The BMD-4M Should Be Added as Both a Tech Tree and Premium Vehicle, Like the JA37DI and PzH 2000 - Please leave a vote


I just hope this doesn’t is final.

Some support the BMD-3M which is a good vehicle but considering the firepower would probably be at 10.0 or 10.3, which is nothing wrong but I want to play something with the Berezhok Combat Module I would just pick the BMP-2M.

The thing with the BMD-4M is: It could be a alternative to players to have access to such powerful machine by simply grinding it for a few hours and enjoying the same way people that owns the BMD-4.


And if they change this situation by adding a tech tree counterpart, this may reflect in future addition, which, I think is slowly being changed with the PzH2000 for Germany as tech tree vehicle and the PzH2000HU for Italy as premium vehicle, not forgetting about the JA 37DI.

This definitely needs to be addressed… 2 Prem/Event and no tech tree Variants…

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It has been addressed if you read 2 comments above yours.

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Can u link the Smin response?

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I pray you reconsider.

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Still hoping for the italian TT PzH2000 one

it was datamined, but seems like in a future update

What? Italian what? BMD or the PZH?

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All of that, plus APFSDS. I would consider replacing BMP-2M with that one!

PzH2000, edited the first comment too

I mean, you could give any 2A42/2A72 autocannon user APFSDS if you wanted to. I think there’s more interesting variants of the BMP-3 to add than one with slat armor, too. Possibly the Berezhok one for the TT, or there was also one with an Ataka launcher mounted on top of the turret.

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I just feel like they keep addint billions of light vehicles on the 9.0-10.3 range, but none to 11.0+, hahah.

I really would like to have higher-end/capability IFVs which could be more suitable for 12.0 gameplay. At least something 10.7 worthy or something.

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Kurganets-25 probably the best not so overpowered option for top tier IFV. T-15 Barbaris maybe not.

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Besides Russia of course lol.

There are dozens of variants of the BMP-3 to add and all we have is a relatively easy production one. We could get the AU-220 turreted BMP-3 for a TT 2S38 equivalent.

For higher tier, we could get the BMP-T, of course, or perhaps the T-15, or its predecessor the BTR-T.


Hey guys. We wanted to clarify that we have plans for a researchable BMD variant in the tree next year. As we mentioned, other variants were always within our plans to bring to the game.


Is it a BMD-4 variant?

If it isn’t, then that doesn’t address the problem of locking the BMD-4M as a premium.


But I want it now. (Peter Griffin reference)


Gaijin could do their favourite thing which is ctrl-c and ctrl-v, add BMD-4M to TT and everyone would be happy.

Nope, we have to wait till spring for BMD-1, then summer for BMD-2… And finally BMD-3/3M unless they decide to also make it premium, because russia clearly lacks options.