The conquer needs a reload buff, but how much or how little should it be?

M103 is fine

Your APBC ammunition should penetrate more at 60°.

Idk what it should have but when i spaded this tank it was great
U have good round from the start with pretty consistent 1 shots
Decent engine all tho low max speed
Good armor(turret is invincible in downtiers)
Good gun handaling and lrf

Yea the reload is slow but with such a monster rounds its fair and its not that slow with max crew

It’s just the 50% chance of shell shatter on vehicles as poorly armoured as 10mm or 15mm thick that makes it unplayable. I fired 3 shots into a marder at close range, 3 she’ll shatters on the side armour and my mate killed it with a 20pdr apds.

The normal ap? Never happend to me myabe bounced
Also i have good heat

No definitely she’ll shatter. Funnily enough I more easily penetrate is4 weakspot now with 20pdr apds then conqueror 120 apds. It’s just horrible and though it’s in my lineup it’s never played unless everything else died. Literally gone from my favourite 7.7 in the game of all trees to an absolute chore to play.

Speaking of apds that is absolutely dogwater, the other day I was using replay just to get a different perspective of what happen during a match, then I pick this T-10M in my team and noticed that he was carrying one type of ammo which was the APDS, guy has good reaction on things and always managed to hit his target first but horeshet every single hit should have been a guaranteed kill if he was using the APHE, at the end before he got surrounded by three enemies and finally killed I counted he lands a total of five hits on targets which four could have been straight out deleting the target if he was using the APHE and it took him near 20 seconds to reload I think he hadn’t even invest on expert crew. First APDS shot to the turret cheek of Carnarvon only delete one front crew and yellowed the one sitting behind it, and another shot hit the upper track to the slightly angled side of Centurion and the APDS got absorbed and track turn yellow, no damage beyond that. I have to sneak into that guy’s DM and send him a message to suggest that he should ditch that useless rounds and go with APHE 100% or maybe a few HEATFS, otherwise he was using Conquerer in 8.3 match and wasting the vehicle potential and also the potential to have fun lol

I’m not saying it’s not good, but when you use APBCs there are times when it’s hard to pierce the T-54, IS-3 and T-10, when that gun and that bullet were designed to be able to destroy them without problems at long distances.

Well i bely if never got shell shatter with ap its just a bounce or non pen
Apds do shatter a lot tho

Use heat then

The UK tanks don`t use HEAT

The problem with the HEAT-FS is that it does very low damage, and that’s if the game decides to make it work well on that shot, since many times one hit will only kill the enemy tank driver.

What AP are you using? My conq only has apds and even worse HESH

No, we were talking about the American M103.

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Im talking about m103

Thats not true in the last few months gaijin buffed the spall of heat and apds
Center mass shots are 80% one shot
Or u can aim for ammo and in this br heat pen evrything

Ahh im talking about the m103

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The topic is about conqueror, that’s what I’m talking about lol

Yea just some guy said the m103 can use a buff too so i said its not

Yes, I know, sorry for the change of conversation.
Back to the topic, I think that the Conqueror should have a realistic reload time, what should be revised in the game is the breakage of the APDS and a complete review of the damage of the HESH. An important issue should also be revised, since the breakage of the bullets was added to the game, the fact that tungsten carbide bullets spalled more than tungsten alloy ones should also be added.

I simply clarified two facts, that the APBC lacks some penetration at 60° and that the HEAT-FS are very inconsistent with the damage.