As long as we don’t get a bajillion of them. Japanese F-15s are useless for CAS, so we better not get more of those
I might be a bit biased here, but there’s a few that I’d still want. Like the one fitted with IRST, the future JSI and some form of F-15DJ.
Also an F-15E derivative. Right now looks like F-15SG is the only option, but I’d also be more than happy with an F-15IDN when and if that becomes a thing, considering Indonesia is a much more agreed on second subtree option.
Dont ask to much, otherwise we only get some F-15’s for the TT and F-2’s as premiums.
Don’t give them ideas…
Would be funny if the Japanese had the tested F-14 lol
It’s been confirmed by Smin that we are getting a TT BMD variant this year for Russia
fun fact there was a suggestion of it.
From JASDF equipment.
The only multi-purposed aircraft is F-1 and F-2
The domestic navy 4th gen fighter aircraft from 3 countries in the next major update theme ?
Gr9A perhaps
I know : D
But with the removal of the R2Y2’s it’s only a matter of time they remove the AJ, so the chances of the F-14 is slim
Good thing i am spending rp on AJ
The legacy hornet 80’s or late Iraqi freedom for USA tech tree ?
Might be to researchable tree after Harrier GR.7 in rank 8
anyone know when the next sale is supposed to be? its in the spring sometime correct?
V-Day is usually the next big sale
V-e or V-j?
Victory in Europe
thank you kind sir
Incoming events
The next two event vehicles are a ship and ground vehicle respectively. The ground vehicle is based on a vehicle we have already but with a completely different weapons system which should change how it plays entirely, keep an eye out for them over the coming months!
Has anybody here speculated what it could be?