The common mindset of WT Air RB

Yes they are though.
They have decisions and choices.
Choices which impact others than themselves.
Teamwork and co-ordination is key, it does not take alot.
But majoirty want to prove something to randoms, so they throw teamwork and common sense out the window in favour of presenting slanted statistics or progression.

I guess your right. which is my ultimate conclusion.

They aren’t aware that they are a hinderance. You are giving the average player way to much credit in the knowledge department. If they are intentionally doing it, that is different. If they are unintentionally doing it because they don’t know better then that is just part of playing with other humans.

I play Warthunder for me all the time. I don’t side climb for my teammates, I do it so I have an advantage over enemies. I have learned ways to edge out other players to get to bases first so I can progress. Expecting other players to be out for the good of the team instead of putting themselves first in unwise in Warthunder.

If you want to go for head on kills, fly accross the map into the ground, or fly around without shooting anyone that is your decision. Every player holds this decision power for their own actions and will deal with those consequences accordingly by being successful or unsuccessful.

Now on to your example.
I see that happen every day I play in every BR range, in every game mode. It isn’t a surprise when 4 XP-50s dive on a B-25 at the same time. It isn’t a surprise when I see teammates try to dogpile all the ground attackers and then can’t defend themselves from other fighters. I know what I need to do to avoid those bad situations, and I take action accordingly. You thinking that I would need you to come intentionally do it to me to experience that is baffling.

I feel what you are saying, teammates are a let down most of the time in this game. I get bothered when 4 heavy tanks sit in the back sniping while I push forward in a tank destroyer, but I can only control me and what I do. It is just the nature of the beast in this style of game.

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they are, they have a choice to make. They would rather get a kill as quickly as possible and not help their team and then lose match, rather than not get the kill, stay alive, help friends and win match.

That is a massive problem.

I could survive 1v5 and not die.

Majority would happily die and get 1 kill or none, because 100% aggression is only method they know.
And if you are not exceptionally proficient with your aggression, you aint getting nowhere, and only certain vehicles are suitable for such.

If none apply and your not willing to adapt or not willing to be in the best vehicle all the time or just simply charge in like a lunatic, i genuinely dont want you on my team because your just a liability.

Dude, you are making me laugh cause I’ve seen people take some of the worst aircraft and get to the top of the leaderboard. Hell, I’ve been able to do this with a Zero while fighting jets and I’ve already admitted many times to people that I do not care about your stats. I embrace them. Which typically shuts them up.

Trying to claim Oh you must play this one aircraft, is not a smart idea.

i think you are misunderstanding me brother.

that is the complete opposite of what i am saying.

Pretty sure i haven’t.

that is the mentality the majority use.

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Your funny to think that but go ahead provide me source of “This” majority who do this. That you claim exist.

EVEN better… just team kill them! XD

You just… replied to my same comment twice. At any rate, if all these terrible and dumb players are so ubiquitous, surely there are plenty of them on the enemy team for you to kill too.

Also, on the topic of playing for fun, I play Air RB with a stick and throttle. It’s nowhere near as “efficient” as mouse aim, especially in the fine aim department, but it’s infinitely more fun to me. I am not “screwing over my teammates”, I’m simply playing the game in a more enjoyable manner, one which happens to not be the most meta/ideal/etc way possible. And that’s okay.

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I don’t entirely agree but I can understand people prioritizing enjoyment and experience over individuals being over-serious. Unduly.

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Ok and? I fail to see why I should care. I’ve played against and with people who had shitty stats but knew my actions, and were able to mirror them pretty well yet was crap.

The fact that you are writing a 14-page college-grade essay already tells me you cannot convince me. Nor would i either way.

All things in moderation, of course. I do try my best to play smart and win matches within that self-imposed handicap.

Ironically (considering OP’s complaints), head-ons are something I avoid like the plague, as that lack of pixel-precise mouse aim is at its most acute in head-ons.

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I do fake-outs. I’m purposely waiting for them to lose patience and go in, I fire, break downwards, and turn.

Almost always screws them over since they need to lift and readjust since I’m pulling them into a dogfight. It’s a gamble since if I lose count of my timing then I’m dead.

Oh and for you Ham, write a 15-page essay and don’t expect anyone to read it unless they’re ripping it to shreds. It’s little more than a rant post. That lacks even the ability to properly spell.


look mate if you grinded all the way top to 12.7 while only using meta premiums, good for you.
If you got to toptier just to fly in, launch missiles and hope for the best, good for you.

I just dont think it’s very productive or engaging for the playerbase.

Over 3k vehicles, - only play 3 premiums because god forbid you have any kind of disadvantage.

Only play those 3 premiums because i want top tier.

When i get top tier, fuck team, happy to throw the entire match for an insignificant bomber who has no outcome on the match but then watch team die or not choose to help because of risk and impacts how others receive my playercard.

Everyone here complains about team-mates yet everyone has the inability to consider they are someone else’s team mate? Your actions also matter, everyone aint here to cater to you.

I expect many to talk shit about me, crack on, but i will always try to be a good team mate for you, even at my own expense. Otherwise i would just play a bloody tower defesnse game on my phone.

Here we go again 15-page college grade rant essays. Got anything else you wanna say?

come fly with me mate, 12.7 i will shoot a ground target then leave, you deal with rest. :)

I fail to see why I should. Cause what you have been writing consists of Nothing burgers and straw-manning.