The Ariete “Certezza” premium tank has been added with this latest update and it looks very nice.
Sadly, though, the main drawback of the Ariete is still there: the terrible armour.
There is a Bug report from more than a year ago, which was passed to the developers several months ago. This report details a way to improve the armour and make the situation a little more bareable.
Considering this new premium and the attention it is drawing, it would be a great time for the devs to take a closer look to the Ariete and it s protection. It would benefit the players and the appeal of this new premium tank.
Here is an example of how the WAR kit, which adds 5,5t to the vehicle (and cannot even be removed in the modification menu), provides little to no tangible benefit.
275 mm LOS worth of a sloped 140mm thick angled module that makes the tank 5,5 tons heavier providing only 10mm KE is H I L A R I O U S.
If they fixed the armor of the Arietes, I would be interested on Italy and purchase this vehicle.
But this… bad joke? I’ll pass until they fix them.
Oh, and they should remove DM53, keep the historical CL3143 shell, and reduce the BR significantly; at least to 11.3, ideally to 11.0, even with the fixed armor- and even more so without it.
That honestly just shows their attitude towards Italy, trying to sell horribly implemented tank, completely ignoring bug reports about its armor (only correcting the weight in the past).
Then they will remove it from sales wondering why people don’t want to purchase it.
WAR kit is just comical, it’s something like 5.5 t of farts than actual armor. IRL it is intended to protect against kinetic energy/apfsds shells, while in WT it makes it worse than Kontankt-1.
Panorama Difesa Numero 401 - November 2020 (P.44): “The War kit sees the installation of additional plates for the protection of the turret and hull from direct hits with APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot) type armor-piercing projectiles.”
RIVISTA MILITARE 2005 N.2 (P.67): “The first, called “war”, with peculiarities aimed at improving survival against kinetic energy ammunition, will be installed on the entire “Ariete” wagon fleet.”
Damn they accepted the bug report a year ago and we still ain’t seeing any sign of progress even with a premium ariete.
At this point is really just a joke: why the hell do they not fix the ariete armour? It’s clear that doing it would make the new premium sell more so they have a pretty strong incentive (insert picture of mr krab saying “I like money”)
Italian coastal sucks badly, especially some recent additions such us RN Ghibli, this thing is sitting at 4.0 while having everything worse than even 3.3 vessels and you can’t persuade Gaijin to move it lower, because they don’t have their own statistics as Ghibli is played (or tryed to be played) by a very few amount of people.
This is comparison with new 3.7 Grecale for example:
And Grecale is not even something special at 3.7, Ghibli is worse than reserve destroyers, worse than frigates of other nations from lower brs.
Freccia was a lot of fun, even a bit annoying for enemy destroyers, then they nerfed HE belts and bumped it to fight light cruisers lol
Add to that 0 squadron vehicles, while USSR is getting its 6th already…
Honestly I thought at least with the introduction of subtree, Italy will get way more options in terms of premiums/squadron, but actually not much has been changed.
There were some nice moments, for example Ariete used to have the best shell in the game compared to what other nations had, making it a cool railgun/glass cannon; R3 was marathon grinder for completing capture points, it made Italy the most popular nation during marathons in the past 😆
I would say Italy is still worth to play and have a ton of cool stuff, there are powerful GRB lineups with good CAS options, though some very old issues like massacred Ariete armor disencourage people to play it.
Oh, I heard about this before!
I saw some humor about that Italy’s main tactic on the ground RB when they didn’t get the Hungarian Leopard 2
utilize Centauro
farm a good amount of spawn points
If you die, initiate revenge CAS planes and show hell to enemies
Anyway, thanks for a sincere answer to my question. I hope you guys get proper care from Gaijin someday, too.
I really thought it was annoying when Japan got an F-16A OCU with AIM-120 while Italy still failed to get an AIM-120 on their F-16A ADF.
The moment that “F-16C has 120CM, while F-16A ADF has 60cm with worse engine, nobody’s gonna play it anyway” claim has gone invalid as long as 16A OCU has 45CM total. :|
For now, I am grinding Italy ‘slowly’ because there are Tornados left to spade
and your reply added some extra enthusiasm!
I think I might need to pay extra attention for grind when Gaijin finally decides to fix Ariete’s armor. XD
In my experience the problem with reports is that mods want only one thing: numbers.
This obviously cannot work with modern equipment, which is often classified.
The cool thing is that, with this report, they have numbers to work on. Therefore there is no more reason for them to wait, this is as good as it gets.
Yeah, this is especially annoying since when they modelled these tanks they didn’t have numbers as well and used pure assumptions and it was even before Ariete weights were corrected (like it weighed 53 t without add-on kits and 54 t with WAR).