestly do not want to see something like the Su-35 at the moment I just want to play both the soviets and americans and have fun. The soviets are not fun as of now.

You need to be able to use those missiles.
4 of those are R73 that are extremely limited in uses, especially in a typical BVR matches.
8 of them, or 6 if you take R27ET, have an effective range of about 15km at sea level, 25 higher.
0-2 ET are very potent missiles, but again, they’re quite niche. They’re long-range IR missile with a maximum acquisition range of 20km. If the map is cloudy, might as well not take them at all, they will never lock.

Flanker’s radar is horrible, but the SMT radar is perfectly fine, it’s actually among the best of the mechanical scanned ones. It tracks well, TWS is reliable and gimbal limits are excellent. Only range is below average.