The difference between the Eurofighter and the Rafale is simply abysmal

Congratulations gaijin, you managed to make Danger zone 2.0
They launched a completely broken plane (clearly with the FM not finishing), completely unbalanced and no competitors.
Eurofighter is simply a UFO that carries one of the best fox 3 in the game, with the weight of half an F15E.
It’s worse than Gripen when he came to the game… It’s a lot of power, for very little weight with the strongest weapon kit in the game.

The rafale in compensation is diametrically opposite…simply sad plane .
It has one of the worst fox 3 for the current meta, it has fewer missiles than its previous plane (mirage2k5f),it has an amsi radar that looks like a PESA than an aesa, incomplete FM, completely unstable, you have the WORST missile kit possible for a 14.0 plane.


Its historical tho, ive seen plenty of sources in the bug report. The eurofighter should actually have 2 more aim 120s but they didnt add those. I cant comment on the fm yet but the loadout is as good as its gonna get, im sorry but I think yall overhyped the rafale


The Rafale had a PESA radar to begin with. I do agree that there are FM inaccuracies that should be fixed.

As for the missile count, ask for the F4 version.

no F3-R has an aesa RBE2 AA


Weapon types and their count is a balance thing

  • RU Forum Moderator
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The eurofighter being a ridiculous airframe with ridiculous flightperformance. And ridiculous engine performance with massive Thrust to Weight is realistic



Yh but the rafale doesnt get anymore anyway

We’ll see you in the next few weeks and in the next hotfix


Last i’ve seen, Eurofighter is underperforming :D

Rafale though should probably need some TLC first though

Afaik this is true, allegedly its supercruise and tws is still wrong

No competitors? Typhoon, F-15C/E, Rafale, Su-27SM are all competitors.
Just don’t play air RB like it’s 1v1 dogfights.

No evidence at this time. Not even the experts advising Heatblur has claimed that at this time.

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Well, it should be able to supercruise at Mach 1.5 with a full combat load, but the devs consider this a marketing lie despite primary sources against this. So thats fun.

A lot of FM related bug reports were held off in the dev server because they asked us to until live due to how much of a WIP it was. but fully expecting a LOT of reports in the next few weeks for it

How you or I feel about the jet is not relevant. Only that it is accurate ( as far as we know)
Its actually currently slightly overweight and slightly underpowered engine wise, lol

Ive seen a bugreport saying it can carry double pylon asraams being accepted

Yeah, unfortunately its probably a case of “It can be done, just has never been publicly done during peace time and any documentation for it isnt available to the public”

Happens quite a bit with loadout options. Like the wing mounted GBU-24s on the Tornado or BOL with the twin rails on the SHar, no reason why it couldnt be done, it just never was for various reasons.

ASRAAMs are not AMRAAMs unfortunately

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Even when pilots are saying it’s 8 missiles only, I doubt they’re under NDA for missile count, and they’re easily told how many missiles their aircraft can hold.
Granted, pilot testimony can’t and shouldn’t be used regardless.
So we stick with available documentation and photos.

Welcome to our club


Probably, because the double pylon are not in use, but there is evidence of them